[Top 10] Path of Exile Best Solo Builds

Path of Exile Best Solo Builds
14 Apr 2021

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Path of Exile (PoE), for newcomers and experienced players, can most certainly be a daunting experience in this isometric hack & slash action RPG. Sprouted from the roots of games like Diablo, Path of Exile is no short of historic in the genre. No game in the world, I daresay, can touch Path of Exile’s incredibly deep character customization which can make it tough to know how and where in the hell to start. Today we will discuss and show you the [Top 10] Path of Exile Best Solo Builds for patch 3.10.

10. Multi-Conversion Divine Ire Trickster

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For players who love huge beams of light, explosions, and one-shotting bosses, The Multi-Conversion Divine Ire Trickster is for you!

Your main damage output with this build is the use of Divine Ire. Divine Ire is a spell gem that requires channelling so you must be still to use it. In its default stage, its damage is Physical-based along with 50% of its base damage converted to lightning.

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+ Strong Map Clear using multiple on death explosions

+ Potential to one-shot every boss in the the game


- Inconsistent Damage Spikes

- Standing still while channelling can kill you


As Divine Ire is a late game build, it’s better to start off with other means of damage so we can level up our support gems and build up our 6-links.

Level 1:

  • Explosive Trap
  • Lesser Poison Support
  • (linked)

Level 8:

  • Explosive Trap
  • Multiple Traps Support
  • Added Fire Damage Support
  • (linked)

Level 10:

  • Flame dash for mobility

Level 12:

  • Drop Explosive Trap for Storm Burst
  • Storm Burst
  • Infused Channelling Support
  • Onslaught Support
  • Added Fire Damage Support
  • Increased Critical Strikes Support
  • Added Cold Damage Support
  • (linked)

Level 16:

  • Arctic Armour
  • Wave of Conviction
  • Spell Totem Support
  • (linked)

Level 18: Huge power spike with this gem set-up

  • Storm Burst
  • Physical to Lightning Support
  • Infused Channelling Support
  • Elemental Focus Support
  • Controlled Destruction Support
  • Increased Critical Strikes Support
  • (linked)
  • Wave of Conviction
  • Spell Totem Support
  • Physical to Lightning Support
  • (linked)

Level 24:

  • Zealotry, aura that deals additional damage

Level 28:

  • Finally swap Storm Burst for Divine Ire
  • Divine Ire
  • Physical to Lightning Support
  • Infused Channelling Support
  • Elemental Focus Support
  • Controlled Destruction Support
  • Increased Critical Strikes Support
  • (linked)

Level 34:

  • Summon Lightning Golem


We choose Trickster for this build so we can utilize the Harness the Void Ascendency in your Ascendency skill tree. More information on how to achieve these Ascendancies here.

Ascendancy Tree:

Harness the Void - potential to deal an insane amount of damage in one hit.

Swift Killer - generates frenzy and power charges, sustainable in single target battles

Ghost Dance - keeps you out of harm's way and grants attack speed as well as chance to evade.

Escape Artist - grants more energy shield per evasion rating on body armour. Grants evasion rating per Energy shield points for helmet. Can be immune to stuns, increased cast speeds and 20% chance to evade spells with energy shield all while you contain Ghost Shrouds.


Kill Alira in Act II - grants crit multiplier, flat mana regen., and 15% to elemental resistances. Better to kill Alira than use the 2 passive skills points that utilize these buffs.


Soul of Solaris - Major

Soul of Tukohama - Minor

Passive Tree

Click here to view your endgame passive skill tree.


Clickhere to view your optimal gear for this build.



9. Icicle Mine Deadeye

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For those of you experienced with Path of Exile already, you may be questioning as to why we’re building Deadeye rather than Saboteur while using mines. Well if you didn’t know already, the goal of Path of Exile is to reach the end game Deadeye is the way to go!

Whether you’re hardcore mapping or delving the mines to incredible depths, Deadeye Icicle Mines allows for much more power in the late game. This breaks the mining meta that early game Saboteur grants you. Meet, Icicle Mine.

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+ Strong Map clear with high-chain potential

+ Fast ranged miner playstyle

+ Huge burst damage possible


- Standing still to place mines can be dangerous

- Evasion based playstyle can be difficult


We recommend building Icicle Mine at around Level 12 so you can level up your support gems prior. Look into starting off with something like Explosive Trap.


  • Icicle Mine
  • Cold Penetration Support
  • Trap and Mine Damage Support
  • Minefield Support
  • Charged Mines Support
  • Hypothermia Support
  • (linked)


  • Icicle Mine
  • Cold Penetration Support
  • Trap and Mine Damage Support
  • Minefield Support
  • Charged Mines Support
  • Chain Support
  • (linked)

Weapon Item Slots

  • Vortex Mine
  • Bonechill Support
  • Unbound Ailments Support
  • (linked)
  • Summon Flame Golem
  • Culling Strike Support
  • Flame Dash
  • (linked)


  • Storm Brand
  • Life Leech Support
  • Projectile Weakness
  • Curse on Hit Support
  • (linked)


  • Steelskin
  • Cast when Damage Taken Support
  • Increased Duration Support
  • Frost Bomb
  • (linked)


  • Summon Skitterbots
  • Precision
  • Flesh and Stone
  • Enlighten Support
  • (linked)


You gain a huge power spike once you hit the 3rd Ascendancy node, Ricochet.

Ascendancy Tree:

Gathering Winds - can grant 10% increased attack speed and an additional 1000 evasion rating when Tailwind is applied.

Farshot - increased projectile speed and increased projectile speed the further they travel.

Ricochet - grants more chaining projectile damage and can chain one extra time.

Endless Munitions - grants more accuracy, increased AoE skills, and adds an extra projectile to your skills.


We suggest helping Alira as you gain resistances and mana regeneration as you level. You gain an additional crit multiplier as this build scales with crit as well.


Soul of the Brine King - Major

Soul of Garukhan - Minor

Passive Tree

Click here to see the passive skill tree.


Click here to see recommended gear.



8. Vortex Tank Occultist

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Vortex Tank Occultist is a satisfyingly tanky area of effect build meant to face bosses and massive waves of enemies head-on. While your DPS isn’t the strongest, you’ll be tanky enough to wipe your enemies with ease. Your main ability? Vortex. Another great build for your solo journey.

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+ Easy playstyle and debuffs allow safe bossing

+ Satisfying curse explosions

+ Multiple Layers of Defense

+ Lazy playstyle to watch Netflix while playing


- Need to get close to place vortex

- Lacks single target DPS


Note that if you’re just starting out playing Path of Exile, you won’t find the Vortex Gem until you complete the library quest in Act III and purchase it from Siosa. In the meantime, pick up Freezing Pulse combined with Storm Brand. Then replace Freezing Pulse with Cold Snap once you get it.

  • Vortex
  • Hypothermia Support
  • Controlled Destruction Support
  • Elemental Focus Support
  • Efficacy Support
  • Swift Affliction Support
  • (linked)
  • Vaal Cold Snap
  • Hypothermia Support
  • Bonechill Support
  • Efficacy Support
  • (linked)
  • Flame Dash
  • Arcane Surge Support
  • Faster Casting Support
  • (linked)
  • Temporal Chains
  • Enfeeble
  • Blasphemy Support
  • Enlighten Support
  • (linked)
  • For more utility you could pick:
  • Phase Run
  • Vigilant Strike
  • Increased Duration Support
  • (linked)



What we want here is Vile Bastion which grants stun immunity when you have your Energy Shield up.

Void Beacon - an aura that debuffs enemies. Reduces cold resistance and prevents them from regenerating life.

Frigid Wake - adds cold damage over time multiplier. Crucial power spike.

Vile Bastion - grants stun immunity when energy shield is up.

Profane Bloom - gives cursed enemies a chance to explode when killed by you or minions.


Kill them all for two additional passive tree points.


Soul of Solaris - Major

Soul of Abberath - Minor

Passive Tree

*There’s a rule of thumb when putting points in your tree. Be sure to try and add around 300 life per level. Even a little more to get tankier for this build.

Click here to see an example path you can take in your skill tree.


*Your gear is your main source of resistances, life, and energy shield. Make sure you find these!

Click here for example gear.



7. Cast on Crit Cyclone-Ice Nova Assassin

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Next we have Cast on Critical Strike Cyclone-Ice Nova Assassin. Yes it’s a mouthful. But not as much as the mouthful of pain your enemies will have. Slow, freeze, and wipe through your enemies before they can react! While your main source of damage here is Ice Nova, Cyclone will be used as our ‘trigger’ to proc our Cast on Critical Strike Support Gem.

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+ Easy and relaxed Cyclone Playstyle

+ Shred enemies while moving

+ Huge Damage and chills on bosses


- Low Cyclone AoE

- Hard to get good gear early on (Cospri’s)

- Expensive


  • Cyclone
  • Cast on Critical Strike Support
  • Ice Nova
  • Increased Critical Strikes Support
  • Hypothermia Support

Player's preference for 6th slot - you could check out the following:

  • Fortify Support
  • Increased Area of Effect Support
  • Concentrated Effect Support
  • Increased Critical Damage Support
  • Vaal Discipline
  • Enfeeble
  • Blasphemy Support
  • Enlighten Support
  • (linked)
  • Herald of Ice
  • Precision
  • Leap Slam
  • Faster Attacks Support
  • Fortify Support
  • (linked)


We run assassin for this build because the Ascendancy nodes grants innate huge amounts of crit chance and multipliers. This allows us to utilize our skill tree a little better for the use of jewel slots and our defenses.

Unstable Infusion - maintain Power Charges easily very early on.

Deadly Infusion - synergizes with Unstable Infusion very well. Provides more crit chance and multipliers while you have Power Charges.

Opportunistic - grants a lot of movement speed which is great for mapping. Reflects immunity to crit strikes.

Ambush and Assassinate - grants crit on targets no matter if they’re full or low on life. Provides a lot of damage and multipliers.


Help Alira. Great for the crit strike multiplier and mana regen.


Soul of Lunaris - Major

Soul of Gruthkul - Minor

Passive Tree

Click here for a skill tree path.


Click here for gear.



6. Cobra Lash Poison Assassin

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Evade and kite around your enemies while they choke on your poison with Cobra Lash Poison Assassin. This is a personal favorite solo build that is a little mechanically challenging, but very rewarding in the end. Here, we have our main gem, Cobra Lash.

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+ Strong map clear due to chain

+ Fast and Easy ranged playstyle

+ Huge Damage scaling if left alone


- Situational single target

- Evasion base can get you one-shot

- Extremely Cheap due to off-meta



  • Cobra Lash
  • Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
  • Nightblade Support
  • Added Chaos Damage Support
  • Deadly Ailments Support
  • Vile Toxins Support
  • (linked)


Replace Greater Multiple Projectiles Support with Slower Projectiles Support

Other Helpful Gems:

  • Plague Bearer
  • Increased Area of Effect Support
  • (linked)
  • Whirling Blades
  • Fortify Support
  • Blood Magic Support
  • Faster Attacks Support
  • (linked)
  • Wither
  • Spell Totem Support
  • Multiple Totems Support
  • Faster Casting Support
  • (linked)
  • Herald of Agony
  • Minion Damage Support
  • Damage on Full Life Support
  • Vile Toxins Support
  • (linked)


Noxious Strike - Insane poison damage and sustains life during combat.

Toxic Delivery - scales critical strikes and provides extra damage.

Mistwalker - Elusive buff.

Opportunistic - grants a lot of movement speed which is great for mapping. Reflects immunity to crit strikes.


Help Alira.


Soul of Solaris - Major

Soul of Ryslatha - Minor

Passive Tree

Click here for an example passive skill tree for this build.


For more information on recommended gear, click here.



5. Herald of Purity Guardian

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Herald of Purity builds are a huge hit in the Path of Exile community. Not only can you survive almost anything, but your single target skills can completely wreck bosses. This solo build is also for you if you like minions, but not zombies. Let’s talk about Herald of Purity.

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+ Exceptional Survivability and Single Target

+ Easy but Active Minion Playstyle

+ Can focus on pure defense on most gear


- Minions are dumb

- Life sustain requires good gear


Before your build starts getting real, you will first need to level up a good bit which can be a little bit annoying.

Level 1:

Maybe use Blade Vortex combined with Orb of Storm. Blade Vortex allows you to kill weak mobs and hit bosses to proc your Sentinels of Purity once you have Herald. Make sure to support it with Arcane Surge Support as it’ll proc as you use Blade Vortex.

Level 16 and on:

  • Herald of Purity
  • Feeding Frenzy Support
  • Deathmark Support/Minion Speed Support (bossing/mapping)
  • Brutality Support
  • Multistrike Support/Melee Physical Damage Support
  • Impale Support
  • Blade Vortex/Bladefall
  • Arcane Surge Support
  • Unleash Support
  • Brutality Support
  • Summon Carrion Golem
  • Summon Stone Golem
  • Raise Spectre
  • Meat Shield Support

Faster Movement:

  • Whirling Blades
  • Faster Attacks Support
  • Fortify Support


  • Vaal Molten Shell
  • Cast When Damage Taken Support
  • Enfeeble
  • Convocation

Utility & Mana Regen:

  • Pride
  • Flesh and Stone
  • DreadBanner
  • Enlighten Support


Radiant Crusade - grants elemental resistances, grants more damage for you and ally if they are nearby, for five nearby allies it grants Onslaught.

Unwavering Crusade - provides increased damage, cast, attack, and movement speed to nearby allies as well as area of effect. Gives allies Intimidate and Unnerve.

Bastion of Hope - grants a huge amount of block chance and stun immunity once you have blocked for you and nearby allies.

Harmony of Purpose - provides Conduit to you and nearby allies preventing enemies from endurance, frenzy, and power charges.


Kill’em all!!


Soul of Arakaali/Soul of Lunaris - Major

Soul of Shakari/Soul of Garukhan - Minor

Passive Tree

To see an example skill tree, click here.


Click here to check out this page for information on the build and gear set-up.



4. Chaos Damage over Time Occultist

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This is one of those builds that remind me of Samara from The Ring films. You crawl out of wells with your wet black hair and drain the life force from your enemies while you watch their faces shrivel to nothing. Ok not exactly, but you get the point. Chaos Damage over Time or DoT Occultist, utilizes three major gems. Essence Drain, Contagion, and Bane. Certainly one of the best solo builds for end-game.

*Personally, I don't care too much for Essence Drain so I usually just use Bane as my main source of damage.

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+ BEST map clear from AoE Chaining

+ Kills stuff while moving

+ Essence Drain is strong Regen


- Not a braindead playstyle

- Hard to get good Gear early on (double 6-link)


  • Essence Drain
  • Void Manipulation Support
  • Swift Affliction Support
  • Efficacy Support
  • Empower Support
  • Controlled Destruction Support
  • Bane
  • Contagion
  • Despair
  • Arcane Surge Support
  • Shield Charge
  • Fortify Support
  • Faster Attacks Support
  • Immortal Call
  • Cast when Damage Taken Support
  • Increased Duration Support
  • Clarity
  • Blood Magic Support
  • Malevolence
  • (linked)
  • Discipline
  • Enfeeble
  • Temporal Chains
  • Blasphemy Support
  • (linked)
  • Blight


Vile Bastion - grants stun immunity when energy shield is up.

Void Beacon - an aura that debuffs enemies. Reduces cold resistance and prevents them from regenerating life.

Withering Presence - added chaos DoT and chaos resistance.

Profane Bloom - gives cursed enemies a chance to explode when killed by you or minions.


Kill’em all.


Soul of Arakaali/Soul of Lunaris - Major

Soul of Gruthkul/Soul of Shakari - Minor


Passive Tree

Click here to see a solid DPS build for this build.


I can’t stress enough to look for life and resistances in your gear. Most of your damage will come with your skill tree. Click here for some examples.



3. Cyclone Impale Slayer

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Farm the hardest bosses in the game with this Cyclone Impale Slayer build. Although it’s not the best for clearing waves of enemies, it’s a very easy playstyle with incredible amounts of damage. Huge hit with many Path of Exile players and strong solo build. Our main course of action is Cyclone.

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+ Huge single target damage

+ Overleech still OP

+ Easy Smooth Cyclone Playstyle


- Melee = dangerous

- Low cyclone AoE


  • Cyclone
  • Impale Support
  • Brutality Support
  • Fortify Support
  • Infused Channeling Support
  • Close Combat Support

>Instead of Close Combat, you can use:

  • Rage Support
  • Melee Physical Damage Support
  • Pulverise Support
  • Ancestral Warchief
  • Maim Support
  • Impale Support
  • Brutality Support
  • Vaal Molten Shell
  • Cast When Damage Taken Support
  • Summon Flame Golem
  • Leap Slam
  • Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support
  • Blood Magic Support
  • Faster Attacks Support

Good Auras to Use with Enlighten Support:

  • Pride
  • Blood and Sand
  • Flesh and Stone
  • Dread Banner
  • Precision
  • Enlighten Support


Headsman - provides immunity to reflected physical damage. Grants increased AoE skills if you’ve killed recently.

Bane of Legends - grants movement and attack speed when you kill enemies.

Overwhelm - 7.5% base critical strike chance with weapon, 10% critical strike multiplier per nearby enemy. Enemies have -30% crit strike multiplier.

Impact - increased global accuracy. Deals more melee damage.


Help Alira for extra resists or kill them all for the skill points.


Soul of Lunaris - Major

Soul of Shakari - Minor

Passive Tree

Click here to see an example tree pathing.


Gear ideas right here.



2. Storm Brand Inquisitor

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With Storm Brand Inquisitor, your enemies won’t have a chance when you chain lightning strikes on their faces. This is another personal favorite build of mine and one I’ve reached the furthest with in terms of end game content. Meet your new shocking friend, Storm Brand.

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+ Best all-around Build - does it all

+ Doesn’t care about Resistances on Enemies

+ Safest Playstyle of all Build (Brands stay on target for several seconds)


- Low Life Regen


  • Storm Brand
  • Faster Casting Support
  • Added Lightning Damage Support
  • Increased Critical Chance Support
  • Controlled Destruction Support
  • Archmage Support/Chain Support/Added Cold Support
  • Brand Recall
  • Arcane Surge Support
  • Empower Support
  • Enhance Support
  • Wrath
  • Immortal Call
  • Cast when Damage Taken Support
  • Whirling Blades/Shield Charge
  • Fortify Support
  • Lightning Golem


Righteous Providence - increased crit strike against enemies with no elemental ailments. 45% crit strike multiplier against enemies affected by elemental ailments.

Inevitable Judgement - provides elemental damage penetration.

Instruments of Virtue - increased spell, attack, cast speeds and damages.

Augury of Penitence - increased elemental damage.


Help Alira.



Soul of the Brine King - Major

Soul of Gruthkul - Minor

Passive Tree

Click here for skill pathing.


Check out the gear section here for much more information.




1. Reave Blade Flurry Champion

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Completely obliterate the map and bosses using Reave Blade Flurry. Chop your enemies into bits with this full screen AoE build and turn them into salsa. Welcome to the strongest melee attack in the game, Blade Flurry. This is by far, THE best solo build, in my opinion, in Path of Exile currently for path 3.10.

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+ Reave clear the whole screen as “melee” ability

+ Blade Flurry strongest damage melee attack

+ Multiple layers of defense (leech, regen, armour, evasion, mobility, debuffs)


- Blade Flurry max damage difficult

- Gem swaps for optimal setups


  • Blade Flurry
  • Awakened Brutality Support
  • Fortify Support
  • Infused Channelling Support
  • Impale Support
  • Melee Physical Damage Support/Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support (clearing maps)

Set up for clearing:

  • Reave
  • Awakened AoE Support
  • Fortify Support
  • Impale Support
  • Melee Phys. Damage Support
  • Multistrike Support
  • Whirling Blades
  • Blood Magic Support
  • Faster Attacks Support
  • Flesh and Stone
  • Maim Support
  • Enlighten Support
  • Enfeeble
  • Cast When Damage Taken Support
  • Increased Duration Support
  • Blood Rage
  • Enhance Support
  • Portal
  • Dread Banner
  • Ancestral Protector
  • Blood and Sand
  • Summon Ice Golem
  • Molten Shell
  • (unlinked)


Conqueror - hits apply Taunt. Grants damage reduction and life regen.

Worthy Foe - enemies Taunted by you take increased damage. Once Taunted, enemies can’t evade.


Unstoppable Hero - increased attack speed and damage. Increased bonuses to armour and evasion.


Help Alira.


Soul of Lunaris - Major

Soul of Ralakesh - Minor

Passive Tree

Get your tree here.


Go to the gear section here to check it out!



Now It’s Time

To my fellow exiles in the realms of Delirium, it’s time to show Wraeclast what you’re really made of. Whether you choose to lacerate your enemies with Blade Flurry or poison them to death with Cobra Lash, you will be ready to take on this Delirium patch with ease. Note that it’s always best to further study these builds on websites such as PoEbuilds!

We hope this [Top 10] Path of Exile Best Solo Builds list helped you decide how you’d like to tackle your new or continuing journey into the lore of Path of Exile. Please know that we are here to answer any questions you may have. Now go my fellow exiles and tell Sirus, I said, “Hello.”

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