Teamfight Tactics Best Zippy Builds To Use

Best TFT Zippy Builds
10 Oct 2022

Sir Zipinald Shadowchaser Whitewing, First of His Name, Harbinger of Dawn, Bardictus of the Bristlewood might be one of the most underrated and slept-on units of the whole set. Despite the bombastic name, Zippy can be a key unit in guild comps that can either be flexed as a hard-hitting carry that jumps to the backline or an unkillable tank with infinite shields. 
In this guide, I will be showcasing the strength of Zippy by breaking down the comp’s early, mid, and final boards, which items and augments to use, and finally some tips and tricks to zip through to your enemies. 

Final Board:

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This will be your final board when running Zippy as he acts as a solid tank and trait bot, buffing Xayah and Shyvana nicely with the 6 Guild buff. Prioritize itemizing Xayah in this comp with Guinsoos + Hand of Justice + GS/LW/DB, while giving Zippy tank items would cap off a potentially stronger guild Xayah variant compared to the one in meta.

This final board focuses on Xayah scaling safely from the backlines as the fight stalls out. With Zippy CCing the backline, drawing aggro, and soaking huge amounts of damage, Xayah and the other units can play a picture-perfect front-to-back fight which Xayah rarely loses.

What makes this comp so strong?

Guild Xayah has been around since the pioneer stages of Set 7, with the Guild buffs complimenting Xayah’s kit almost perfectly and making her a strong solo-carry if she is able to ramp up in fights. The Guild and Ragewing units complement each other to the tee, with the two strongest Ragewing units (Xayah and Shyvana) pairing up with the solid Guild units (Twitch and Jayce).
Adding Zippy to this board counts as 3 extra Guild for a 2-slot unit, allowing us to drop the useless Sej late in the game to run 2 Dragons and a much more reliable frontline in Zippy.

Early Game:

The goal of the early game is to slam your Xayah and Zippy items early on units that can efficiently utilize them. Slamming these items on a 2-star AD carry or high-roll Zippy as your opener would guarantee a win streak and enable you to hit the final board easily.

Although win streaking is always good, the important thing about this comp is to get rich as fast as possible and have BIS (or close to BIS) items. This can be achieved through lose-streaking and getting a high pick priority on each carousel.

Example Board 1:

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This board would be an ideal example of slamming Xayah and Zippy items early, as the units in this comp are cheap and easy to hit while still being impressively strong for the cost. This comp also has similar traiting and units for our desired final board, allowing the mid-game and late game pivots to be fairly smooth.

Ezreal temporarily acts as Xayah’s replacement and item holder in the early game, as he benefits insanely well from Swiftshot and Guild bonuses, while Nasus or any other early-game Guardians can hold items for Zippy.

Example Board 2:

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Another great example of a strong AD board that can carry you into the mid-game with stable HP and a possible win streak. Senna with Xayah items and a cannoneer online would kill an infinite number of units, whereas Sett with tanky items and the Dragonmancer buff can absorb a lot of damage for the time being.

This board is also fairly cheap to hit and may actually be stronger than the first example board. However, the pivot is much harder as none of the units are similar to the end-game comp.

Mid Game:

Example Board 1:

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So the odds of hitting a 4 cost are pretty low on 7, so now you have a Zippy, no Xayah, and have both tank and damage items slammed. What do you do? This mid-game comp allows you to slam the damage items on Zippy while having Rakan or Hecarim hold the tank items until the Level 8 Pivot and roll down.

Although Zippy is meant to be an annoying, backline-jumping, tank, he is still a solid carry if you 2-star him early and stack some damage items. The supposed tank is now a Bruiser/Assassin that is deleting the enemy's backline one by one while constantly shielding himself to soak damage.

Example Board 2:

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This board has Zippy hopping back on the main tank while the sins like Rengar hold Xayah’s items to try to kill as many units as possible. This board is not ideal and is usually played if you are low-rolling, but can save you lots of HP and maybe snipe out a backline carry if you catch em off guard. 
With Sej, Twitch, and Zippy in this comp already, the pivot on Level 8 is fairly easy as this board has established Guild units already drafted.


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Zippy: BIS: Warmogs, Titans
Good Items: Sunfire, Gargoyle, Bramble, Dragons Claw


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Xayah: BIS: Guinsoos*, Hand of Justice/Bloodthirster
Good Items: Giant Slayer, Last Whisper, Deathblade


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Shyvana BIS: Morello, Spark
Good Items: Jeweled Gauntlet, Warmogs, Bramble, Dragons Claw

Silver: Stand United 1*, Electrocharge 1*, First Aid Kit*, Second Wind, Celestial Blessing 1*, Weakspot, Guild Heart*, Ragewing Heart

Gold: Celestial Blessing 2*, Stand United 2, Electrocharge 2, Portable Forge, Guild Crest*, Loot Master, Scorch,

Prismatic: Celestial Blessing 3*, Stand United 3*, High-End Shopping, Level Up, Verdant Veil, Wise Spending, Windfall, Best Friends, Guild Crown*

With this comp, Celestial Blessing, Stand United, First Aid Kit, and Guild/Ragewing Crests/Crowns are the best augments you can get. With CB, Xayah and Zippy can survive much longer in fights and sustain damage from stray skills such as Sohm or Lux. 

First Aid Kit procs on Zippy shields and Ragewing healing.

Guild Crests/Crown gives us the option to now tech in 8 Guild, which provides the whole team with an insane stat buff, while Ragewing Crest/Crown enables 6 Ragewing in the final comp.

Pros and Cons

Pros: This comp does not rely on insane amounts of econ or high HP/win streaks. Although good econ definitely helps, the goal is to always level to 8 on 4-2/ 4-3 and roll down for Xayah 2 and some frontline upgrades, rather than saving econ to go 9 and pivot into legendaries. Another pro is that it is fairly easy to pivot into, as you are just looking to run guild members + Xayah and Rakan, and maybe a lucky Shyvana during your rolldown.

Cons: One major con of this comp is that Xayah, Shyvana, and the other guild members are heavily contested as they are insanely strong in the current meta. This means that if you miss Xayah and are stuck with an AD Zippy 2 as your main carry, due to Zippy’s single target nature, your losses are going to cost you infinite HP.

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Tips and Tricks

  • Good econ always helps, so make sure you keep those streaks consistent so you can stay rich.
  • Keep in mind, the majority of the lobby is rolling at 8 on 3-2 and guild Xayah is pretty contested. This means that in order to hit more units compared to the lobby, you need more gold to roll down.
  • Zippy shield scales of max HP, which is why Warmogs is BIS on him. With Zippy constantly tanking, he often, makes Warmogs a max value item for him.
  • Giant Slayer is a hidden BIS item for Zippy, since his skill targets the highest HP % unit, almost guaranteeing GS to proc on each cast.

I hope this guide answers all your questions, and I wish you guys the best of luck in your future games. Abuse this comp while you can, as it is one of the best-performing and safest comps to get an easy Top 4 with!

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