ABRISS Physics Destruction Requires Players To Design and Build Weapons of Mass Destruction

Build to destroy!
02 Apr 2022

Weapons of mass destruction are no joke. They are what keeps the superpowers of the world at bay and away from each other's throats, for the most part. Imagine the power that comes with building weapons that can wipe out entire cities?

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Giant lasers cut a massive structure to pieces. Image by 'ABRISS.'

‘ABRISS’ takes some fun physics and construction mechanics and throws them together in a ‘build-to-destroy’ scenario. Players are given designated targets that they must destroy. These targets could be weakly fortified settlements or massive strongholds with armored walls and tough defenses.

It is up to the player to choose from a wide range of different parts, including propulsion systems, lasers, connectors, explosives, and a plethora of other components to build the best, most suitable weapons to bring down each target.

Players could create powerful rockets to dent the defenses, and then send heavy bombs through to obliterate the inside. Alternatively, rockets could be built to fire over walls and pick vulnerable targets inside the defenses.

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Buildings falling to pieces. Image by 'ABRISS.'

How players choose to build their weapons, and how they choose to bring down their targets is entirely up to them. Their only limitation is the bounds of their imagination! Each target that is destroyed brings players closer to completing the particular stage they are on and puts them one step closer to beating the campaign.

The fewer moves players need to make to destroy a target, the higher the score. Alternatively, the larger area they destroy within a limited number of moves, the higher the score.

‘ABRISS’ is developed by ‘Randwork,’ and is scheduled for release on 14 April 2022.

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