Growing up with five stepbrothers, Kati was very used to seeing video games on the living room tv. Now
she is fortunate enough to have married a gamer, who has gifted her with an open mind for different genres of games. Kati's experience is formed from of a wide range of different games, from: MOBA's like Predecessor, Story games like Life is Strange and A Plagues Tale, and even Asymmetrical horror games such as the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game. Kati is a full-time undergraduate student at an online college, where she partakes in many writing projects, as well as her own personal writing for fun. While she previously only enjoyed playing first person shooters, she now finds more interest in MOBA's and Story mode games. The adventure is what Kati loves most about all of it. She enjoys being able to write about her own experiences and impacting those who are journeying through videogames, at any skill level, as well!
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
PVP, Action, RPG