[Top 5] Baldur's Gate 3 Best Druid Builds

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Druid Builds
11 Oct 2023

5. Silver Dragonborn/Circle of the Moon by Mordarim

The Circle of the Moon build is the most versatile when it comes to which race works best in combination with it. Choosing a Silver Dragonborn gives you access to a breath weapon that deals Cold damage, as well as the spell ‘Feather Fall.’

The Silver Dragonborn/Circle of the Moon Druid excels in:

  • Dealing damage: This build has a lot of capability for dishing out damage, in and out of Wildshape. 
  • Insurance: Access to your breath weapon and the spell ‘Feather Fall’ allows your Circle of the Moon Druid to maintain usefulness in and out of combat.
  • Wild Shape forms: This subclass of Druid gives your character access to the widest range of Wild Shape forms.

Choose The Silver Dragonborn/Circle of the Moon Druid If…

  • You want to Wild Shape into a Bear: This is the only subclass that can Wild Shape into a Bear. So if you want to run around like Halsin, this is the build for you.
  • You want to be able to tank: The versatility of this build allows you to maintain a tank role, which will have you surging ahead to check things out/pull enemy attention in battle.
  • You’re playing with a Dark Urge origin: You can choose any race and class combination you would like for a Dark Urge character, but the Dragonborn race is one of the most commonly chosen races for a Durge playthrough. (And it is the default race when you choose that origin in the game.)

Build details: https://youtu.be/wINojsyO_OM?si=eXnckWeIuH0rA2Ri (start around 1:08)


4. High Elf/Circle of the Moon by Ghostzapper

The Elf race, in general, comes with a good amount of racial bonuses. You receive the ability to add your proficiency bonus to Attack Rolls as well as Perception checks. You have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. And you gain Darkvision. High Elves, specifically, also gain one cantrip of their choice from the Wizard spell list.

What this build excels in:

  • Buffs: Elves bring some excellent racial traits, especially High Elves with their bonus cantrip.
  • Wild shape forms: This subclass gives your High Elf access to the widest range of Wild Shape forms.
  • Support: Your character being tougher makes them even more suited for offering support to your party during combat.

Choose This Build If…

  • You want to be useful outside of combat: High Elves enjoy racial advantages that make them quite useful in and out of combat. Playing around with Wild Shapes will enhance this usefulness.
  • You usually find yourself at the front of the party: This build is excellent for those who want to be able to take a lot of damage in place of their party members. You also have the benefit of Darkvision, so you can scout ahead in darker places.
  • You want access to more Wildshape forms: The Circle of the Moon subclass gives you access to all of the Wild Shape form possibilities, including the Bear.

Build details: https://youtu.be/oJhUrBSZKco?si=V688JTXL3EmYNjGr (start around 1:22)


3. Wood Elf/Circle of the Land by NorZZa


Wood Elves receive the same base racial bonuses as their High Elf counterparts. As a Wood Elf, you receive the ability to add your proficiency bonus to Attack Rolls as well as Perception checks. You have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. You also have Darkvision. Rather than any sort of extra spellcasting, however, Wood Elves receive 5 extra feet of movement with their Fleet of Floot ability.

What this build excels in:

  • Spellcasting: Circle of the Land Druids have a more limited ability to Wild Shape, but they are given better spellcasting capabilities, allowing them to be more flexible in combat.
  • Movement: Wood Elves are Fleet of Foot, granting them an extra 5 feet of movement per turn.
  • Flavor: Wood Elves match the natural aesthetic of the Druid’s love of nature.

Choose This Build If…

  • You want to move around more easily: Whether in combat or out of combat, this build is excellent for those who want to move quickly.
  • You want to be a support caster: Your higher spellcasting ability gives this build an element of flexibility in party roles.
  • You’re into the classics: Some say that Wood Elves are the most ‘authentic’ choice for being a Druid. 

Build details: https://youtu.be/ooCuzpqHqxE?si=Jd_C0_E2MyxTbr75 (start around 1:37)


2. Duergar/Circle of the Land by Spud the King

Being a Dwarf gives your character Darkvision, as well as Advantage on Saving Throws against Poison and a Resistance to Poison damage. But as the subrace Duergar, you also get Superior Darkvision, which gives you the ability to see twice as far in the dark. You are also granted Duergar Resilience, which gives you Advantage on Saving Throws against illusions and against being Charmed or Paralyzed.

What this build excels in:

  • Resilience: This build makes your Druid much tougher.
  • Support: With your Superior Darkvision and other racial buffs, you can easily be the one who scouts ahead of your party to keep them aware of coming dangers.
  • Spellcasting: The Circle of the Land subclass sacrifices a few Wild Shape forms for better spellcasting.

Choose This Build If…

  • You want to support your party: This build will allow you to lead your party confidently, even in the darkest of places. You can play around with spellcasting and Wild Shapes for creative ways to help your party in and out of combat.
  • You want to be tougher: Few races come with as many natural Advantages and Resistances as Dwarves. This build gives you the ability to not sacrifice sturdiness for spellcasting.
  • You want to have some healing capability: The Circle of the Land subclass allows your Druid to invest in a wider variety of spells, including useful spells like ‘Healing Word,’ which only takes a Bonus Action.

Build details: https://youtu.be/VYJogmX8iN4?si=tTxyo2tBiVukQLE4 (start around 0:17)


1. Gold Dwarf/Circle of Spores by Spud the King

The Gold Dwarves receive the same base racial advantages as other Dwarves. Your character has Darkvision, as well as Advantage on Saving Throws against Poison and Resistance to Poison damage. As a Gold Dwarf, you also receive a bonus Hit Point at character creation, and another every time you gain a level. Choosing the Circle of Spores subclass grants you a healthy mixture of Wild Shape magic and spellcasting capability.

What this build excels in:

  • Controlling the battlefield: The higher you level in this build, the more versatile options you will have in combat.
  • Making new friends: The Circle of Spores subclass allows you to make some fun zombie friends that will help you out in battle.
  • Balance: There are many ways to play with this build, which is a testament to how balanced it is between its unique Wild Shape magic and its expanded spellcasting.

Choose This Build If…

  • You want to be a necromancer: One of the most fun things about this build is the ability to create zombies to fight alongside you.
  • You really love mushrooms: The Circle of Spores Druid is heavily mushroom-themed. You can also unlock some unique dialogue with Myconids in the game.
  • You want extra health: This build allows you to take advantage of the Circle of Spore's various healing abilities as well as your Gold Dwarf’s bonus Hit Points.

Build details: https://youtu.be/aDtAvpBWin0?si=DtDEMITDIqfRpeBS (start around 0:12)


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