Medic Pacific War Exposes the Horror of War and the Fragility of Human Life

Medic Pacific War Exposes the Horror of War and the Fragility of Human Life
01 Mar 2022

War always involves significant loss of life, bloodshed, and severe injuries and wounds. Treating wounded soldiers as a field medic in the military is not for the fainthearted and requires both bravery and a high level of skill under extreme pressure.

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Examine wounded soldiers and treat them appropriately for their specific wounds. Image by 'Medic Pacific War.'

World War 2 was one of the bloodiest wars ever fought, seeing millions of soldiers wounded or killed. In the Pacific, the war was extremely bloody as the enemy’s code of honor demanded that they rather die an honorable death than be defeated and captured alive by their enemies.

In ‘Medic Pacific War’ players take on the role of an American field medic on the frontlines in the Pacific in America’s fight against the Japanese forces. Players must rescue fallen soldiers under a rain of heavy fire, making snap decisions on which soldiers to rescue and treat first, and which ones to leave because they have no chance, or because their injuries or superficial enough that they’ll survive the wait.

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Display valor and honor, rescuing wounded soldiers while under enemy fire. Image by 'Medic Pacific War.'

Every decision players make will either save or cost lives. Additionally, making the wrong decisions can not only have a negative impact on individuals but on everybody around them and on the entire operation. For instance, rescuing a commanding officer would be of more importance than a rookie in the rank and file. 

The decisions players must make often create a significant moral conundrum, but one which is unavoidable and must be faced and overcome like any challenge on the battlefield.

‘Medic Pacific War’ is developed by ‘Hypnotic Ants’ and is available on Steam.

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