[Top 3] Fallout 76 Automatic Rifle Builds That Wreck Hard

Fallout 76 Automatic Rifle Builds
02 May 2020

When you roll into the cluttered garage that is character building, you can do it on the fly and go with what works for you and living with your decisions, or you can take a lesson or two from those who have succeeded. Creating that ideal powerhouse in Fallout 76 is a dance of alchemy, of perks, ability points, armor, weapons and the odd mutation here and there that shine once all the pieces are in place.

We went looking for the wisdom of the sages when it came to builds surrounding Automatic Rifles, otherwise known as Commando Builds, to see who went the distance. To see who went for speed. To see who actually soloed a Scorchbeast Queen. We were not disappointed.

3. Knight Knowledge’s Commando VATs Build (Great for uncomplicated steamrolling)

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Credit to Knight Knowledge on Youtube for this build

Not every build needs to be complicated. It doesn’t have to always be a bizarre science experiment of critical conditions. The build coming to us from Knight Knowledge is a precise but undemanding build that functions in stealth and in run-and-gun gameplay. 

What Knight’s Build Excels In

  • While useful in stealth, it’s not required to make the build work if you feel like sneaking around slows down your momentum and personal playstyle.
  • The emphasis on AP refresh and generating VATs crits help you keep your pace, ensuring you have AP to burn on your enemies and scoring those sweet sneak crit hits.
  • A build that doesn’t sacrifice health and functionality to achieve some form of OP status.

Build details

  • SPECIAL: 2, 11, 4, 3, 8, 13, 15
  • Perks: Bandolier, Master Commando, Tank Killer, Expert Commando, Concentrated Fire, Expert Picklock, Picklock, Master Picklock, Chem Resistant, Cola Nut, Travel Agent, Lone Wanderer, First Aid, Batteries Included, Gunsmith, Action Boy/Girl, Evasive, Gun Fu, White Knight, Adrenaline, Grim Reaper's Sprint, Better Criticals, Four Leaf Clover, Class Freak, Starched Genes, Critical Savvy
  • Armor: Legendary Armor with Action Point Refresh, bonuses to Agility and Luck help. Ultra-Light installed helps with AP and weight issues. Power Armor is not recommended unless necessary, due to it canceling out the AP Refresh bonuses from your armor.
  • Weapons: Legendary rifles that have VATs related bonuses, with a recommendation for Dot Sights and Quick Magazines installed for convenience and utility. 
  • Mutations: Bird Bones, Carnivore, Chameleon, Eagle Eyes, Marsupial, Speed Demon, Unstable Isotope

2. Tyr’s Bloodied VATs Commando (Great for clearing the room with none the wiser)

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Credit to Tyr on Youtube for this build

This build is all about offense and next to zero on the defense side of things. It relies on VATs to bring the heat, and that’s okay. We don’t judge here. Whatever gets the job done is all fine by us. Plus, this is why you put so much emphasis on sneaking in this build. Tyr gives us a credo to go by with this build and that is “If it takes more than one shot, use a bigger gun”.

What Tyr’s build Excels In:

  • If you focus on sneak and VATs sneak attacks with a one-shot-one-kill mentality, you’ll have very little to worry about how squishy you ultimately are in the defense and survivability department.
  • They can’t kill what they can’t see.
  • There are few things as satisfying in Fallout 76 as strolling into the Whitesprings Golf Club and five minutes later standing on a pile of enemies.

Build details 

  • SPECIAL: 2, 15, 1, 1, 8, 15, 14
  • Perks: Bandolier, Master COmmando, Tank Killer, Commando, Expert Commando, Concentrated Fire, Cannibal, Tenderizer, Nerd Rage, Demolition Expert, Covert Operative, Sneak, Escape Artist, Gun Fu, Adrenaline, Bloody Mess, Grim Reapers Sprint, Better Criticals, Starched Genes, Critical Savvy
  • Armor: Chameleon Armor, Unyielding, and Shrouded pieces with sites on Harder to Detect bonuses.
  • Weapons: Bloodied automatic weapons, explosive if you can get them, a Handmade or Fixer are recommended.
  • Mutations: Adrenal Reaction, Bird Bones, Chameleon, Eagle Eyes, Marsupial

1. Angry Turtles OP Stealth Commando (Great for one-shotting just about everything...)

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Credit to Angry Turtle on Youtube for this build

Number one on a list should be the best, so here we have it. Given the ability, players can and will create a setup, a character build recipe if you will, that proves to be a blueprint for absolute domination. This build by Angry Turtle makes the Scorchbeast Queen seem trivial….More than she already is, to hear some of the community go on about it.

What the OP Stealth Commando Excels In

  • Watching this build in action, it is completely capable of downing a Scorchbeast Queen with minimal effort while utilizing it’s stealth capabilities thanks to Chameleon and Sneak perks to remain hidden from the Boss Lady S, dealing that sneak attack damage.
  • Running bloodied, with a knuckle length of health at best, the build does massive damage, which is only greater when you figure sneak attack criticals into the equation.
  • The recipe is precise, but the results of leaving everything dead before they know what hit them is unquestionable.

Build details

  • SPECIAL: 1, 15, 4, 3, 3, 15, 15
  • Perks: Bandolier, Master Commando, Tank Killer, Commando Expert Commando Concentrated Fire, Fireproof, Rejuvenated, Tenderizer, Nerd Rage, Sneak, Escape Artist, Gun Fu, Adrenaline, Mister Sandman, Covert Operative, Bloody Mess, Grim Reapers Sprint, Better Criticals, Class Freak, Starched Genes, Critical Savvy
  • Armor: Shielded Vault Suit, Tattered Dress, Unyielding Armor (chest, legs, arms)
  • Weapons: Bloodied Fixer, Railway Rifle, Bloodied Handmade rifle 
  • Drugs: Overdrive, Psychotats
  • Mutations: Adrenal Reaction, Bird Bones, Carnivore, Chameleon, Eagle Eyes, Egg Head, Grounded, Marsupial, Speed Demon

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