[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Juggernaut Players In The World Right Now (2022)

23 Dec 2021

Juggernaut is one of the most picked heroes in the game. Everyone can play Juggernaut, but there are very few people who have mastered the hero. Only a few can understand his strengths and utilize him to the fullest.

The following players have made a name for themselves as the best Juggernaut players in the world. Their high mechanical skill and prowess have earned them a spot on this list! We present you, the top 10 Best Juggernaut Players In The World Right Now! 


10. K1

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This young pub star from Peru is a force to be reckoned with. His extreme gameplay makes even the most experienced players rage quit! K1 is known to be the poster boy of the South American Dota scene.

From inventing memes to unique item builds, K1 has it all! His high technical prowess and skill have put him on this list! We’re sure that he will climb on the top of such lists in no time! Regardless of a wide hero pool, K1 sets his eyes on Juggernaut, as he is a great hero in this patch! K1 knows his ways around this hero!

K1 loves the classic Battlefury into Sange and Yasha build. He was one of the first players to actively build both Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard, which offer optimum damage. You may often see K1 1v5’ing enemies with his Omnislash alone! His quick item timing and farming pace make him impressive. 

  Impressive Juggernaut plays by K1!

Recent Tournament Achievements - 13-16th The International 10 - $600,300


9. Cooman

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This is a special player on the list, as he is the only one to not actively compete in pro-Dota but he is often seen streaming very high-level pub games on Twitch. Cooman is known to be a menace in the pub games.

Cooman’s playstyle may be slightly farming-oriented, but it benefits his team due to his map awareness. He strikes when the iron is hot, instead of farming idly. Cooman is known to be a master at Juggernaut, his mechanical skills are unparalleled. He is most feared in the CIS region!

Cooman’s slow-paced laning is quite a contrast from his fast-paced farming speed on Juggernaut. Within no time, he can get fat and join fights to swiftly turn the game around! He is known to be a problem to the enemy team if left free to farm! His Juggernaut build includes items like Battlefury, Aghanim’s Scepter, Manta Style, Eye of Skadi, Butterfly.

Impressive Juggernaut plays by Cooman!

Cooman Instagram

Recent Tournament Achievement - 4th place Pinnacle Cup 2021- $5,000



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ILTW is the perfect combination of skill and rage. His gameplay is quite electrifying, so much that it makes it to YouTube every other day! ILTW has quickly gained popularity as one of the promising and rising stars emerging from the CIS region.

ILTW is known for various heroes, not exactly for his Juggernaut, but when he plays it, he dominates the game! His hyper-aggressive playstyle has found no match in the CIS region. His impressive gameplay was first noticed by OG and later by Nigma, whom he plays for now. 

ILTW’s playstyle is looked up to by his fans all across the world. His Juggernaut is unstoppable if let loose! He loves to build items like Mjolnir, Butterfly, Aghanim’s Scepter, Sange, and Yasha, these items provide him insane farming potential and stats! This build is guaranteed to land you kills and win you games!

Impressive Juggernaut plays by ILTW!

ILTW Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement - 2nd Place OGA Dotapit 2021 - $32,490


7. Ramzes

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Say what you want about Ramzes, he knows how to win games! Ramzes garnered praise and attention as a pub star, later getting acquired by Virtus Pro. They created history by winning 3 Valve Majors! Truly an indestructible force.

Ramzes is known for his cocky gameplay, which perfectly suits Juggernaut. He has an ultra-aggressive playstyle, he is often seeing solo killing enemy offlaners quite early on in the lane! He uses Blade fury quite aggressively, attempting to deal damage right from level 1!

His Juggernaut is well respected due to his aggressive nature. He is known to dive towers to secure kills and TP out without a scratch! A true example of CIS Dota! He loves building Mjolnir into items such as Eye of Skadi, Butterfly, Monkey King Bar, and much more!

Impressive Juggernaut plays by Ramzes!

Ramzes Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement - 1st Place EEU DPC Open Qualifier 


6. Eurus

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This beast from the far east is lauded as one of the best mid and carry players in China. His vast hero pool is quite unmatchable, hell he could even win a game with carry IO! Eurus or Paparazzi as he was called previously, is an immensely talented player.

Eurus was responsible for making teams like VG and iG immensely popular in the west. His performances on various carry heroes are praise-worthy. Primarily, his Juggernaut is known to be in a league of its own. Eurus knows how to dominate games with him!

Eurus firmly believes in the Mjolnir into Sange and Yasha build as it provides both farming potential and status resistance. He is known to bully and chase down enemy heroes right from the laning stage, even using his ultimate on a solo hero if needed! Eurus is one of the few players who enjoy 

  Impressive Juggernaut plays by Eurus!

Recent Tournament Achievement - 13-16th The International 10 - $600,300


5. Matumbaman

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Matu is one of the few Ti winners on this list! His immense talent was noticed by KuroKy and the rest is history! You may have seen his occasional banter mixed with high skilled gameplay on Twitch! His streams are rare, but they are a blessing!

Matumbaman has shuffled roles, playing both the safe lane and the mid lane, he is known to dominate them both! He loves to stretch out the games late so he can utilize Juggernaut’s abilities to their full potential. He is aware that the hero is an absolute killing machine in the late game.

Matumbaman believes in the hard hitter physical build! He loves building items that allow him to farm and provides gap closing, such as Battlefury, Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard, Sange and Yasha, Eye of Skadi, Swift Blink, and much more! His immense game knowledge and map awareness make sure that he can farm swiftly and safely.

Matumbaman Twitter

Impressive Juggernaut plays by Matumbaman!

Recent Tournament Achievement - 3rd Place The International 10 - $3,601,000


4. Ana

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The only two-time Ti champion on this list! Ana’s pro career is a story to be remembered. From his early days in iG to joining OG and winning multiple majors and Tis, Ana has achieved every feat this game has to offer.

Ana’s Juggernaut is quite different from everyone else’s on this list, this is because it’s one of his most played heroes. He quite well knows everything the hero can do, this helps him induce fear in the mind of his enemies. 

Ana has been praised widely for his intense and nail-biting performance on this hero. Everything from Manta dodging to farming with illusions, he knows it all! Ana loves Aghanim’s Scepter combined with Mjolnir on this hero, this essentially secures his farm and deals immense damage to his foes!

Impressive Juggernaut plays by Ana!

Ana Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievements - 1st Place The International 9 - $15,620,181.


3. Arteezy

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It’s always too easy for Arteezy to win his lane in pub games. He is widely regarded as one of the best carry players in the game. His flashy gameplay and mechanical skills are unparalleled.

Arteezy knows how to utilize Juggernaut to his full potential, often going absurd item and skill builds. He can farm efficiently at a fast pace. Once he hits the item timings, there is no way you stop this beast! He prefers to play Juggernaut as a late-game carry. 

Arteezy is a propagator of the Maelstorm into Sange and Yasha build. He often builds situational items, adapting to the enemies he is facing. His max Blade Fury build is copied by millions of players all around the world!

Impressive Juggernaut plays by Arteezy!

Arteezy Twitter!

Recent Tournament Achievement - 9-12th International 10 - $800,400. 


2. 23Savage

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This superstar from Thailand is known for his insane gameplay, he can win with pretty much any hero he plays! Though, Juggernaut remains one of his favorites. 

23Savage gained notoriety as a pub star, playing a wide range of heroes as a carry. His Juggernaut is said to be extremely lethal. He is known to be quite the aggressive laner, often picking Juggernaut to synergize with other heroes on his team. 

Maelstrom into Manta Style build is preferred by 23Savage. This build provides great farming potential, it also guarantees immense damage in team fights, most of which can’t be negated. 23Savage alters his build according to the heroes he is facing, which is an impressive skill to learn! 

Impressive Juggernaut plays by 23Savage!

23Savage Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement - 7-8th place The International 10 - $1,000,500.    


1. Yatoro

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This young prodigy is known to be a devastating force in-game! Yatoro is known for his versatile hero pool and immense map awareness. Also, did we mention that he is the second youngest Ti winner? He has also set the record for the most rampages at the Ti mainstage. 

Team Spirit and Yatoro made history and shocked millions of spectators around the world with their Ti win earlier this year. Juggernaut was a specialty of Yatoro during the group stage. He is known to be an aggressive laner, often opting to chase and ward off enemies from the lane.

Yatoro loves the Battlefury into Manta Style build, primarily due to its farming potential. He loves to use Omnislash even if it’s for a support kill! Yatoro prefers fast-paced games and is seen ending pub games in just under 30 mins! 

Impressive Juggernaut plays by Yatorogod!!

Recent Tournament Achievement - 1st Place International 10 - $18,208,300

This concludes the list of the best Juggernaut players in the world. We hope you get to learn from these legends and impress your friends the next time you play with them! GHLF!


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