TFT: How To Win Every Game (10 Great Tips)

30 Mar 2023

Winning at TFT can feel like a rollercoaster ride with its ups and downs. In some games, you'll come out on top, while in others, you'll be at the bottom of the  leaderboard. But what if we told you that there are some tips and tricks that can help you win every game? It's not magic, but it does require strategy and knowledge of the game. In this article, we'll be sharing with you 10 great tips that will give you an edge over your opponents and help you secure the victory.

10. Managing your Economy

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Balancing your budget is key to victory in Teamfight Tactics!

Managing your economy is crucial for success in TFT. It's not just about spending gold on units, but also about accruing interest to increase your overall wealth. For every 10 gold you have, you'll earn 1 gold in interest at the end of the round up to a maximum of 5 gold.  Therefore, your main goal is to reach 50 gold as soon as possible. 

This means that saving up gold instead of immediately spending it can pay off in the long run. Additionally, win and lose streaks can give you extra gold, with 2-3 win/lose streaks awarding 1 extra gold, 4 win/lose streaks awarding 2 extra gold, and 5+ win/lose streaks awarding 3 extra gold.

By accumulating gold early on and managing your economy, you'll be able to afford leveling up and rolling for powerful units in the late game. It's important to remember that even a single gold saved early on can lead to a large payout in the late game. 

How it works:

Don't hold onto expensive units in the early stages of the game, especially if you're not playing them on your board.

Don't roll deep early in the game. The chances of getting the units you want are slim, and you'll quickly burn through your gold. Instead, save your gold and aim to have 10 gold by 2-5, when interest starts to kick in.

Aim to have at least 20 or 30 gold by Krugs. This will give you a good foundation to work with in the mid-game.

Try to maintain a win or lose streak through stage 2, as it’s  the most important stage of the game.You have a high chance of winning if you maintain a 5-streak.  It's okay to lose a few rounds early on, as long as you're able to maintain your economy.

Always try to have as much gold as possible. Every 10 gold you have at the end of the round will give you 1 extra gold in interest. If you manage to have 50 gold, you'll get 5 gold in interest at the end of each round.

Don't be afraid to sell units if they're not working for you. You can always buy them again later if you need them.

9. Leveling intervals

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Timing is everything in Teamfight Tactics! Knowing the optimal leveling intervals can give you the edge you need to gain an advantage over your opponents and secure victory.

To be successful in Teamfight Tactics, you need to know when and how to level up. The timing for leveling intervals varies depending on the composition of your team and pace of the lobby. Falling behind on levels can put you at a disadvantage because it limits the quality of champions you can put on the board.

Conversely, leveling up too quickly can drain your gold reserves and leave you without enough to roll for upgrades. Therefore, it's crucial to strike a balance between leveling and saving gold to strengthen your team. 

How it works: This is the standard leveling intervals.

If you've got a strong board with upgraded units at 2-1, go ahead and level up to 4 and aim for a win streak. But if your board is weak, don't level up and instead, go for a lose streak until 2-5 when you can level up to 5.

At 3-2, level up to 6.

By 4-1, level up to 7.

If you've got enough gold, level up to 8 at 4-5. But if you're short on gold, you can wait until 5-1 to level up to 8.

Finally, level to 9 at 6-1 if you're stable and your units are upgraded.

8. Rolling

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Rolling for champions in Teamfight Tactics can be a gamble, but with the right strategy and a bit of luck, it can lead to a powerful and unstoppable composition.

Knowing when to roll is crucial in Teamfight Tactics, as it can make the difference between a top-four finish and a bottom-four finish. To do this, you need to be aware of the odds for each cost champion and plan your rolls accordingly. 

However, rolling too much can leave you with little gold for future levels and put you at a disadvantage in the late game. Therefore, It's important to stop rolling once you've hit the key units you need to upgrade your board. 

Rolling to zero should be avoided unless you're about to die, as you need a minimum amount of gold to generate interest. It's a balancing act between finding the right units to power up your board and preserving your gold for future rounds.

How it works:

At level 6, you might consider rolling if your board is all 1 star and you've been losing a lot in stage 2. If you have a lot of pairs, you might want to spend 10-20 gold depending on your health.

Level 7 is when things get interesting. It's almost always worth it to roll for 3-4 cost carries to stabilize your board, especially if you have pairs or if you're low on health.

At level 8, you'll usually want to roll 30-50 gold unless your board is already looking pretty solid with 2 star units. If you're at 80 health or above, you might want to hold off on rolling and focus on building up your economy in order to go for level 9.

7. Deciding your comp

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Building the perfect composition is the key to victory in Teamfight Tactics - carefully selecting your synergies and champions can make all the difference in dominating the competition.

One of the most important things in Teamfight Tactics is to decide on your composition as soon as possible. Ideally, you want to do this before Stage 2 or after Krugs.  Your composition should be based on your early game items and your opener. You can either go for an attack damage comp or an ability power route. 

Deciding early is important because it helps you plan for the items you'll need to collect from the carousel and the specific units you  should buy to reach your desired composition. This way, you won't waste gold and time trying to figure out what to do and can focus on building the perfect team.

How it works:

If you have a rod and tear opener, along with AP  units like Lulu, Annie, and Lux, you're better off playing AP.

If you have a BF sword and bow opener, along with AD units like Duelists or LaserCorps, you should play AD.

You can make this decision as early as 2-1 if you happen to get a key unit drop from the orbs in stage 1. For example, if you get Jax, you can  play Brawlers; if you get LeBlanc, you can play Admins; if you get Vayne, you can play Duelists; and if you get Kaisa, you can play Reckon.

6. Positioning

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With a variety of strategies to choose from, knowing when and where to place your champions is a critical skill for any player.

One of the most overlooked aspects of Teamfight Tactics is positioning. It's not just about having the strongest units, it's also about where you place them on the board. You want to make sure that your carry champions are safe and protected, while your tanks are in the front to absorb damage. 

Positioning can also impact the effectiveness of certain abilities, such as area of effect spells or abilities that target the furthest enemy unit. So, take some time to experiment with different  positions for your champions and see what works best for your comp.

How it works:

Regularly scout the lobby and adjust your positioning based on the information you get.

Make sure to protect your carry by placing them in the backline, but be careful not to put them in the back corner if you're playing against a Blitzcrank or a Talon carry.

Avoid clumping your units if you're playing against Taliyah as she can easily hit your entire team with her spell.

Clump your units together if you're playing against a Zed hacker to prevent him from accessing your backline at the start of the fight.

Be aware of the enemy's Zephyrs and Shrouds and position your units accordingly.

Try to anticipate your opponents' moves and position your units accordingly to outsmart them.

Swap your carries' positions at the last second before the fight begins to catch your opponents off guard.

5. Slam items:

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Learn to master the art of itemization to create unstoppable champions and dominate the competition.

When it comes to item slamming, it's important to be strategic and efficient with your components. Avoid Holding onto too many item components on your bench, as it  is potential power that you're not benefiting from. Instead, focus on slamming items whenever you can to enhance your board's strength.

Certain items are better to slam than others, especially those that are necessary for most compositions. However, before slamming items, there are three requirements  you should consider: having a strong early game, being on a win streak, and knowing which late game carry will benefit from the item. 

By following these guidelines, you can optimize your item usage and increase your chances of success in the game.

How it works:

At each carousel, prioritize the item component that can help you slam an item in the next round.

Don't get too caught up on trying to get the perfect  items for your carry, as it's often better to slam an item that can boost your board's overall strength.

Items like Sunfire Cape, Gunblade, Last Whisper, Ionic Spark, Statikk Shiv, Redemption, and Warmog's are versatile and can work in many different compositions.

Slamming items early  can help you secure a win streak and gain a significant advantage over other players.

4. Study the meta

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Stay ahead of the game in Teamfight Tactics by studying the meta

To succeed in TFT and climb the ladder, it's crucial to stay informed about the current meta. This entails keeping tabs on what successful players’ strategies and compositions and how recent updates have influenced the game. 

Once you have a solid grasp of the meta, it's important to select a few compositions to focus on. It's recommended to choose three compositions, including at least one AD and one AP comp, and become skilled in them. Although it can be enticing to experiment with novel builds, adhering to the top-tier compositions will increase your odds of winning more games and advancing in the rankings.

How it works:

Keep track of the latest patches and updates for the game to check which champions and items have been buffed or nerfed.

Watch top players on Twitch or YouTube and observe what compositions they use.

Look for guides or meta cheat sheets made by top players.

Study the meta and pick a few strong compositions to focus on.

Practice those compositions until you master them.

Keep adapting to the changing meta regularly.

3. Maximizing hero augments

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Hero augments can add a new layer of complexity and strategy to Teamfight Tactics

If you want to maximize your chances of winning in TFT, you need to pay attention to hero augments. These powerful upgrades can turn the tide of battle in your favor, so it's important to know how to make the most of them. 

At 2-1, hero augments are completely random, but at 3-2 and 4-2, you can actually tailor them to your needs. To do this, you need to be aware of your active traits at those key moments in the game. By knowing which traits are active, you can anticipate  which hero augments you might receive and prepare accordingly.

How it works:

Hero augments at 3-2 and 4-2 are based on your active traits on 3-1 and 4-1, respectively.

To get the hero augment you want, make adjustments to your board at 3-1 and 4-1 to have the active traits you need.

Take out traits you don't need for your final comp and add traits you need for your desired hero augment.

It's okay to make your board slightly weaker for one round if it means hitting the hero augment you need next round.

For example, if you're playing Sureshots with a Samira carry and an Aegis frontline consisting of Ekko, Vi, and Alistar, you can take out Alistar to avoid getting Viego hero augment from Ox Force and have a higher chance of hitting a Samira hero augment.

2. Splashing: 

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Looking for the perfect addition to your Teamfight Tactics composition? Look no further than Urgot

Splashing units is a great strategy to add power to your team, especially if you find a unit that is strong on its own without the need for a specific trait. These units are called "splashable units", and they can fit into most compositions during any phase of the game. 

Adding these units to your team can give you an advantage over your opponents and make your comp more versatile. Sometimes, having one strong unit on its own is better than having a whole trait that isn't as strong. 

So, always be on the lookout for splashable units and don't be afraid to add them to your team even if they don't fit perfectly with your current trait synergies.

How it works:

Knowing which units are splashable is key to making your composition stronger.

Splashable units like Fiddlesticks, Urgot, Zac, Rammus and Sejuani are strong on their own and can fit into most comps.

Adding a splashable unit to your comp provides frontline and utility, making it more well-rounded.

Sometimes it's worth sacrificing a trait bonus for a stronger individual unit. For example, taking out two Star Guardians and replacing them with Fiddlesticks and Urgot in the late game.

Keep in mind that splashing should be done strategically, taking into account what your 

composition needs and what units are available to you.

1. Pre-leveling

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Gain a strategic advantage in Teamfight Tactics with pre-leveling!

Pre-leveling is a strategy that can provide a small advantage in TFT, especially in increasing your chances of obtaining a valuable 4-cost unit. Essentially, pre-leveling  means that you spend the gold to level up before the next round, so that you will naturally reach the next level on the following round without having to spend any extra gold.

How it works:

Pre-level at 2-3, as you will be level 5 on the next round and have a slight chance of finding a powerful 4-cost unit.

This strategy is not always the best choice, as there are situations where it's better to save your gold for rolling or for interest.

Balance pre-leveling with other strategies and adapt to the situation depending on your current board state and gold reserves.

To summarize, if you want to dominate in TFT, you need to have a solid understanding of the game mechanics and stay up-to-date with the current meta. You should focus on mastering a few top-tier compositions and utilize hero augments and splashable units to make your composition stronger. Additionally, pre-leveling can increase your chances of getting a powerful unit that can turn the tide of the game in your favor. Remember, winning every game is not guaranteed, but by following these tips and practicing consistently, you can greatly improve your odds of success.


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