Epiphany City Paints A Portrait of the Power of True Change

Never too late to have a change of mind!
31 Mar 2022

Every once in a while, people will have a mind-altering epiphany that completely changes their beliefs or way of life. This can be bad or it can be good, depending on how bad they were beforehand…

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Police stations, where epiphanies are a penny a pound. Image by 'Epiphany City.'

‘Epiphany City’ is a story of such mind-altering change, where a fragile, insecure little girl turns out to be a superhero that can save the world, sort of. She steals her powers, but nonetheless, she still changes!

‘Lily’ is a little girl who has lost all hope and who believes that she is worth nothing, that she will never amount to anything, and that nobody will ever care about her. 

This all starts changing with Lily’s power to manipulate magic picture frames. Her power, as it happens, is stolen from ‘Superman,’ the most powerful superhero of all. Lily doesn’t know it, but her newfound powers are crucial to saving the world from the danger it faces.

Lily’s picture frame powers allow her to manipulate the world around her. As the story progresses this power grows, allowing her to make more changes to the world as more drastic action becomes necessary.

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A little gratitude goes a really long way. Image by 'Epiphany City.'

‘Epiphany City’ features unique puzzle mechanics. The game veers away from traditional lock-and-key puzzle mechanics, requiring more out-of-the-box thought processing. Individual objects can become entirely different objects depending on their surroundings.

A prophecy about the savior of the world was made, and Lily must fulfill this prophecy, even though it was never intended for her because she has stolen power from Superman. 

‘Epiphany City’ features over 1000 hand-drawn characters and sprites. It tells a story that inspires hope despite being “silly and whimsical” according to its developers.

‘Epiphany City’ is developed by ‘Cameron Ladjevardi’ and ‘David Elliot.’ The game is scheduled to be released on Steam in April of 2022.

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