'Bail or Jail' Multiplayer Monster Tag Game Is Absolute Chaos!

'Bail or Jail' Multiplayer Monster Tag Game Is Absolute Chaos!
03 Jun 2022

Tag is a game that is highly popular among children all around the world. However, no one ever said that it’s a game for children only!

Body Image
Running around in a dark cemetery. Image by 'Bail or Jail.'

‘Bail or Jail’ is a fast-paced game of tag where time truly waits for no man. Each game is a maximum of 3 minutes long. There are two teams, humans, and monsters. There are 3 humans in a team, playing against 1 monster on the monster team. 

As a monster, you’ll need to hunt down human players, catch them, and lock them up in jail. As a human, you’ll need to escape and evade the monster, and then also try to rescue your teammates from the holding cell when they get captured.

If the monster manages to capture all three humans before the time runs out, the monsters win. If not, then humanity prevails and the monsters are defeated.

Body Image
A human stuck in jail. Image by 'Bail or Jail.'

Even though ‘Bail or Jail’ is based on the game of tag, it does have unique features that set it apart from the traditional tag. Monsters have unique skills and abilities that give them an edge when they are hunting their human prey. Some of these include being able to move through walls or being able to see human footprints and track them down that way.

Humans also aren’t completely defenseless. If they are fast enough, they can stun monsters using a hand lantern that will give them time to try and slip away to escape. The game features online and offline (LAN) multiplayer capabilities, allowing you and your friends or family to play together.

‘Bail or Jail’ is developed by ‘FREESTYLE Inc,’ and ‘Konami Digital Entertainment.’


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