[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Pudge Players In The World Right Now (2022)

The friendly butcher!
11 Jan 2022

Regardless of skill or experience, Pudge is the most famous and picked hero in Dota 2. His map presence can be deadly if utilized properly, but not all players can understand the true potential of this deadly butcher! There are only a few who can dominate the battlefield with this hero!

We present you with a list of the best 10 Pudge players in the world. The below-mentioned players have changed the way we view this hero, often playing it as both support or in a core role!


10. Daxak 

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You are probably surprised with Daxak being on this list, but not many know that he plays a mean Pudge! He may be a carry player, but Pudge is one of his go-to heroes to blow some steam off.

Daxak is known to be an exceptionally rising superstar in the CIS region. His impeccable plays on carry heroes have caught the attention of fans all across the world. His Pudge has also gained notoriety for being extremely impressive!

Daxak is known to play Pudge in the mid lane, often purchasing items that provide him with magic resistance and other situational items that offer protection from his stingy enemies. Standard items like Ethereal Shroud, Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard, Shiva’s Guard, Blink Dagger are built by him to deal optimum damage and destroy the enemies!

Impressive Pudge plays by Daxak!

Daxak Twitter


9. Moo

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Moo is undoubtedly one of the best NA players in the game. He is praised for his game sense and also for his immense knowledge of the game. Moo was the only NA player on the Ti6 DC team, which managed to secure second place and shock the world!

Moo has played various roles across his pro Dota career, he is versatile and can dominate the game with any hero! Pudge is a specialty of Moo, though it is quite rare he picks it, he is immensely skilled and can catch you off guard any moment! His Pudge is quite feared in the NA pub scene.

There is a wide range of items built by Moo on Pudge, these may differ according to the role or situation of the game. Moo is known to primarily play Pudge in the offlane, he is known to build items like Pipe of Insight, Aghanim’s Scepter, Overwhelming Blink, Black King Bar which allow him to initiate and provide immense sustain!

Impressive Pudge plays by Quinn!

Quinn Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st Place Dota Summit NA - $42,000


8. Quinn

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This wonder kid from NA shook the world with his high caliber performance, Quinn is known to be both the jack and master of all trades! His quick and meteoric rise in the pro scene has been gaining praise from both critics and fans all across the world!

Quin is a mid-player, it’s unlikely that when he streams, he tends to take the game very seriously, he wants to win but he is known to pick absurd off-meta heroes. Regardless of that, he knows how to win his games! A Pudge pick by Quinn is a rare sight, but it is one to witness! He knows his limits and often plays to his strengths on this butcher!

Primarily played in the mid lane, Quinn builds items like Overwhelming Blink, Shiva’s Guard, Heart of Tarrasque, Aghanim’s Scepter, Black King Bar. These items are perfect for an aggressive and punishing mid-laner Pudge, which Quinn has mastered!

Impressive Pudge plays by Quinn!

Quinn Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 9-12th The International 10 $800,400


7. W33

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Insanely skilled and humble, are the two words that define this talented player. He was on the Ti6 team DC that shook the world by placing second, most of the credit going to W33 for being super consistent and winning his lane as always! Being placed second twice at Ti, we all know that the third time is the charm!

W33 is known to play Pudge as a roaming support. He utilizes this hero to its full potential by going for kills repeatedly and being very unpredictable in his moves. W33 is known to be a menacing player if let loose! This is evident in the below highlight!

As a support Pudge, W33 builds items that benefit his team and offer them save and also help him initiate, this includes Aether Lens, Blink Dagger, Aghanim’s Shard, which is pretty powerful in the current meta and can save your teammates to turn the fight around! 

Impressive Pudge plays by W33!

W33 Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 3rd Place BLAST Bounty Hunt - $18,090


6. Attacker

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Attacker is a streamer who is also a part of the prestigious Team Nigma, despite streaming and fooling around, he is quite a high-ranked player, floating in the top 100 of EU and SEA leaderboards. He is also known to be a menacing mid laner! 

Attacker is often considered to be the best Kunkka player in the game, but did you know he loves playing Pudge as well! He is known to bust out his moves on stream and dominate the game with his impressive Pudge gameplay. 

Primarily playing Pudge in the mid-lane, Attacker builds items that offer him great sustainability and resistance. This includes items such as Ethereal Shroud, Blink Dagger, Sange and Kaya and Aghanim’s Scepter! There is no way you can contain this beast if you do not gank him repeatedly in the early game!

Impressive Pudge plays by Attacker!

Attacker Twitter


5. Miracle

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Miracle was the only professional player spamming Pudge mid even when it was nerfed! He is an absolute master when it comes to successfully predicting enemy movements. And did we mention that he is also a Ti winner? 

Hailing from Jordan, Miracle was a well-known pub star, with no intentions of playing professionally until he joined OG. He gained notoriety for his flashy playstyle and versatile hero pool. His highly impressive plays and strategies made him a superstar. Miracle always had a knack for laying Pudge, he is known to be menacing if let loose on this butcher! 

Miracle is versatile with his Pudge pick, he is known to juggle between both core and support roles as he prefers ganking lanes and pushing towers over farming. Standard items built by Miracle include Blink Dagger, Aether Lens, Force Staff, Hood of Defiance, and Aghanim’s Shard. The mentioned items assist him in initiating and providing utility in team fights. 

Impressive Pudge plays by Miracle!

Miracle Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st Place 3rd Place The International 10 - $3,601,500


4. Zai


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Zai made his splash on the competitive scene at a very young age, he lead big teams to victory with his impressive gameplay. He is also very versatile and has played a wide range of roles throughout his pro career.

Zai is now playing the offlane role, he is often seeing picking bizarre heroes on his streams. Pudge remains his favorite to chill after intense games, and he is quite good at it! Zai is always impressive on his Pudge, jumping into enemy backlines or hooking enemies even though lots of clutter.

Pudge is played very passively in lane by Zai, often relying on levels and then rotating to other lanes for kills. Zai loves to build initiating items, including Blink Dagger or Force Staff which are later combined with Aghanim’s Scepter and Black King Bar which turn him into a nightmare!

Impressive Pudge plays by Zai!

Zai Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st Place 3rd Place The International 10 - $3,601,500


3. Topson

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The only 2 time Ti winner on the list! Topson is not only known to be a great Invoker player but also a great and feared mid laner! This legend needs no introduction! Topson is widely regarded as the best mid laner in the game! 

Topson was relatively unknown before joining OG. His career trajectory changed after a few good performances leading to Ti 8. OG shocked the world by winning the Ti, with the MVP being Topson. His Pudge may be a rare occurrence, but it’s a sight to witness! Topson loves playing Pudge as roaming support and quite rarely in the mid-lane!

Topson is known to have an aggressive Pudge playstyle, he is often known to build unconventional items that are extremely situational but win him the games! Topson loves buying items that provide him immense sustain and resistance, such as Bloodstone, Black King Bar, Aghanim’s Scepter. 

Impressive Pudge plays by Topson!

Topson Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 1st Place The 9th International - $15,620,181


2. Cr1t-

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Cr1t is one of the few players who found immediate success in the professional scene. He was initially a pub star, but his career trajectory changed after being signed by OG! He is known to be a great shot caller and captain, often being the flashiest on the team!

Crit is known for being a versatile player, he is known to play a plethora of heroes, including Pudge! Crit loves playing Pudge due to his habit of roaming around the map as support. Crit is extremely experienced when it comes to this hero, often predicting and reading his enemy’s movements.

Standard items built by Crit on Pudge include Blink Dagger, Aether Lens, Force Staff, Aghanim’s Shard, Pipe of Insight. These items act as immense gap closers, allowing him to initiate and disable his enemies as his team follows up with more damage!

Impressive Pudge plays by Crit!

Crit Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 9-12th 10th International = $800,400


1. Dendi

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Widely regarded as the best player in his era, often called as a god of Dota due to his vast contribution to the game, Dendi is a legend. He was on the very first lineup of Navi that competed and won the first-ever Ti back in 2011. 

Dendi’s Pudge is a great treat to watch, as he is the best on this hero. Even if Pudge is off-meta or nerfed, Dendi picks it and that wins him games! Often playing his hero in the core role, he is seen hooking his enemies without having ample vision of their movements. 

Dendi loves building core items like Vanguard, Ethereal Shroud, Aghanim’s Scepter, Overwhelming Blink, Black King Bar to sustain and initiate team fights! The infamous Ti3 fountain hook will always be cemented as the best plays in Dota history!

Impressive Pudge plays by Dendi!

Dendi Twitter

Recent Tournament Achievement 3rd Place D2CL - $5,000


This concludes our list of the best 10 Pudge players in the world. Though Pudge is often underestimated in pub and pro games, it needs the right player to utilize his potential and make enemies rage quit! 

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