Master the Art of Magic in the Medieval Adventure Game Serpent Rogue

Not even the power of magic can come close to the beauty of nature.
02 Apr 2022

Alchemy is the art of turning something worthless into something valuable. Alchemists have tried for centuries to turn minerals such as mercury into valuable minerals such as gold through chemical processes. Sometimes, all it takes is a touch of magic…

Body Image
Battling the armies of the Serpent Rogue. Image by 'Serpent Rogue.'

‘Serpent Rogue’ is set in medieval times. Players become a powerful alchemist, ‘The Warden,’ who must craft magic potions to use in the fight against the evil ‘Serpent Rogue.’

‘Mount Marbus’ is the lair of the Serpent, spreading its evil across the land and battling for domination of the medieval world. Players must fight the Serpent, fighting for peace and tranquility in the face of a dark evil!

Players must use their magic alchemical powers to create different potions using a variety of ingredients. They must use these powerful potions to fight the ‘Serpent Rogue,’ taking on quests from the citizens of the land and fighting for fame and glory.

In ‘Serpent Rogue’ every decision players make will have a lasting impact and will ultimately determine whether players are victorious over the forces of darkness and emerge as heroes, or whether players will limp from the battlefield, defeated and humiliated. 

Players can create creatures to fight for them, shapeshift, and craft potions and items that will help them in their fight. However, hoarding too many creatures, potions, or items, will attract unsavory beings that feed off the items, creatures, or dead bodies that players leave in their wake!

‘Serpent Rogue’ is developed by ‘Sengi Games,’ and is coming to Steam in April of 2022.

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