Amnesia The Bunker Best Endings - All Endings Explained

Amnesia The Bunker All Endings
20 Oct 2023

Surprisingly, this game has three different endings in total. Well, the third one is left up to debate because you do get a game over screen if you get it. It is not a total ending but it does add to the plot of the game and more mystery to the lore. 

When it comes to the endings, they are easy to get, and they mostly revolve around: do you kill the monster or let it live. But enough of my rambling, let’s get into the endings and how to get them! Also, spoilers ahead! 


3. Jumping Into The Chasm

Start at: 6:25 minutes

This is probably the easiest ending to get out of the three, and it’s the ending that gives you the game over screen, but it adds to the lore and mystery of the game. The way to get it is when you get to the final part of the game where you have to fight the beast. You just start sprinting and jump down to your death. 

Except you won’t die from fall damage, but you’ll see Henri stumbling around in the dark for a few seconds, and then a red orb will come charging at Henri, killing him. This red orb has a deeper meaning tied to all of the Amnesia games, but it hasn’t been discovered yet, so maybe we will learn more about it in the next Amnesia game.

How To Get This Ending:

  • At the final part of the game, exit the little tunnel.
  • You’ll be in front of a huge area with a deep chasm.
  • Start running and jump down into the chasm.
  • You can take the beast with you if you want, but that is optional.
  • You’ll get the third secret ending with a much deeper meaning that hasn’t been discovered yet.

2. Mercy Ending

Start at: 2:45

After finding all the notes and reading them thoroughly, you’ll notice that Lambert slowly turned into the monster after drinking the water that Henri gave him after finding him already half-dead. If you read the notes, you’ll also know that Lambert has a family and a son for whom he bought a stuffed toy rabbit. 

You can find that stuffed rabbit and throw it at the beast, and it will stop chasing you and start looking at the rabbit, having small glimpses of memories of who he once was. Getting this ending can be a bit annoying, as you’ll have to push heavy boxes to the wall so you can jump over them while avoiding the monster. 

Once you jump over the wall that blocks your exit, just run up the stairs and, through a small tunnel and push a rock out of your way. When you push the rock, Henri will fall down a hill, and the monster will come out as well. But instead of attacking Henri, it will run away, and Henri will be caught by the German soldiers, as dogs, whistles, and yelling can be heard from a distance.

How To Get This Ending:

  • Once you enter the huge area, be ready to run around the arena.
  • Make sure that you and the beast have enough distance between yourselves so you can push the boxes.
  • Push the huge box against the wall that blocks your exit.
  • Push the little box next to the huge box so you can jump on top of it.
  • Once you jump over the wall that blocks your exit, start running up the stairs.
  • Once you’re on top of the stairs, run through the tunnel and push the rock out of your way.
  • Once you do all of that, you will get the “Mercy Ending.”

1. True Ending

Start At: 0:29

You’ll have to kill the beast to get this ending. To do that, you’ll have to blow up one of the wooden bridges that the beast is standing on. The best way to do that is to lure it in with the stuffed bunny. Throw the stuffed bunny at a wooden bridge, wait for the beast to be distracted by it, then throw a frag grenade below its feet. The frag grenade will explode the bridge, and the beast will fall to its death. 

If you don’t have the stuffed rabbit, you’ll have to time the explosion with the beast charging at you. Simply stand at the end of the wooden bridge and wait for the monster to start running across it. Once the beast starts running over the bridge, grab out a frag grenade and throw it on the bridge. 

If you time it correctly, the frag grenade will explode and the beast will fall into the chasm. Run up the stairs and through the tunnel; push the rocks out of the way, and Henri will tumble down the hill. After that, the German soldiers will sound the alarm, dogs will be heard in the distance, and the game will fade to black.

How To Get This Ending:

  • Once you’re in the huge open area, be prepared to fight.
  • If you have the stuffed rabbit, throw it at the wooden bridge.
  • Wait for the beast to step on the wooden bridge and grab the stuffed rabbit.
  • Once it starts inspecting the stuffed rabbit, throw a frag grenade to explode the bridge.
  • Once the bridge explodes, the beast will fall into the darkness.
  • If you don’t have the stuffed rabbit, wait for the beast to start charging at you.
  • When it steps on the wooden bridge, throw a frag grenade.
  • The frag grenade will explode and send the beast into the darkness.
  • You just unlocked the “True Ending” of the game.

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