Sephonie 3D Platformer Explores The Meanings of Memory, History, and Nature

Unearthing mysteries of the ancient past is dangerous...
31 Mar 2022

Mysteries are intriguing by nature, begging to be solved like an itch that needs to be scratched. When these mysteries involve science and the supernatural they become even more mysterious. And when memory is added to the mix things can get a little complicated.

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Heading for high ground and exploring the beauty of nature. Image by 'Sephonie.'

‘Sephonie’ places three researchers on the unexplored island of ‘Sephonie’ after their ship wrecks. The three researchers “Amy, Ing-wen, and Riyou” each have unique life backgrounds and spiritual backgrounds. 

‘Sephonie’ is an island unlike any other, filled with puzzles linking undiscovered animal species, and bound under a spiritual power that is influenced by those who walk the island. Players must explore the island’s caverns, linking and discovering undiscovered species using a Tetris-based building system to build unicolored links.

The game is built with a focus on puzzle-solving and a complex narrative exploring the depth of relationships between people, nature, and the spiritual realm. ‘Sephonie’ is built on a rich storyline following the experiences of the 3 researchers and the bonds between them and the island that form and develop the longer they stay there.

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Alien flowers that can eat people? Image by 'Sephonie.'

As they explore the island, each of the three’s individual memories, emotions, and spiritual beliefs play a crucial role in how they experience the island and how it treats them, as well as in how the relationship between the three develops…

‘Sephonie’ is a 3D platformer using a wide range of movement mechanics such as grapples and wall-running to allow easy and effective exploration of the island. The game is developed by ‘Melos Han-Tani,’ and ‘Marina Kittaka,’ and is scheduled for an “early 2022” release on Steam.

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