Dread Hunger Horror Survival Tells A Spine Chilling Tale of Betrayal

Empty stomachs can cause murder...
01 Apr 2022

Betrayal is never something easy to deal with. It has a habit of catching the victims completely off guard, because, well, they trusted the person or group that betrayed them.

Betrayal is also not something that goes lightly punished, with plenty of people being happy to roll heads over it, depending on the severity of the betrayal of course!

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Backstabber lurking in the shadows. Image by 'Dread Hunger.'

‘Dread Hunger’ is a tale of survival and betrayal. Only this time, players can choose to be the ones who betray their friends.

The story is set in the frigid environment of the Arctic, as a team of explorers navigate the treacherous ice-filled waters in a 19th-century warship and desperately try to survive the harsh elements.

Fire is essential for survival. Without fire, there is no warmth, which, in the subzero temperatures of the Arctic, means certain death. Players must also hunt for their food and survive attacks by wolves and other predators.

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Don't end up being this guy's next meal... Image by 'Dread Hunger.'

Being a tale of betrayal, there are countless ways for players to plot the early demise of their fellow explorers.

Giving them bad food, or setting them up to be attacked by animals are two ways to do it. Other methods include the use of blood magic or a good old bullet in the back of the head. Of course, players must watch out. They are not the only ones capable of betraying their friends…

There will be blizzards, whiteouts, and other perils of the Arctic to deal with, all while trying to survive and flee a looming blizzard that could spell the end of every member of the expedition.

‘Dread Hunger’ is developed by ‘Dread Hunger Team’ and released on Steam in January of 2022.

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