[Top 5] Predecessor Best Supports (Ranked)

21 Feb 2024


The team is getting their health evaporated by the enemy team, if you lose this fight the game is over and they win. Just in the nick-of-time Muriel flies overhead, stunning the enemyteam and giving you a shield to continue fighting. It’s just what you need to finish them off and the game is yours! 

Support characters play a huge role in Predecessor. They can save lives, set up takedowns and protect the ally’s objectives. If you’re looking for the best support to help your team win their next game, here is a list of the top 5 best support characters in Predecessor. 

#5: Phase - Support 

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If you’ve ever been in a real jam in Predecessor before, you know how useful phase’s abilities can be during a fight. 

  • Phase’s ability “Telekinetic Link” allows her to provide herself and her linked ally an additional 6% physical and magical power continuously. When this ability is paired with the card “Wellspring” it also provides continued healing while the connection holds.
  • This connection, when double tapped, gives Phase the ability to pull the ally she is connected to, all the way back to her. This can be good and bad as some characters tend to pull you back into combat when you’re trying to escape. When done correctly, this ability can pull allies out of sticky team fights that are not moving in your favor. 
  • Phase’s ability “Energy Lance” creates a large beam of light that deals damage to the enemy being hit with it, and after an amount of time dealing this damage to them, they will become rooted. During this root, they cannot move or blink, but they can use their abilities. 
  • The ability “Psychic Flare” has caused many, many characters to be killed as it leaves their screen blind for 1 second. This can be useful in team fights as well as an attempt to escape an enemy chasing you. 
  • Phase’s ultimate ability can be the difference in a winning or a losing team fight. This ability increases attack speed by 50% and increases ability haste by 30%. This can help take objectives, secure takedowns and win team fights. 


#4: Muriel - Support

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This guardian angel doesn’t lack the ability to cause real damage, as she can build a damage card build and take the place of a carry character. More importantly, Muriel contains the crucial elements to keep the allied team alive. When paired with the card “Wellspring” her abilities can be the difference between a lost battle and a win. 

  • Muriel grants ally team members a shield through “Alacrity” which also gives the ally a speed boost in order to escape combat or chase an enemy to secure the take down. 
  • Her other shield gifting ability, “Consecrated Ground” explodes after a few seconds, dealing damage to anyone underneath the orb. 
  • The “Serenity” is a piercing bolt of energy that slows enemy heroes and deals up to 220 damage upon impact. This ability also causes the enemy to take additional 10% damage from all sources for the duration of the slow. While her abilities are a nice attribute within the team, her importance lies within her ultimate ability. 
  • Muriel’s ultimate ability is the “Reversal of Fortune '' where she can fly to any ally team member in the map. When you land on top of the allied hero, all surrounding enemies are stunned for a short time. This ability paired with the remaining of her abilities creates an increased chance of survival along with an increased chance of winning the fight. 

#3: Narbash - Support

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While other supports are averaging 15,000 to 30,000 healing per game, Narbash is out here averaging 70,000 to 90,000 healing per game. This is one of the best support characters to have on your team. 

  • The first ability to focus on is “The Song of My People” that plays a drum beat every few seconds, healing yourself and nearby allies for up to 15 plus 8% for stacks, every beat. This wave of healing can be a lifesaver for teammates. This ability paired with all mana regeneration cards makes for unlimited healing throughout the game. 
  • Narbash’s second ability of importance is his “March” which grants him and his nearby allies a speed boost. This ability can be detrimental to characters as they flee the scene of an objective push, or as they chase the enemies down in an attempt to team wipe them. 
  • His ability “Thunk” can be extremely useful, though it is difficult to get the hang of aiming. This ability throws out a drum stick in the desired direction, and upon impact of an enemy, they are stunned for 1.25 seconds. This stun can save an ally from dying in a chase, or even help secure a kill for the team. 
  • Narbash’s ultimate ability is called the “Crash Bang Boom” that gives him a 25% damage reduction, slowing the enemies in the area for 40% as well as dealing 180 damage per drum strike during this time. On the last hit of the drum, all enemies in the area are knocked into the air, stunning them for 1.5 seconds. This ability is great for team fights. As a matter of fact, Narbash himself is great for team fights, as long as he puts himself in the area with the team members to heal them, they are almost guaranteed to win the fight. 

#2: Riktor - Support/ Offlane/ Jungle


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Riktor is a very good support, but much like many other characters in the game, it depends on the player. 

  • Riktors ability “Riplash” throws his chain forward to enemies within range, latching onto them and pulling them back to you. This ability is very useful in situations where the enemy team is pushed up to your tower, because Riktor can latch onto an enemy and bring them into the tower, letting the tower damage them. This can be a quick method for a quick take down. 
  • One of Riktor’s most useful abilities is “Shock Therapy'' which upon impact with the enemy will silence them for 1.25 seconds. This creates a black and white colored screen for the enemy and takes away their power to use any ability, including their blink for escaping. 
  • Another great ability for Riktor is his “Electrocute” which grants him 10% movement speed when activated for 5 seconds. This is a great method of escape as it also deals damage to enemies within the area. 
  • Riktor’s ultimate ability can be a great team addition as it stuns everyone inside of it for the whole duration of the ability. The issue with this is, sometimes it is difficult to catch the enemies inside of the ultimate, as it is a triangular area aimed in front of the character. 


#1: Steel - Support/Offlane    

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Steel is at the top of our support character list, and for good reason. He makes for a very useful support with his “Force Shield” that blocks enemy projectiles, including Phase’s root, and slows enemies that walk through it. Steel makes for a great support as his tanky nature helps protect the carry sharing the duo lane with him. 

  • If you plan to take this support character in duo lane, definitely get the card called “Raiment of Renewal” that regenerates 10% of damage taken over 6 seconds. This card will be crucial in a Steel support position because it gives him the ability of being a bullet sponge which supports the carry by giving them the opportunity to secure the takedowns. 
  • The “Shield Slam '' is a radius stun that deals up to 400 damage upon impact. It can be used to catch up to enemies, escape them, and to help secure kills for the ally team. By rendering the enemies within the stun radius imobile, the ally team is given the opportunity to secure the kills with their own ultimates or abilities. 
  • Steel’s shield bash and knock up work great together in fights with the carry as it gives the carry a prolonged amount of time to deal damage to characters without receiving damage in return. 


There are a total of 7 different support characters to choose from in Predecessor, though the Omeda Studios website only has 6 listed, excluding Steel but including him in their game support options. While these are just 5 of the characters, each one has specific attributes that are good in different matches. It is also important to understand the character card build plays a major role in the effectiveness of these characters' supporting abilities. 

Good luck to everyone and have fun in your gaming adventures!


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