The Odyssey of the Mammoth Tells An Epic Tale of Survival In An Age of Extinction

Take a trip down memory lane in the ancient annals of evolution.
27 Mar 2022

The extinction of various animals throughout the earth’s history is sad, but perhaps in some cases such as the dinosaurs, for the better. After all, who wants to go to school having to check over their shoulder to make sure they’re not being stalked to become a giant lizard’s breakfast?

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Traversing icy terrain. Image by 'Odyssey of the Mammoth.'

The extinction of the mammoths though is rather sad. The mammoths were majestic creatures of the incredible size that frequented the colder habitats of planet earth and reportedly went extinct 4000 years ago due to climate change and humans hunting them. 

But then again, what do we know? We weren’t exactly present to witness what happened and let’s just say human record-keeping back in the day was a little patchy… 

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Getting water from a lake. Image by 'Odyssey of the Mammoth.'

‘The Odyssey of the Mammoth’ follows a mother woolly mammoth in her journey to the island of Wrangel with her calf. As she journeys she must fight off predators and survive harsh conditions, protecting her calf as she traverses three incredibly beautiful biomes, from the steppes and the taiga to the great glaciers of the Arctic.

There are three primary combat mechanics, namely a terrifying charge, a deadly swiping of the tusks, and a bone-crunching trampling. A narrator accompanies players throughout their journey, filling them in on the incredible history of the woolly mammoths while keeping things light with jokes and sarcastic remarks.

‘The Odyssey of the Mammoth’ was developed by a student dev team called the ‘Might Tusks’ who built the game as a project forming part of their studies. The game was released on Steam on the 4th of March 2022.

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