[Top 15] Naraka Bladepoint Best Characters To Play

Naraka Bladepoint Best Character
17 May 2024

Naraka: Bladepoint emerges as a fusion of fast-paced action, strategic combat, and breathtaking visuals, captivating seasoned gamers and newcomers alike. Developed by 24 Entertainment, this artistic battle royale game takes the genre to a whole new level with elements of deep history. The game transports players to a mythical realm steeped in Eastern folklore, where martial arts mastery and razor-sharp reflexes reign supreme. 


The game has 17 characters, each with a unique skill set which brings a different play style. These characters have specific roles that enable the team. Whether the character is the main damage dealer, the tank that soaks all the damage, or the support that heals and buffs allies, all characters have their unique place in the game. Let’s explore the top 15 characters Naraka: Bladepoint has in store for us!


15. Kurumi 

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Kurumi, known as the Flower of Helioth, comes in 15th place due to her limited skill set. Her healing abilities stem from the natural talents of the ancient line of the Onmyoji masters. While she isn’t that much help offensively, her defensive capabilities allow her team to effectively deal damage to the enemy.

What Makes Kurumi Great:

  • Kurumi’s main selling points are her support and survivability abilities. Her Healing Ray allows her mobility and teleport to the linked target, which can knock close enemies into the air and help the team's front line.
  • Aside from restoring health, Kurumi also has a Healing Ray: Strength, an ability that gives a 20% increase in attack and restores health. This can be powerful when linking it with her teammate who has damage as their highest ability. When cutting the link, there is a one-second % increase in attack of both characters by 40%. With the right timing, this can be a mighty tool during the battle. 
  • With healing and strengthening teammates, she also has a Damage reduction of 20%, and to cut the link, she deals a 90% Damage reduction for 4 seconds, which gives a higher chance of survival during tight situations.
  • And finally, any of her three skills is a huge game-changer in battle because they can be linked to the rest of your party and revive them. This can be very helpful if you can avoid and dodge enemies long enough to revive a friend.
  • Her ultimates can last up to 15 seconds, restoring 300 health and cleansing teammates every second with a range limit of 60000.
  • The purified circle is basically her marked territory for healing her teammates within the circle and removing all debuffs.
  • Kurumi also has an ultimate for armor gain. The Purified Circle Armor can restore 300 armor and cleanses every 1.5 seconds, giving her teammates more chances to fight and less to think about re-armoring. 
  • During the battle, Kurumi can instantly restore the health of all allies without a range limit. This can instantly restore 750 health to everyone; if it exceeds the health, it can be turned into armor instead. This is the most used ultimate for Kurumi in the game as this can save her teammates instantly, and she can use it on herself as this can be cast even under attack. 

Try this Character if you like: 

  • To play with a more flexible skill character with her heal, attack, damage reduction, and debuffs.
  • To create an advantage and an opening for your teammates. 
  •  If you want instant results with her ability to teleport and instantly restore health to her team.


14. Akos Hu

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Like the tigers who raised him, Akos Hu is full of freedom and high spirits. His reckless personality is reflected in his abilities, which show off his destructive nature. With a good amount of damage and mobility, Akos Hu is a deadly character for those with an appetite for destruction. By easily dominating duels on each enemy character, Akos Hu can ultimately win any fight for your team.

What Makes Akos hu Great:

  • Starting off his highest traits, which are his damage and mobility, Akos Hu’s combination of knocking the enemy airborne and dealing damage continuously can be a chaining effect. Targets who face off Akos hu’s skills and ability likely have no escape. 
  • His skill, Roar, deals damages to the enemy struck, and he gains a 30% damage reduction for 8 seconds. Each successful hit grants him 10% additional damage reduction, that’s 40% total damage reduction.
  • Aiming in a direction, Roar Blast creates a shockwave to deal more damage and knock enemies airborne. Making the enemy a good target to combo his skills easily. 
  • Akos Hu is like a tiger; his Roar terror skill creates an inescapable continuous shockwave, dealing damage and terror to enemies. 
  • His ultimate gives him high mobility. Like a tiger, he can knock back enemies using Feral Frenzy. This makes him leap like a tiger and finish enemies upon landing from the pounce. Akos Hu can repeat his tiger leaps, which increases the jump speed, enhancing the focus and attack of pounce. This ability can be used while under attack. With three consecutive strikes, there is no way the enemy can get away alive. 
  • Feral Frenzy grabs enemies when Akos casts this. He roars like a tiger and dives towards the enemy with a range limit of 75000, walloping them down to the ground. Casting it twice makes sure the enemy is finished.
  • Lastly, Feral Frenzy: Lockdown is mostly used during the match as this acts as a prison, locking enemies in place and making them a free target. Enemies can try to escape, but the chain will pull them back, leaving them nowhere to escape. 

Try this Character if you like:

  • The satisfaction with successful combos.
  • The ability to control your enemies.
  • Having high damage but also the chance to have high mobility to reposition yourself and escape tight situations.

13. Justina Gu

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Perhaps one of the coolest-looking characters, Justina Gu’s cold demeanor represents her entire skill set. Her emphasis on control and buffs goes a long way as the Frosty Shadow. Despite being a noble imperial princess of the Pluvial Palace, she prefers burying her enemies in ice and snow, showing no mercy. 

What Makes Justina Gu Great: 

  • The most flexible character to play in Naraka, Justina’s 1 second time cast to use Ice Shield, can turn herself into a block of hard ice for 4 seconds. No attacks can pass through while restoring an armor set, and it gains a 70% damage reduction. While still on the ice, she can break out and surprise her enemies with an attack or an escape.  
  • Ice Shield can be enhanced with just a blink. With this, Justina can freeze into ice for 3 seconds, blocking attacks faster and being used while under attack, making her perfectly safe to dodge attacks in time. 
  • The 3rd skill of Ice Shield not only makes Justine Gu herself frozen solid but also shares this with her surrounding teammates while increasing armor. This can be a helpful support skill to activate as it deflects incoming attacks. 
  • Her three ultimate choices are the real game changers with high mobility and crowd control. Enemies would find themselves in a freezing state. 
  • Justina Gu calls on her Icy Qi with Arctic Wraith to charge forward in the target direction and freezes enemies too slowly to be in focus status. This can be used again if Justina Gu can hit two enemies simultaneously, three times in solo and duos, and even four times in trios. Enemies will be vulnerable for 1.6 seconds, giving Justina Gu an extra 5% attack buff that can go up to 15% at max.
  • While freezing enemies in a target direction is useful, her Artic Wraith Blizzard freezes the target and creates a pass-down effect; as the target unfreezes, nearby enemies also get frozen afterward.
  • You don’t need to wait for your rage to become 100%. With Arctic Wraith Frost Wind, Justina Gu can cast this with only 50% rage, bolting an ice strike and freezing the enemy on the spot without charging forward.

Try this Character if you like: 

  • A chance to play Ice Princess,
  • Controlling your enemy's position and making them vulnerable to deadly hits.
  • Having the advantage to reposition yourself from the fight is either a damage or mobility advantage.

12. Temulch

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Certainly, one of the toughest-looking dudes out there, Temulch, dubbed the Grey Wolf, is someone you wouldn’t want to mess with. A juggernaut that can dish out good damage with a reliable backup defense, Temulch owns the battlefield with his ability to be a good all-around character. Coupled with this is his skill that provides good control over the enemy, and you basically have a jack-off-all-trades.

What Makes Temulch Great: 

  • With his on-point ability casting, Zephyr Wisp shoots and wraps the enemies around with a tornado, leaving them strained into a whirlwind for 3 seconds. This can also block ranged weapon attacks, which makes it his second defense.
  • An enemy tries to avoid Zephyr Wisp's track but eventually fails, as this tornado will act as a tracking missile and will still hit the target enemy even if they try to escape with the ability to use this even while under attack. It is a great skill to use in tight situations.
  • As the battle goes into a tight corner, Zephyr Wisp's bounce would be ideal as this will not only hit the enemy but will consecutively bounce to the highest attack power of the character, leading up to 0.80 damage. 
  • His ultimate is the best prison in the game. His Storm Prison acts as a barrier with easy crowd control, unleashing a large tornado unto enemies, blocking all ranged attacks, and making Temulch and his teammates immune to debuffs as the tornado passes through the prison. Enemies who try to get out will get slowed down and hit with them, standing no chance to fight back. 
  • Inside the prison of “Energetic,” Temulch can restore stamina quickly, and enemies who pass through the prison will not only get slowed but also lose all stamina, making them unable to move.
  • The most used ultimate in the game is the Storm Prison Reload, which makes double tornadoes with Temuilch’s Prison Tornado. As he passes the ultimate tornado, his skills will also reload every time, casting  Zephyr Wisp as much as possible. 

Try this Character if you like: 

  • Messing enemies up with your tornado.
  • Disrupting your enemies with crowd control.
  • Having a combo skill and ultimate to immobilize enemies.


11. Wuchen

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Wuchen, the unforgiving secret envoy of the Heralds, stands as one of the most slippery characters in Naraka: Bladepoint. His kit provides his team with mobility that easily helps them chase, escape, or reposition. The agility he provides messes with the enemy’s combos and game plans, which ultimately turns the tides in his favor. And that’s not it. He can potentially buff his allies' attack damage, making him reliable support on the map.

What Makes Wuchen Great: 

  • Wuchen is a great manipulator, starting with his Spirit Blades, which can be cast to shoot enemies. This can have multiple purposes and acts as his 3rd weapon, reducing the enemy's durability. Five spirit blades can be cast in one blow, making a fatal strike, and lastly, enemies whose durability reaches 0 will make their weapons drop on the floor. 
  • With two weapons, Wuchen’s Spirit Blade Autotrack can be his own support, while clashing five spirit blades will automatically shoot at the approaching enemies, but that's not all. If the spirit blade will miss the target, it will generate a new blade, reducing the enemy's stamina
  • Wuchen’s Spirit Blades shield forms a circle as a supporting character, creating a Qi barrier that blocks ranged attacks and restores allies' armor by 160. This shield can also strike up to 3 spirit blades and has a chance to hit one fatal strike 
  • of his famous Tai Chi Teleport, where his teammates are highly relay for Wuchen to execute this correctly, teleporting allies and their dead remains, essential for a team comeback on fighting. The teleport can be cast within 50 meters. Allies with at least 80% of their health will gain a 30-second attack buff. With less than 80% health, they will gain a 30-second damage reduction buff. 
  • Wuchen can also switch himself to the enemy's current location. Tai Chi Teleport: Switch can teleport three enemies at max and mark them with a vulnerable debuff. This can effectively cancel the enemies' ultimates, casting them at the right time before they activate their ultimate. 
  • Casting Tai Chi Teleport focuses on creating a portal when the current position on an aimed point becomes a 2-door portal. Allies can teleport between 2 portals and increase their attack. Wuchen can also destroy this portal to safeguard from having a safe exit from the battleground.

Try this Character if you like: 

  • Having the ability to manipulate portals 
  • Bringing your teammates back to the dead in a safe hidden spot with tai chi teleport 
  • Having another set of weapons with Spirit Blades 

10. Valda Cui

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Valda Cui, the Sea Dragon, joins the battlefield with the power of the ocean right by her side. Valda Cui is a skilled strategist and fighter who relishes fighting her opponents until her powers drown them completely. She is a strong control character with abilities that disable enemies for her team to take down easily. Add that to the fact that her skill set is composed of high AOE abilities, and you’ll certainly wish you were at a water park instead.

What Makes Valda Cui Great: 

  • With crowd control abilities that make her feared, Valda Cui’s Water Tap can singly target to shoot a bomb like water. This will bind a single target for 2 seconds and mark them with “Soaked.” This can create an opportunity to charge a blue strike using weapons like a katana, making a big hit while they are trapped. 
  • Having the option to create multiple sets of water bombs, enemies stepping on this pool of bombs will bind them for 0.5 sec. Casting this will generate a huge crowd control for multiple groups of enemies unlikely to avoid
  • Her famous skill mostly used in the game is Water Trap Trinity, which is useful to evade deadly combos by leaping backward and setting three bombs in front, making it easier for enemies to step on it and bind them for 0.5 seconds. This combo is a melee weapon that can cast a blue strike with the same timer before the enemies get released on the water bind, making it a free, powerful attack and creating an open-for-a-fallback. 
  • Valda Cui ultimates call the ocean, leaping into mid-air while raising the tide towards the enemies for 15 seconds, having the option to let her enemy stay bound afloat while her teammates feast them on a long-range weapon or equipping the highest tier weapon before casting, making Valda Cui water spear to be more damage when hitting the enemies. Over enemies soaked will have a 5% decrease attack within 10 seconds and can trigger remaining damages like the burn effect.  
  • Rising tide unchained is the ultimate choice for Valda Cui. She can freely move around in the ground and cast multiple water spear-binding enemies at a lower height, the perfect opportunity to cast a golden focus strike or even a blue strike. Valda Cui will also gain another set of health and shields during the ultimate. 
  • Valda Cui also has the option to stay afloat, making her position safe while she controls the enemies' ground, making sure they are immobilized so that her teammates can finish off. She will leap into mid-air with a rising tide barrage and cast multiple water spears in a high-ground advantage position. 

Try this Character if you like: 

  • To control the ocean into the battle 
  • To trap enemies with a water bomb 
  • Soaking enemies decreasing their attack 
  • Creating an opportunity to strike blue focus and golden focus 


9. Zai Ji

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Zai Ji was once a scared little girl sold off by her parents due to the prophecy that she would bring about a great calamity one day. Her escape to Annica paved a new path for her, a path of darkness and revenge. Now, she roams the battlefield, bringing violence and destruction to anyone who crosses her path. With her high damage output and insane mobility, Zai Ji is considered one of the deadliest characters to use in the right hands. She escaped her captors once. She can do it again.

What Makes Zai Ji Great: 

  • One of the most learned characters with mobility and attack as her highest attribute, Zai has the balance of both. She can transform into a flame ward lasting 2 seconds with flame ward skill. During this, she is immune to hit damage and stagger. A great opportunity to stay safe while lunging toward the enemy or simply avoiding damage, pressing the skill again will launch an attack, knocking the enemy with a burning effect. 
  • Flame Ward ignition with the same transformation of a flame ward immune to hit damage and stagger lasting for 5 seconds while she continuously restores health or armor great for reducing time in manually taking healing potion and armor. 
  • Falem Ward Firestorm might be the right skill if your play is still aggressive. Zai will transform into the flame ward and enter an aiming mode where she cannot be hit. While aiming, she dashes in a direction that knocks nearby enemies airborne, causing a burning effect. 
  • Zau Ji’s ultimate are highly damaged utilities. Using her chain scythe, she switches her weapon, which lasts for 30 seconds, and the scale damage will be based on the equipped weapon’s rarity. The higher the rarity, the higher the damage will be in her chain scythe. While launching three consecutive strikes, Zai can gain extra recovery effects.
  •  Her 2nd ultimate variation is known as the Chain scythe suppress. This variation changes the chain link, which burns enemies and removes the healing effects. This will leave enemies burning for 5 seconds and the target sitting in one place. This variation is ideal for duos and trios, especially since this can hold multiple targets in one place. 

Try this Character if you like: 

  • To play and keep on harassing enemies
  • To become immune to hit damage while in the flame ward transformation 
  • If you like, your ult cannot be paired with an enemy.

8. Tianhai

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While he may look timid up close, wait till he gets big. Tianhai, the Titan, is a hero who aims to save the world no matter what. As the shield of the world, Tianhai stands in front of danger and shields his allies with his tough exterior. He can transform into Vajra, a huge titan capable of destroying ranks of enemies. With much control and tenacity, this titan will carry your games.

What Makes Tianhai Great:

  • Tianhai is a great choice when looking for tanks and control characters. All of his Divine Bell choices use QI to protect Tianhai with Ultimate Focus, can reflect all ranged attacks, and block debuffs and hit damages. The first option can be used while under attack.
  • Divine Bell: Counter is great for countering enemy advances, allowing him to follow up with a counterstrike combo. The third option, Divine Bell: Blast, can knock enemies airborne. This is great for providing efficient crowd control unto the enemy.
  • His ultimate, Titan’s Call, transforms him into Vajra and rejuvenates all his missing health. The first option can allow him to grab enemies near and far, stomp the ground, and smash his enemy. This grab is super useful since it provides an easy way to hold enemies for your allies.
  • Titan’s Call: Support works like the first option but allows Tianhai to grab allies and heal them. This is great for supporting allies even while being a tank. Titan’s Call: Restore allows the same as the first option, but smashing the enemy restores health to Tianhai, making him survive more easily.

Try this Character if you like:

  • Being the tank for the team.
  • Having abilities that help you control the enemy.
  • Being a big dude who walks over enemies.


7. Ziping Yin

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Ziping Yin is one of the best in the game regarding support. The selfless medic effortlessly saves allies and heals their HP as if they weren’t damaged. She provides insane healing coupled with a good amount of damage reduction. If you’re thinking of killing her first, that isn’t a viable option, too, as she easily gets away with her high mobility. Her ability to keep allies longer in the fight makes her favored amongst supports.

What Makes  Ziping Yin Great:

  • Her first skill, Aromatherapy, will allow her to throw out a spiritual twig on the ground. Teammates entering the area will gain health and armor regen and 20 damage reduction for 5 seconds. This also allows you to regain gold focus, which resets the fight and gains a benefit in between hits. 
  • Ziping Yin's second variety skill, Umarmen, allows her to toss out the same spiritual twig, except in this skill, when used, it will grant you a spiritual energy shield that can block hit stun from norm attacks lasting up to 12 seconds or until the enemy damages through enough of your health. 
  • Zipings Yin's skills allow her to become both defensive and offensive. Buffing herself or her teammates and getting combos alone can be an option. 
  • The first version of her ultimate is called saving grace. This can allow Ziping Yin to constantly consume rage to restore the health and armor of all her allies' units. This can also increase their restoration abilities by 30%, making this ultimate very special as it can be activated with only 70% rage for the first effect. It can also gain an extra effect when cast at 100% rage. 
  •  Saving grace Aegis grants Ziping Yin, a sedate soul, and the rest of the team at 70% rage, saving your teammates with a counterattack. This can also regenerate a mate's health and armor slowly. This ultimate is a point jail-free card.

Try this Character if you like:

  • If you like to play support and fighter 
  • If you want to have healing and resistance abilities 
  • If you want to ignore light attacks and bring your teammates back from the verge of destruction 

6. Feria Shen

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Feria Shen is one of the highest damage dealers in the game. With a charming personality from a charming young girl, she displays charming talents that showcase her charming character design. If that wasn’t clear enough, she is indeed full of charm! Feria Shen dominates the battlefield with an explosive skill set that will make quick work of any enemy. Full of charm, of course!

What Makes Feria Shen Great:

  • Feria Shen has her Gunplay, which gives her significant gap-closing and mobility. The first option of Gunplay allows her to damage the area in front of her and dash instantly away from the enemy. This blocks all weapon attacks and can be used while under attack.
  • Gunplay: Scattershot makes her dash toward the enemy while blocking enemy attacks and firing in all directions. This is useful, especially when you’re going for the kill. Gunplay: Aim is safer, allowing you to back off and damage the enemy from a safer distance. This gives you a shot that deals good damage and silences enemies for 3 seconds.
  • Mech Mayhem is Feria Shen’s ultimate, and this ability gives Feria Shen multiple offensive options such as cannon mode, rocket thrust, and swarm. The health is depleted when the attack is targeted toward the mech, which means Feria Shen does not take damage during this form. The second choice, Mech Mayhem: Recover, still has swarm and cannon mode, but it can sacrifice the mech’s health to provide armor and damage reduction to allies. 
  • Mech Mayhem: Copilot allows her allies to pilot a weaker mech. When the beacon for the mech is set, all nearby enemies get blown upwards.

Try this Character if you like:

  • Controlling a destructive robot.
  • Having good mobility with explosives.
  • Running around, damaging enemies, and being a giant mechanical robot when they get up close.


5. Viper Ning

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Viper Ning might be one of the coolest-looking sword users in the game. Her sleek and red character design beautifully shows her title as the Crimson Blade. While she may be blind, she sees more without her eyes. With poison running through her veins, Viper Ning displays her skill in the blade through intoxicating attacks.

What Makes Viper Ning Great:

  • Viper Ning’s quick attacks work well with her abilities. Her first set of abilities release inner Qi towards the enemy and deal significant damage. The first option of Yushan Strike knocks enemies back and can be used while under attack. This is a useful skill in disrupting crucial enemy combos.
  • Her Yushan Strike: Silence can silence enemies for 8 seconds, which renders their abilities useless for the time being. This gives her a chance to strike freely. Her Yushan Strike: Wound reduces enemy health recovery for 15 seconds, which is crucial for team compositions with healers. The damage is also greater than the previous two ability choices.
  • Her ultimate, Moonbane Control, is one of the best team-fighting abilities in the game. The first choice allows you to mark enemies for 5 seconds, after which they would get stunned for 5 seconds. These enemies will be unable to use their grappling hooks. 
  • Moonbane Control: Silence marks enemies for 5 seconds, during which they will be silenced and unable to use their grappling hooks. After the mark runs out, they will be stunned for 2 seconds. The last option, Moonbane Control: Unchained, gives Viper Ning a 40% damage reduction stat and the ability to silence enemies and render their grappling hooks unusable. The marked enemies can be struck with an attack interrupting Golden Focus.

Try this Character if you like:

  • Being a cool control character with a good team-fighting skill set.
  • Setting up your allies for success.
  • Making enemies unable to use abilities and escape.


4. Tarka Ji

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While a love for freedom may seem strong, it might feel like you have had too much to drink. Tarka Ji holds a rather unthreatening moniker, the Loyal Drunk. With a really intense, fiery passion (literally), Tarki Ji slices through enemies with a skillful use of the blade. With his high mobility and high damage, whether he uses his blade, fists, or fire, he’ll surely knock you down right before you know it.

What Makes Tarka Ji Great:

  • Tarka Ji might be a drunk, but he is very strong. His Flame Force can block any hit damage for 3 seconds and counterattack with a Burn effect for 5 seconds. This is great for avoiding crucial damage and dealing with some of your own. Flame Force: Block works the same but only blocks melee hits and the counterattack gets stronger with each upgrade of effective defenses.
  • Flame Force: Fireball is a purely offensive ability as it applies burn and Vulnerability to enemies, making them easier to finish. When enemies without focus are hit, they can be knocked up.
  • For his ultimates, Fire Frenzy is a very good offensive ability. It allows him to repel nearby enemies and speed up his movements by consuming rage. This allows him to inflict Burn and block all ranged attacks while running. This also accelerates the stamina recovery of allies and can be used while under attack. 
  • Fire Frenzy: Reload takes it to a whole new level with the ability to use Flame Force: Fireball repeatedly during the ultimate’s duration. While it loses the ability to help allies’ stamina regeneration, spamming Flame Force: Fireball is a great asset. The last option is Fire Frenzy: Extend. This allows him to restore rage per attack, increasing all allies’ attack damage by 10% for 30 seconds.

  Try this Character if you like: 

  • Being a fiery force on the battlefield.
  • High mobility, damage, and alcohol content.
  • Being sober enough to fight.


3. Yueshan

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When talking about badass, Yueshan is the man for the title. His strong stance shows off his beautifully designed armor, coupled with a strong skill set to go with it. Yueshan is the Almighty General, the defender of his kingdom, and no one shall pass without getting through him first. Arguably one of the greatest tanks in the game, Yueshan also has good mobility and great damage, making him a consistent damage dealer and tank. With all his gear and weaponry, you shouldn’t be surprised by his power.

What Makes Yueshen Great: 

His abilities showcase mobility and damage, which are important aspects of the game. His Scorching Dash damages enemies through a dash, which can be used while under attack, making it a good disruptor of enemy combos.

  • Scorching Dash: Stun works just like the first ability, but the distance is increased, and along with the damage, the target is stunned for 1 second. The stun is a useful option, especially when locking enemies down. 
  • Scorching Dash: Weaken works by jumping to enemies and causing Terror for 8 seconds. This is ultimately useful in weakening enemies’ attacks toward you, making you and your team stronger.
  • His General’s Call has three options. All transform him into the Almighty General, but each has its specialties that can be used creatively. The first one charges up an attack to use devastating execution. After hitting an opponent, it can be used again to execute a charged attack.
  • General’s Call: Leaping Strike makes Yueshen leap forward and strike the ground, putting enemies in the air. This is more of a utility-focused ability as compared to the first one. If defense suits your style, General’s Call: Protection is for you. This allows him to use the mighty bellow to buff allies with immovable, protecting them against crowd control and decreasing the damage they take.

Try this Character if you like:

  • Being a big general who leads the charge.
  • To get up close to enemies and be the tank for your team.
  • Mess enemies up while having no consequences.

2. Matari

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The Silver Crow, Matari, is the master of stealth and shadows. Through constant hardships and training in the deserts, Matari became as swift as a falcon, as shown in her character design. Sporting high mobility with damage that supports it, high-level users of Matari fully exploit the outplay capabilities of this character to its full extent, making her the best assassin when looking for quick trades that give no real consequence.

What Makes Matari Great: 

  • Matari has her Flash, which allows her to flash toward a target direction and gain a 15% attack boost for 3 seconds. This is great for chasing, escaping, and finishing enemies off. The first option gives a chance to travel long distances by holding F.
  • The second iteration, Flash: Repeat, gives two flash charges, each with an independent cooldown. Flash: Retrace allows Matari to flash and leave a marker at the previous location. She can return to this up until 9 seconds. What’s great is that she can use this while under attack. Charging in for potential kills is made safer due to this get-out-of-jail-free card.
  • Invisible Assassin resets skill cooldowns for Matari. This makes her a very efficient and mobile assassin who is hard to lock down. The ability also comes with Stealth, allowing one to teleport to an enemy’s back and unleash a special attack. The first option can be used while under attack.
  • Invisible Assasin: Scale Rush has all of the abilities of Invisible Assassin but with the addition of adding Scale Rush, damage for allies. This also comes with a shorter Sealth duration but only by 2 seconds. She still gets that insane special attack we all know and love.
  • The third iteration, Invisible Assassin: Restore, resets the skill cooldowns of allies and grants them Stealth for 12 seconds. This is a very good team ability as it benefits your team rather than just yourself. Your team can gain health and armor based on the damage dealt during this ordeal.

Try this Character if you like:

  • To a character who moves quickly and is hard to catch in battle 
  • Hit-and-run tactics 
  • Outplaying your opponents with invisibility 

1. Yoto Hime

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Now, we have Yoto Hime, the Demon Sword, for the first character on this list. Highly considered the strongest damage dealer in the game, Yoto Hime makes everyone tremble in fear just from her demon sword. Her high damage and range make her a good offensive character, especially since she has many survival capabilities. Just from her skills alone, Yoto Hime takes the cake.

What Makes Yoto Hime Great: 

  • Her flying edge blade deals damage, and blocks ranged weapon attacks. The secondary action will lead to an uppercut slash 20 meters away for 3.5 seconds.
  • F2 variety flying edge callback pushes an enemy with the whirling blades over 10 meters away for 5 seconds, dealing damage and blocking ranged weapon attacks simultaneously. This can also be launched in a horizontal slash with more changes to inflict serious damage which makes it a 2-hit damage. 
  • Yoto Hime's third skill is that as she throws the blade, it will move slowly at 9 meters away for 3.5 seconds. Before it comes to an end, it’ll start a 3-second timer. While Yoto Hime is inside the whirling blade, she is free from light attacks, having the free time to use a health potion or armor before returning to the fight. This is one of the good options to escape under attack. 
  • With her Ultimate, she can launch 3 consecutive slashes in an aimed direction. Damage will increase with every slash, marking enemies with piercing vision while restoring her health and armor slightly. The best part is that the slash damage will increase with the number of nearby enemies. After each slash, Yoto Hime can teleport and continue slashing, leaving enemies no place to hide. 
  • Demon blade combo is the best one overall and always will be. With the third ability having 3 slashes and an additional 3 combo attacks in mid-air, Yoto Hime’s ultimate is also immune to Vajra grabbing for 3 seconds, marking enemies, showing their health bars for 15 seconds, and removing stealth status. This can be very helpful for your teammates to highlight the enemy's weakest link in terms of health.

Try this Character if you like:

  • To play with a katana skill.
  • A high burst damage potential.
  • A blend of offense and defensive capabilities.

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