Amnesia The Bunker Story Explained (Quick Version)

Amnesia The Bunker Story Explained
20 Oct 2023

This is the seventh game from 505 Games and their fifth game in the Amnesia series. Amnesia The Bunker is set during the World War I period, and you're playing as Henri, a French soldier.

The story of the game has plot twists, ups and downs and a sad ending to Henri and Lambert. So let’s go over it quickly! 


1. Start Of The Game

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Nothing bad can happen, right?

The game starts with Henri, our protagonist, running through a trench during World War I in France, Verdun. While running through the trench, German soldiers spot him, but he gets saved by his friend Lambert. Sometime later, Henri sets out to look for Lambert, who has been assigned to patrol duty.

Henri finds Lambert in a crater, dehydrated, near a water source. Henri makes Lambert drink from the water source and brings his friend out of the crater, after which they get shot by German soldiers, and an explosion knocks Henry out and indicates that Lambert died.


2. Waking Up

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Aw man, what the hell happened?

Days after that incident, Henri wakes up from a coma, and we find out that our protagonist has amnesia and can’t remember a thing. Stumbling around in the dark, he finds a flashlight and sets out to find someone, but what he finds is a document that contains a picture of Sergeant Reynard being torn to shreds by a horrible beast. 

By moving deeper into the bunker, Henri stumbles upon an unknown soldier bleeding out in the pantry, which lets him know something sinister is in the bunker. The soldier told Henri to obtain dynamite and a detonation handle if he wanted to exit the bunker.


3. Going Deeper

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What the hell was that thing?

Henri makes his way out of the pantry into the officer's quarters. Here he finds a generator that still works and finds out that there’s a lockdown in effect. 

To lift the lockdown, Henri needs to unlock a locker owned by the soldier Delisle to obtain a valve and lift the lockdown. Henri manages to lift the lockdown, opens up the bunker, and makes his way to the Maintenance sector.


4. Maintenance Sector

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Aw man, how did this guy die now?

Henri makes his way to the pillbox through the maintenance sector. In the pillbox, he finds an officer by the name of Stafford. Stafford has a dog tag on him that opens his locker and allows Henri to obtain a wrench, which will be useful later. 


5. Prison

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Look what the cat dragged in…

With the wrench obtained, Henri goes towards the prison next. In the prison, he finds a cell with a German soldier inside begging to be released, and next to the prisoner, are chain cutters. 

Henri has a choice to make when he opens the cell door. Does he leave the prisoner for the monster to eat, using him as a chance to escape, or does he close the cell door again, saving the prisoner but in return getting chased by the monster?


6. Soldiers Quarters

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Way down we go…

After Henri gets away from the prison, he goes to the Soldier’s Quarters, where he needs to make his way to the communications room. The reason is that he found a note stating that someone will transmit the arsenal code if anyone was still alive.

Along the way, he finds some notes stating that Lambert was the one who rescued him, along with a picture of Lambert and his family. The weirdest thing of all is that it states that Lambert felt great later and felt stronger than ever before. 

However, at the beginning of the game, he was barely hanging on for dear life. Well, that’s because Lambert is the monster, and he transformed into it because Henri gave him water from the crater. After avoiding Lambert, the monster, Henri obtains the arsenal code and heads over to the arsenal. 


7. Arsenal

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I wish I had long arms…

In the arsenal, Henri has to manage his way around stealthily, not making a sound, to get to the dynamite that’s way on the other side of the arsenal. Slowly but surely, Henri manages to obtain the dynamite, and along the way, he finds some notes that state there has been an ongoing excavation around the old Roman tunnels. 

The French planned to use it as a tactical advantage against the Germans. But something went wrong during the excavation period and was unleashed in the tunnels. Two soldiers decided to try to sabotage the excavation and blow up the tunnels. They managed to flood the old tunnels, but in the process, they trapped a soldier by the name of Toussaint.


8. Roman Tunnels

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Deeper into hell we go…

Henri makes his way to the tunnels and finds a note left by Toussaint that states that he gouged his eyes out so that he could see properly. Going deeper into the tunnels, Henri finds strange artifacts, and Toussanit can be heard rambling and screaming like a madman. 

Henri finds Toussaint armed with a shotgun and in a violent state so Henri is forced to put him to rest. Henri finds the detonator handle and makes his way back to the blocked-off exit. Placing the dynamite and detonator in place. Henri blows up the blocked-off exit, but instead, it creates a hole that leads him deeper into hell.


9. The End Game

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It’s the final countdown.

By jumping into the hole it leads him to a massive cavern with even stranger architecture. From a distance, he can see the exit, but he has to deal with the beast or also known as his best friend Lambert first if you can even call him that anymore. 

After throwing the beast deeper into the cavern, Henri sprints off to the exit. Freedom at last… or so he thought. After exiting, Henri falls down the hill into some bloody water, where he sees more of his comrades dead. Shortly, German soldiers and dogs can be heard from a distance, and the game cuts to black.


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