Farmville 3 Best Use Of Gems [Top 5 Ways]

Farmville 3 Best Use Gems
22 Mar 2023

Farmville 3 has been around for over a year but the question of “How to use your gems” still remains.  Gems are the premium currency and should not be used for temporary benefits.  You can get gems as rewards or buy them for real life money.

Lucky for you, the answer is as easy as killing your first Blackrock Worg in Northshire.  I have the top 5 uses ranked from most useful to ok use.

But before we get to that you should know how to buy the gems:

  • Locate your store.  It’s on the corner of your farm’s dirt road and it looks like a gypsy caravan.
  • On the bottom left you will see 3 brown wooden signs.  Click the one with the shopping cart on it and Deals written on it (this may be your default option).
  • Scroll down until you get to the gems section.  It is the next to the last category.


 1.  Extra Slots On Production Facilities

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What’s the very best way to use your gems?  Getting permanent extra slots for your production facilities.  I’ve got 4 slots for all my facilities and I’m working on the 5th.

This will of course increase the amount of items you can make/queue.  But it will also increase your storage.  You can leave the item stored in the queue until you need it or until you need to make a new item.  If you’re as busy as the rest of us elves then this will allow you to log in less while still being productive.

Where the extra slots are:

  • Locate the production building you want to increase slots for.
  • Your queue line pops up automatically on the bottom of your screen.
  • On the far right of your queue line you will see a plus sign with a gem and a number underneath it.
  • Click on this to buy your extra slot.


 2.  Second Slot On Weather Machine

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Your weather machine has 3 slots where you can activate multiple perks.  These perks last for 12 hours each.  My favorite perk combination is double factory production and 50% more delivery order coins.  You get more items and more coins at the same time.  It’s the best! 

Where the extra slots are:

  • Locate your weather station and make sure you have bought the plot of land it is located on.  It looks like an RV camper with a big satellite on top of it.
  • Click on the 1st symbol.  It looks like a cloud and sun.
  • On the left will be a button with a lock, a gem, and a number on it.  Clicking this will buy your extra weather perk slot.


3.  Materials To Upgrade Your Barn And Silo

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You can’t ever have enough barn and silo space.  To upgrade your barn you will need hammers (rare), drills, and screwdrivers.  For your silo you will need paintbrushes, saws, and axes (rare).  Should you buy all of these?  No, you shouldn’t.  The drills, screwdrivers, paintbrushes, and saws are easy enough to earn thru quests or to find them in chests.  But, sometimes buying a few hammers or axes will save you a lot of time.  

Where the materials are:

  • Locate your barn.  It looks like an old fashioned farm barn with hay and boxes next to it.
  • When you click on your barn 3 buttons will pop up under the barn.  Click the first button.  It will have an arrow on it.
  • The tools you need to upgrade pop up.  Under each tool is a yellow button with Buy written on it.  Click the yellow button under the tool you want to buy more of.
  • A picture of your tool pops up with another yellow button.  This one has a gem on it and the number of gems it will cost to buy enough of that tool to upgrade your barn.  Click to buy.


4.  Materials To Evolve Your Animals

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Your exotic animals are used to compete against each other in a special non-violent arena.  In order for the exotic animals, like the Poitou Donkey, to reach their maximum power you must evolve them.  Their evolution costs coins and other special items.  

Any of these special items are worth buying with coins or gems.  The special items are quite rare.  If you see one in the shop I would buy it immediately even though it might cost you some gems.

Where the materials are:

  • First you need to know which materials to buy.  Click on the brown book on the bottom right of your screen.
  • Click on the exotic animals button.
  • Click on the animal you want to evolve.
  • When evolution is available your yellow star button will expand to say Evolve.  Click on it.
  • Under the picture of your animal will be what your animal needs to evolve.  Make note of the materials and how many you need.
  • Go back to your main screen.
  • Locate your store.  It’s on the corner of your farm’s dirt road and it looks like a gypsy caravan.
  • On the bottom left you will see 3 brown wooden signs.  Click the one with the shopping cart on it and Deals written on it (this may be your default option).
  • Scroll down until you find the materials you need.  When you see the animals section, that is the end of the possible deals for evolution materials.  It’s important to note that you may not see the materials you need.  Some of them are very rare.
  • Click on the deal you want.  Then go back to the brown book and the animal you want to evolve.


5.   Exotic Animal Tokens

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Cashing in your exotic animal tokens is like going to a casino.  You know you can win big (think 4 star animal) but you are more likely to lose (get a common potion).  The purple Epic Exotic Chests are the only ones you should be spending gems on.  This is the only place that I’ve seen where you can get a 4 star animal.  Four star animals are the most powerful.

Where the tokens are:

  • Locate your store.  It’s on the corner of your farm’s dirt road and it looks like a gypsy caravan.
  • On the bottom left you will see 3 brown wooden signs.  Click the one with the paw print on it and Exotics written on it.
  • The Epic Exotic Chest should be the first option.  Click on the yellow button with the gem on it and a large number.  This will get you a very rare exotic animal.  And if you are lucky you will get a four star animal.


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