‘Trail Out’ Takes Home Multiple Game Awards As the Pinnacle of Reckless Trail Racing

Cool cars, lots of noise, dust, and burning tires... Perfect!
22 Mar 2022

‘Trail Out’ is a game that attempts to take what has already been achieved in the world of racing games by games such as ‘Dirt 5,’ ‘Forza,’ and similar racing games and outdo it in a way that is unique to ‘Trail Out.’

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Restore, customize, and upgrade epic cars. Image by 'Trail Out.'

Street racing, and rally racing, whether it be dirt or tarmacked streets, are old as the hills, or rather, old as automobiles. People have been trying to replicate the rush of these sports as realistically as possible in video games for years.

Imagine a mom’s reaction to finding out that their child wishes to race cars at breakneck speeds for a living… Now imagine that child fulfilling that desire and itch to race in a highly realistic, but safe, virtual environment. The virtual appeals significantly more, at least to the moms!

‘Trail Out’ offers all the ins and outs of racing and auto sports in one package. According to developers, the game will feature over 35 cars and classes at release, along with 35 different race locations. Additionally, the game also includes over 7 modes ranging from derby, to rush, to mind-bending stunts.

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Don't judge a car by its bodywork. Image by 'Trail Out.'

Trying to jump a car in a video game and come out unscathed and with no massive financial issues to take care of is significantly easier and a sight likelier than if one were to actually jump a car!

‘Trail Out’ allows vehicle customization, as well as unique builds for different types of races and classes, as well as an engaging back story to keep the game fresh and entertaining.

‘Trail Out’ is developed by ‘Good Boys’ and is on Steam.

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