Fallout 76 Best Armor for PvP [Top 5]

Fallout 76 PVP Armor
13 Apr 2020

PVP is a bit of a strange animal in Fallout 76 and is handled differently than in most online games like GTA Online and Red Dead Online where any player feeling a bit spicy can take you down just because they feel like it. In 76, unless you’re playing Nuclear Winter, PVP is by invitation only. 

Bethesda has changed the way PVP used to work, in which one player would give another player a light tap with their weapon, but not full damage. They have since turned it purely invitational or in the off chance, someone tries to take a workshop from you.

PVP only really takes off when the attacked party accepts your invitation to throw down and returns fire. Now you both are flagged for PVP, everyone to their corners and wait for the bell.

The other way to get your PVP fixed is through Hunter/Hunted or logging into Nuclear Winter where gear operates a bit differently and more Fortnite. You get what you find.

This way of handling player versus player affairs, at the current time, has led to most players very much leaving each other alone, but there are still times when you might need to gird your loins. For the sake of this article, let’s say you’re capping the Converted Munitions Factory trying to stock up on bullets, and you get a visitor and they are also very much wanting your workshop. Now the workshop is contested territory and it’s time to defend what’s yours.

When it comes to personal defense, most players you meet online will tell you it’s all in the perks, weapons, and your skill as a player. When it comes to armor, you’re going to want stuff that has a little something extra than what comes standard, and the game’s Legendary Armor has a few knicks and knacks to add some assistance. Let’s take a look at them.

5. T-51 Power Armor (Best for non-legendary protection)
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The only guaranteed item on this list, and even then finding this particular model may set you back on time, or you already have a set. For the sake of this list, we are looking at the T-51 set of Power Armor, the OG, the classic. Its helmet graced the cover of the original way back in the day and it’s still going strong.

Armor Stats

  • Damage Resistance: 301
  • Energy Resistance: 295
  • Rad Resistance: 181

Power Armor PvP Advantages

  • Lacking the situational bonuses of Legendary Armor, Power Armor offers the protection of wrapping yourself in a military-grade personal fortress of steel. 
  • From a personal standpoint, there is a level of the intimidation factor that comes with someone in Power Armor coming at me with intent...particularly with some of the in-game skins equipped to it, that makes me hear “Monster” by The Automatic (What’s that comin’ over the hill, is it a Monster? Is it a Monster?)

How To Get T-51 Power Armor: 

  • Power Armor can be found in a variety of places scattered throughout Appalachia, from Gorge Junkyard to Wade Airport.
  • A place for the T series to spawn in the game can be found in Point Pleasant on top of the Hardware Store.
  • Another set can be found southwest of Mama Dolce’s in a boobytrapped wharehouse.

Fallout 76 Power Armor Locations (Maxed Level) T-51 & T-60 (Top Tanking Noob)

4. Cavalier (Best for defensive purposes)
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Some will tell you one of the keys to combat survival is to not stand still and to always be moving. It reduces the chance of the enemy getting a hit in. A moving target is way less vulnerable than one standing still. Cavalier helps by giving you a little bit of an incentive to use your AP for more than VATS.

Armor Stats

  • chance to reduce damage dealt while moving or blocking by 15%

Cavalier PvP Advantages

  • With people running around with builds designed to blow a hole in the fabric of the materium and kill god, every little bit of defensive measure helps, even if it only prolongs the inevitable.
  • Should a PVP fight turn out to be more than you can chew, the added help while sprinting away will serve you well in sprinting in an escape.

How To Get Cavalier Armor 

  • Like with all Legendary effects on armor, the only way to obtain them is by looting them off of Legendary enemies or trying your luck at the Legendary Purveyor.

Fallout 76- All Legendary Armor Effects (Stonely)

3. Unyielding (Best for not giving up)
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When the cards are down you’ll want a good surge of energy when your health dips, or perhaps you’re the sort that likes to live dangerously and throws yourself into the devil’s maw with less health than sense. We live in the age when Bloodied and other low health builds are still the meta, and Unyielding only adds to that cocktail.

Armor Stats

  • Gain +3 to all stats except Endurance when at low health

Unyielding PvP Advantages

  • Your statistics filter directly into your performance. With a +3 coursing through you everywhere but your health, you hit harder and move faster.
  • Those accustomed to running low health builds will make the most of their added attrition and superior statistical firepower.

How To Get Armor Name

  • Like with all Legendary effects on armor, the only way to obtain them is by looting them off of Legendary enemies or trying your luck at the Legendary Purveyor.

Fallout 76 Unyielding Legendary Armor (Gamer’s Advice)

2. Sentinel (Best for standing your ground)
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Part one of a marriage made in PVP heaven. Cavalier was about giving you protection while running away and blocking. Sentinel is about getting a nice boost while standing still and telling people what is what. Often shows up paired with Assassin.

Armor Stats

  • 75% chance to reduce damage by 15% while standing still

Sentinel PvP Advantages

  • Some players work best when they are standing still, others are in their element and have the skill to jump around and bring the fire in battle. Take a guess which one this armor benefits.
  • Players, let alone average enemies, are not going to let you stand still to line your shots, so a good chance to get a defensive bonus helps.

How To Get Sentinel

  • Like with all Legendary effects on armor, the only way to obtain them is by looting them off of Legendary enemies or trying your luck at the Legendary Purveyor.
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