Superpower 3 Is More Than A Geopolitical Simulator - It's A Political Battleground For the Masses

Rule the world as the newest superpower on the block.
26 Mar 2022

The world of politics is a messy place. In fact, the world, in general, is a messy place. Politics just lends itself to the manifestation of how incredibly bad people are and what a messy job they’re doing of running the planet.

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Evaluating global statistics. Image by 'Superpower 3.'

Fantasizing about running a city, or a state, or maybe even a country, is something that plenty of people does all over the world. In most cases, they believe that they would be doing a much better job of it. There’d be more jobs, fewer wars, unity, and freedom. Sadly, most people never get to try out their political ideas. 

‘Superpower 3’ is a geopolitical simulator that brings all the messy complexity of global politics to a digital platform where anyone is free to try out any of the crazy political schemes they have in mind and find out whether they’d actually be worth anything as a politician.

Players can govern as an authoritarian dictator or choose to rule as a democracy with their friends in co-op mode. All scenarios and events in the game are based on real-world data and events to create an authentic outcome to any decisions players make. 

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Extensive character customization. Image by 'Superpower 3.'

The game allows players to lead any one of 193 different countries in the world, and they are free to lead in whichever way they choose. What if Russia launched a nuclear attack on the US? Or vice-versa? Or if North Korea ended its communist regime and rejoined the South in unity? 

According to developers, the game has endless replayability since there is no end to the game and players can choose to make different decisions in unique scenarios every time they play.

‘Superpower 3’ features almost endless character customization and boasts a “mod-friendly architecture” for players who wish to create their own political scenarios to work through.

‘Superpower 3’ is developed by ‘Golem Labs,’ and is scheduled for release on Steam at a date that is still to be announced.

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