Farmville 3 Animal Contest Guide: Everything You Need To Know

Having fun with your exotic animals.
22 Mar 2023


The animal contest is easy for you to play and the reward you get is a nice weekly bonus.  At level 9 you will gain access to the exotic animals.


How To Get To The Animal Contest

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There are a couple of ways for you to get to the animal contest.  The first is through your store.

  • Locate your store.  It’s on the corner of your farm’s dirt road and it looks like a gypsy caravan.
  • Click on the animal contest weekly award.
  • Click play.

The second way is through the compass.

  • Click on the compass at the bottom right of your screen.
  • Click on the “VS” button on the bottom left.

Choose Your Team

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Choosing your team may seem simple but the animal traits play a bigger part than you may first think.  

  • You will need one animal from each of the 5 biomes.
  • Choose your most powerful exotic animals.  If you are lucky enough to have them, the four star animals are the best and most powerful.  The number on the middle right side of the animal picture is their power level.
  • Traits are explained in advanced tips.

How To Play

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You have a maximum of 6 animal contest energy.  Each game costs 1 animal contest energy.

  • Click the “find contestant” button
  • Click “start” to accept opponent or click the button on the bottom right to choose a different opponent (it will cost you coins to do this)
  • Click on each of the question mark cards (these will tell you which animal traits are used in this contest)
  • You will either win or lose depending on your total points
  • Click “continue”
  • You will either lose contest points or win contest points.  The amounts change depending on the league you are in.


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Your reward is received weekly and will depend on what league you are in.  

  • Bronze League:  10 coins
  • Silver League:  50 coins, up to 1 farmhand sticker, up to 1 key
  • Gold League:  100 coins, 1 farmhand sticker, up to 4 keys, up to 2 storage     
  • upgrade items
  • Platinum League:  500 coins, 2 farmhand stickers, up to 6 keys, up to 3 storage upgrade items
  • Diamond League:  1500 coins, 4 farmhand stickers, up to 8 keys, up to 3 storage upgrade items
  Your league is determined by how many contest points you have.
  • Bronze League: 0 - 99 points  
  • Silver League: 100 - 599 points 
  • Gold League:  600 - 1199 points 
  • Platinum League:  1200 - 1799 points 
  • Diamond League:  1800+ points 

Advanced Tips For Building Your Team

  • Pay attention to your animals’ traits.  With the right combination of traits you can win a contest against more powerful animals.
  • Bulk up on one or two traits.  This means, for example, have 4 animals with the carnivore trait and 4 animals with the sharp teeth trait.
  • Spread the traits out.  Have as many of the traits as possible included on your team without sacrificing base power.
  • Traits:  carnivore, fast, flying, furry, hard shell, herbivore, hoofed, horned, long tail, omnivore, sharp teeth, slow, strong, swimming



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