Captain of Industry Reveals the True Masters of Industry and Commerce

Captain of Industry Reveals the True Masters of Industry and Commerce
31 May 2022

‘Captain of Industry’ is a colony and simulation game that challenges you to turn a tiny colony into a massive industrial empire.

You and a small crew start out on an abandoned island. Your first priority is to gather raw materials such as food, wood, and other materials required for construction.

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Setting up automated power and manufacturing systems. Image by 'Captain of Industry.'

You can start by building basic workshops, simple farms, and basic houses. Once you have settled in you can work on becoming a completely self-sufficient settlement by building factories that produce the manufactured products that you will need such as vehicles, clothes, and other products.

You can also expand your farming industry to create a wide range of farms for various different foods and raw materials.

Construction work will have to start simple. As you advance, you can build more and more complex factories and machines to help develop more advanced industries such as electronics, petroleum, and efficient, environmentally friendly power generation.

Vehicles will form an integral part of your colony, so building factories for vehicles is a crucial step in your settlement’s advancement. You will need vehicles for people transport, shipping materials and products, and vehicles for heavy work such as construction.

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Building a massive industrial colony with major resource processing and naval systems. Image by 'Captain of Industry.'

‘Captain of Industry’ features advanced automation mechanics, allowing you to build and develop more and more complex systems to make your resource production, collection, processing, and manufacturing more efficient and effective.

This will allow your colony to expand and develop at an exponential rate. 

Setting up automated processes also makes for a challenging and exciting process for players to work through and allow their industrial genius to shine.

Once your settlement is up and running and starting to grow, you can start exploring the rest of the world. You can make allies, and establish trade routes and agreements. You will also need to develop your defenses to fight off raiders and pirates who want to steal everything that you’ve built up.

See you on the ground!

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