[Top 5] Mordhau Best Armor

Mordhau Best Armor
29 Sep 2020

Armor is the coated awesomeness that protects all brave knights. It also imbues one with the essence of epicness that can only be experienced becoming a walking tank. Some fights require armor that is flexible, others need that solid stopping power to survive. Whether you want something light or heavy this list shows off the top 5 best pieces of armor in Mordhau.

 5. Coat of plates


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One shot kills without armor   

Being a tier 1 armor allows the coat of plates to provide moderate protection. Knights must be agile and for combat need to be spry. This armor does that trick and cost only 3 points of your build. Being the best of the light armor set in tier one makes it the cheapest to buy, but also the best one to put your gold up for. Block damage and look good too.

 What makes Coat of plates great?

  • Cheap to purchase
  • Low equip cost
  • Best light armor

Coat of plates details

  • Only 300 gold to unlock
  • Cost 3 points to equip
  • Light armor gives you the best movement speed
  • Customizable colors 
  • Low stamina drain

4. Chainmail


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     Fear always comes clad in chainmail 

The classic chainmail armor is legendary for its use during the crusades. Now you have the chance to wield it and carry on it’s legacy. The armor is tier 2, medium armor. It provides more protection than light armor. However, it is bulkier to take more punishment. Movement speed is sacrificed to be a bit more tank like. Wielding a greatsword or war axe is recommended with this armor.

What makes chainmail great 

  • Makes you look like a knight
  • High protection
  • Moderate equip cost

Chainmail details 

  • 6 points to equip
  • Default armor already unlocked 
  • Takes arrow damage for days
  • Stamina is not consumed fast
  • Protects torso

3. Winged Greathelm

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Show no mercy!

Without a helm on your head you will lose it. Arrows will pierce your skull and make your team lose. There are many helmets in the game, but this one truly soars. Charge into the frey with the heaviest helm in the game. 

What makes the Winged greathelm great 

  • Makes arrows feel like nothing when they hit
  • Prevents decapitation
  • Buffs overall armor rating

 Winged greathelm details 

  • 10k gold to unlock
  • Looks menacing
  • Best helmet protection rating
  • Color customization
  • 9 points to equip

2. Hauberk

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Decapitation is prevented with good headwear

Another tier 2 all star. Medium armor allows you to sway and slay as you like. With the additional plating this one looks even more menacing and doesn’t sacrifice the look for that power. Moderate stamina drain and cost makes it one of the more favorable options of the medium armor style.

What makes Hauberk great?

  • Fair stamina drain
  • Not too heavy
  • Stops arrows from insta killing you

Hauberk details

  • 6 points to equip
  • Moderate stamina drain
  • Movement speed is average
  • 600 gold to unlock
  • Can be colored to your liking

1. Tabard

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If you had armor this wouldn’t have happened

One of the heaviest armors in the game. All tier three armor is heavy. You are not the fast assassin, you are the juggernaut coming for the kill. Trample over anything in your way. Nothing gets through this as long as you don’t get cocky. 

 What makes Tabard great?

  • Looks like your ready for a crusade
  • Makes you a tank
  • Strong damage prevention 

Tabard details

  •  9 points to equip
  • 2k gold to unlock
  • Color customization
  • Strongest damage prevention of all armors 
  • One of the Heaviest armor sets available 

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