Hollywood No Longer Interested In Casting Alyson Hannigan. Here’s Why

Hollywood No Longer Interested In Casting Alyson Hannigan. Here’s Why
25 Jun 2017

Hollywood Thinks Allyson Isn’t Cool Anymore

This one time, in the late ninties and earli two-thousandsAlyson Hannigan was everywhere.

You may know her as Willow or Lilly or even the weird girl from American Pie, and those are only some of the major roles this acress has stared in. Most of her popularity came from TV shows which, fortunately, ran for quite a while. However, despite her popularity, Hollywood isn’t interested in hiring Hannigan for any major roles in their upcoming movies.

So How Come Hollywood Won’t Hire Willow / Lilly Anymore?

Unfortunately there is a list of reasons why Hollywood isn’t interested in hiring an actress such as Hannigan. Some of the things on the list include things like her age (apparently she is too old to play young roles yet she is too young to play older and/or more mature roles), her acting history (her best works were in TV series and not so much on the big screen), her very similar roles (she mostly plays the comic relief, not that there’s anything wrong with that) and her active family life. Alyson Hannigan, while still a very famous actress, isn’t what Hollywood needs right now.

So What Is She Going to Do Now?

Fear not Buffy and How I met your mother fans. Just because Hollywood isn’t interested in Alyson doesn’t mean that we will never see her again on our screens. Movies have never really been her thing. TV shows are still very much her thing and perhaps she can try out some different roles in some independant films. We also hear that Buffy The Vampire Slayer is getting a resolution boost and that it will be availabe for streaming soon. We can hope that the kids today will love Hannigan and damand to see her in more stuff. Either way, she’s not going anywhere yet.

Body Image

Comic Relief? Did You See How Scary She Was in This Episode?

For more news about Alyson Hannigan check out this link:


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