Naraka: Bladepoint Best Weapons Tier List

17 May 2024

Naraka: Bladepoint is home to some of the most awesome weapons. The game’s arsenal of weapons consists of 19 unique choices that are sure to fit anyone’s playstyle. While weapons are entirely based on the user’s choice and preference, some weapons stand above the rest in Naraka: Bladepoint. But whichever weapon you choose to use, the win ultimately lies on the user and not on a weapon (cliche intended). With that said, let’s delve into the best weapons in Naraka: Bladepoint.


Tier S 

These weapons are the absolute best in the game and should be the first choice whenever possible. The damage and advantage they provide are almost certainly going to win you the game, especially when you know the combos. 


Katana (98/100)

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Starting with the dagger as S tier, this weapon proved to be efficient in speed and accuracy, which makes it appealing for executing quick and lethal attacks. Created in a lightweight allowing users to navigate and participate in close-range battles giving them an edge. Best paired with the souljade abyssal aura altering the dagger’s vertical charged strikes, coupled with Assassin’s lunge horizontal charged attack and bonus stats with Netherstep making you the ultimate ninja. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • Dagger's quick attacks are perfect for hit-and-run attacks and overpowering opponents with accurate strikes. 
  • Lightweight design, allowing users to effortlessly evade enemy attacks with high agility.
  • Dagger’s ability for rapid strikes and lethal combo chains easily chip away the enemy's health. 
  • The flexibility of the Dagger excels in multiple combat situations, whether it be intense one-on-one duels or chaotic battles.

Fan (96/100) 

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The fan is one of the most versatile weapons in the game. Its great damage from its melee attacks can put an enemy to bed before they even know it. And this isn’t all, as the fan can dish out a good amount of ranged damage. Its high-speed combos can keep you coming at the opponent without them having a chance to counterattack.

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • Its horizontal and vertical throw skills can attack enemies from a distance, allowing you to reach them without risking getting locked in a combo. 
  • Quick Dash can serve as a more efficient dodge, significantly increasing your chances of surviving and retaliating. The added mobility is just too good.
  • When a fan and your enemy’s weapon hit at the same time, instead of Clash, it will lead to an energy demount, which gives a chance for a counterattack.
  • By combining Quick Dash and Fan’s Curve, a sneaky ranged attack can be cast after dashing away from the enemy. This gives you the element of surprise as it is very hard to dodge.

Nunchucks (95/100)

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Nunchucks are best known for their impressive combination of speed, versatility, and unpredictability, making it a powerful weapon. Quick and smooth movements make it difficult for opponents to defend against the nunchuck's relentless attacks. Highly effective in close-quarters combat, it can easily dominate enemies with its rapid and unpredictable strikes. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • Quick movements and unexpected attack patterns can be a challenge for enemies, keeping them on their toes. 
  • Chain attacks transition from one strike to another, creating a powerful combo potential. 
  • Nunchucks shines in close-quartes combat, with its quick strikes and smooth movements providing an advantage in high-speed encounters. 
  • Defensive capabilities with the nunchuck's fast counters and evasive moves allow players to dodge attacks and strike back quickly. 

Polesword (90/100)

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The Polesword is an effective weapon that offers excellent reach, power, and versatility in one. This is a top-tier choice for multiple combat situations. With Polesword, users can easily engage enemies from a safe distance and deliver powerful strikes. The balanced features of the pole sword make it powerful in solo duels and team fights, showcasing effective crowd-control capabilities. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • The Polesword's impressive reach allows players to keep a safe distance from enemies while inflicting significant damage with every attack. 
  • Wide swings and launching attacks are highly effective for crowd control. Excelling at disrupting enemy formations and creating openings for the team on the battlefield. 
  • Combination of reach, power, and versatility to provide an adaptive playstyle that can be used for both offense and defense. 


Tier A

Tier A weapons are highly effective, providing a combination of damage, agility, and tactical versatility that can be useful in various combat scenarios. Although they may not achieve the same level of dominance as Tier S weapons, their distinct features and abilities offer valuable utilities.

Staff (88/100)

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The staff deals high damage and still stays mobile, a weapon choice for maintaining distance and delivering strikes. Known for its “polearm” design, it allows a mix of offensive and defensive moves, making it a popular choice. With the proper souljade, timing, and rhythm, dancing with a Staff deals a high capacity for both crowd control and single-target precision. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • Staff’s longer reach compared to melee weapons can create a safer distance from enemies
  • Chain attacks from Staff combo and juggling opponents prevent a retaliate
  • Combo potential, coupled with the staff soul jade inherent agility, range, and precision 
  • Control over enemy's movements while being reliable for protecting allies and coordinated team play

Spear (85/100)

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The spear boasts a long handle with a very pointed edge that looks very menacing. Similar to being a knight, mastering precise strikes and excelling in single-target engagements.  Matching the spear with the Souljade Razor Swift (Nezha’s might extreme) will result in a perfect strike on an enemy, which will be an unavoidable hit. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • Spear excels in a single-target focus effective in duel and focused target 
  • Inflicting steady damage on a single opponent making it an effective weapon in one-on-one battles. 
  • Pairing it with the soul jade, Nezha makes it an unavoidable hit 
  • Attacking enemies with reach and precision from a moderately safe distance. 

Bow (82/100) 

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Using the Bow for those chill laid-back players picking off targets on the field, It's all about focus and aiming with the perfect shot. The bow damage is an unseen threat and can deal high damage, especially with players neglecting the usage of range resist souljade making them vulnerable to range attacks. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • The Bow’s ability to engage enemies from a distance gives a strategic advantage, allowing them to control the course of battle. 
  • High-precision shots have exceptional accuracy, with efficiency in eliminating enemies from a distance or focusing aim on the vulnerable enemy. 
  • Advantages in using different arrow types on Souljade’s to handle different situations. 
  • Inflicting bombs or poison arrows and armor-piercing arrows to penetrate and even eliminate the enemy in a single arrow. 

Musket (80/100) 

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The Musket is an explosive long tactical rifle firepower, it's a preferred choice for players who want to maximize the impact of each shot, a combination of melee and range weapon capable of inflicting significant damage from a distance. Its ability to bypass the enemy’s armor can deal damage that cannot be overlooked. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • Every shot from the musket packs a powerful punch, capable of weakening the enemy before delivering an attack to finish them off. 
  • Offering a range attacks, a combination of riffle and a melee weapon 
  • Piercing through multiple enemies, bypassing their armor, making it a perfect shot to start the enemy bleeding.
  • Using a Musket can create an advantage for positioning and making the first hit afar.  

LongSword (77/100) 

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The LongSword is a classic choice for warriors of any kind, providing a well-rounded combination of strength and agility with its powerful strike-breaking abilities and wide-ranging capabilities. Longsword is a force that is effective in both close and range attacks. Best combined with the Souljade Phoenix Blast, creating a charged ranged attack with two blasts of sword energy, highly damaging enemies.

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • The third strike of the horizontal and vertical strikes deals with a Blue Focus Strike that is great when taking the offensive on the enemy. Its consistent damage output allows you to easily reach that third strike point.
  • The longsword has a high damage output with a very good attack speed stat to complement it. This gives you a more sustained damage combo that looks very clean in its animation. Look good, feel good.
  • Its charged attack has two different modes—Horizontal and Vertical Energy. Horizontal Energy deals with a wide strike that reaches a considerable range. This allows you to knock back multiple eye-level enemies. When dealing with crouching or mid-air enemies, the Vertical Energy strike is the way to go. Either way, these abilities provide you with a wide variety of options.

Dual Blades (75/100) 

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Dual Blades is all about speed and aggression, with its aggressive combat style that keeps the player in the right thick of the action. Rapid attack sequences can slaughter opponents, performing vertical attacks with dual blades to slash enemies, rendering them unable to move. Acquiring the Souljade Universal Slash enables a ranged attack, transforming the dual blades into circular blades that can be thrown at enemies, encircling them at the target location and dealing with serious damage. 

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • With two blades, a rapid strike can accumulate and cause great damage. 
  • Puts opponent in an unmovable position, restricting their choices. 
  • Thanks to its incredible speed, The dual blades can close in opponents and release a series of attacks. 
  • Dual blades are effective in close-quarter combat, and with the Universal slash, it can also optimize ranged attack.


Tier B

Weapons in Tier B are reliable options that provide a good balance of strength, agility, and usefulness. These weapons may not have the flashy features of top-tier options, but they still excel in a wide range of combat situations. Tier B weapons can be highly effective in combat and give an advantage on the battlefield if used strategically and skillfully.


GreatSword (72/100) 

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A powerful weapon that can greatly influence the outcome of a battle due to its ability to control crowds. While the GreatSword trades speed for power, it can dictate the spacing in combat, using its lengthy reach and sweeping arcs. Combining The greatsword with the Souljade Earthshaker can alter the third stage horizontal charged strikes, creating a high damage whirl and damaging everyone within its range. Additionally, it extends the hold duration of charged strikes, leaving enemies uncertain about when the attack happens.

Reasons to use this weapon: 

  • High base damage, eliminating the opponent's health bars in just a few well-placed swings. 
  • Wide arcs control large areas, making it an excellent choice for keeping multiple enemies at bay. 
  • The length of the Greatsword offers an extended reach, allowing them to charge at a safe distance before releasing the attack. 
  • The greatsword, when paired with the Souljade earthshaker, delivers a high-damage whirl strike and provides crowd control.  

Flamebringer (65/100)

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Flamebringer relies on the force of fire to inflict gradual damage and dominate the battlefield, making it an exceptional and lethal weapon option. The weapon’s fiery strikes pose a double threat to enemies, as they not only cause direct damage but also ignite them. This can apply constant pressure and deal significant fire damage to opponents. 

Reasons to use this weapon:

  • It causes a burning effect that continues to harm enemies, making its strikes more dangerous and requiring enemies to handle ongoing damage. 
  • The ability to set enemies on fire creates a zone of control on the battlefield, restricting enemy movement and giving them a choice to either withstand the flames or retreat. 
  • The burning effect constantly pressures the enemies to react and reduce the damage over time. 
  • Flamebringer’s fire damage has the ability to disrupt enemy formations and make them scatter. A great opportunity for a follow-up attack or a coordinated team play. 

Pistol (60/100) 

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The pistol is a great option for a versatile weapon that excels in both long-range accuracy and close-quarters combat. Offering the perfect balance, players are given the flexibility they need in combat. With its quick draw and rapid-fire capabilities, the pistol is a reliable sidearm for any situation, thanks to its versatility and ease of use. 

Reasons to use this weapon:

  • With its rapid-fire capabilities and quick reload times, making a reliable choice for close-quarter combat. 
  • The pistol’s quick draw and accurate shots make it highly effective in damaging enemies from a distance. 
  • Having five bullets shot in one draw can be particularly annoying for enemies, as it significantly reduces their armor. 
  • Tier C
  • Designed for specific purposes and may not be as versatile or powerful as higher-ranked options, but they can still be effective in certain situations. They can be utilized in specific situations or as a part of a broader strategy to achieve optimal results. 

Repeating Crossbow (57/100) 

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A continuous shooting that deals decent damage when shot. The rapid firing capability of The repeating crossbow can easily overpower enemies and force them into a defensive position. Its range is limited, and it deals less damage per shot than other ranged weapons, which places it in a lower tier. 

Reasons to use this weapon:

  • Rapid-fire capabilities make it a formidable weapon, unleashing a barrage of bolts in quick succession 
  • Although it may not match the sheer power of some other ranged weapons, the repeating crossbow still delivers a respectable amount of damage per shot, particularly in close-quarters combat. 
  • Excels in controlling enemy's movements, pinning them down and restricting their options with its rapid-fire shots
  • The crossbow is perfect for harassing enemies, steadily chipping away their armor and health, forcing them to seek cover or retreat. 

Swarm (54/100) 

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The swam is perfect for manipulating the battlefield by summoning a horde of insects to distract and confuse enemies. This serves as an advantageous weapon due to its denial capabilities and the potential to disrupt enemy formation. However, swarms' effectiveness relies heavily on the enemy’s positioning, making it a strategy that requires precise timing and placement for optimal impact. 

Reasons to use this weapon:

  • Dictating where the enemies can and cannot go with the ability to summon hordes of insects. 
  • The chaos and confusion caused by the swarm can break enemy lines and formations, making them more vulnerable to further attacks. 
  • The swarm acts as a powerful tool for denying access to key areas, preventing enemies from advancing or securing objectives. 
  • The hordes of insects can demoralize enemies, imparting their performance and decision-making in the battle. 


Tier D

Many players tend to avoid Tier D weapons in Naraka: Bladepoint because they come with noticeable disadvantages like slow speed, low damage output, or difficult handling. However, when wielded successfully and in certain situations, these weapons can still catch opponents off guard and make a valuable contribution to a team’s triumph. 


Cannon (50/100) 

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The cannon provides massive power, but its slow reload times and limited mobility can make it quite challenging to use effectively. Its impressive capacity to inflict significant damage on both individual targets and groups makes it an excellent choline in the appropriate situations. Still, its slow-pace firing rate and unwieldy design place it in a lower tier when compared to more agile and adaptable weapons. 

Reasons to use this weapon:

  • The cannon’s ability to inflict significant damage on both individual targets and groups makes it a powerful weapon for dealing with heavily armored enemies or clustered formations 
  • When positioned strategically, the cannon can control key points on the battlefield, making it difficult for enemies to advance without taking substantial risks.
  • In defensive situations, the cannon’s fire cannon’s can be used to defend the position against an enemy’s advancing attacks. 

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