[Top 5] Baldur's Gate 3 Best Romances

Shadowheart in the moonlight
12 Dec 2023

5. Gale

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Gale, the Wizard of Waterdeep,  is one of the main companions you meet at the very start of Act 1. You’ll find him stuck inside a swirling purple vortex North of the ravaged beach. He’s notably easy to romance, and some players have even managed to bag him after barely speaking to him. The way to his heart is through intelligence and sensitivity, and as long as you feed him his magical items, then he’ll be head over heels for you in no time!

We love this romance because it’s sweet and easy to get. Gale’s personality is loving and surprisingly sensitive. Whilst he does have some unresolved feelings for his ex, it’s very fulfilling to watch him grow and mature throughout the game.


4. Lae’Zel

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Lae’Zel is a ruthless and rather stubborn Githyanki. She is the very first companion you meet in the game, but you have to wait until after the crash when you can recruit her. She’ll be stuck in a cage slightly Northeast of the Ravaged Beach. The way to this Gith’s heart is by supporting the Githyanki, agreeing with her frequently, and showing power over others.

Lae’Zel’s romance feels extremely rewarding because of the character development she goes through over the course of the adventure. At first, she appears cold and uncaring. However, if you take the time to really get to know her, then you’ll easily see why she acts the way she does. Lae’Zel is blunt with her words, but deep down, she’s a big softie! Her main storyline is well worth following.


3. Karlach

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Karlach, a Tiefling with an infernal engine for a heart, is a fan favourite among the community. You’ll have to explore a bit of the map in Act 1 to find her, as she’ll be in the Southeast area of the Risen Road. Be aware you’ll need to recruit her before completing the Emerald Grove mission to get her romance. She appreciates kindness and honesty and will approve of you helping the weak.

Karlach is a delightful character to romance. She’s adorable and funny, providing some of the most entertaining lines in the game. Her storyline is interesting to follow, but it’s also incredibly heartbreaking. Since this character was not originally intended to be a romance, her story does feel quite rushed and incomplete at times. Nonetheless, it’s definitely worth giving her some love.


2. Astarion

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Astarion, a sassy Vampire with a traumatic backstory, is yet another fan favourite. He’s found West of the crash site, greeting you with a knife to your throat. He’s one of the more difficult companions to romance, as he’s slow to trust you and disapproves of heroic and kind acts. If you want to impress him, you have to show selfishness and cruelty towards others. Helping him out with his ‘cravings’ will also gain you big approval points.

We love the depth of Astarion’s romance. Having gone through so much trauma, it takes a long time to get him to open up to you. When he does, you learn that there’s so much more to him than his cruelty. Watching him learn to trust and gain the courage to fight for his freedom is genuinely so moving.


1. Shadowheart

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Shadowheart is a half-elf cleric who you can find a few steps from where you first spawn. She’s a Shar-worshipper, devoted to the dark practices. To gain her affection, you’ll have to deceive and trick others, showing a certain level of selfishness. Despite this, she doesn't approve of unnecessary violence and will get defensive if you ask her too many questions about herself.

Shadowheart’s romance is highly rewarding. She’s sweet and devoted once you get her to open up, and you’ll get the opportunity to support her as her entire outlook on life shifts. Her story is deeply woven into the plot, offering a new perspective for players who haven’t tried her romance yet.


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