Winter Ember Stealth Action Game Tells a Tale of Treachery and Malice

2v1... but life ain't fair!
01 Apr 2022

Murdering people in the name of power and greed is nothing new to planet Earth. For Arthur Artorias, the main protagonist of ‘Winter Ember,’ this is a particularly sore point, as his entire family was murdered, their names ripped from the history books, and their legacy erased.

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Death from above in the heart of a Winterland of ice and snow. Image by 'Winter Ember.'

Arthur went into exile for 8 years and was presumed dead. Upon his return to his hometown, Arthur must take on the enemies of his family man alone. His only option is to utilize stealth and superior fighting skills and tactics to overcome the enemy, a religious cult whose militant members greatly outnumber him.

Arthur must stick to the shadows, breaking into homes and stealthily utilizing hidden paths and passageways to make his way around town undetected. Arthur is equipped with a wide range of weapons and equipment, both lethal and non-lethal, that can be used to knock out and kill enemies. 

Players can craft unique loadouts with over 30 different arrow types that can be used both offensively and defensively, including smoke arrows, poison arrows, and rope arrows, among others.

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Sticking to the shadows may be wise... Image by 'Winter Ember.'

Players are able to customize their abilities from 3 primary skill trees, including stealth, combat, and utility. Cleverly combining different skills and loadouts can make for epic plays that will leave the enemy utterly helpless against the player.

The town of Anargal is full of treasures, undiscovered secrets, and militant cultists that must be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Players must fight to restore their family’s legacy and right the wrongs that were committed against Arthur before his 8 years of exile.

‘Winter Ember’ is developed by ‘Skymachine Studios,’ and will be released on Steam in the second quarter of 2022.


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