[Top 5] War Thunder Best American Premium Planes That Are Powerful 2022

22 Jul 2022

Hello, today we’re gonna talk about premium planes once more - this time I’m going to talk about Yankee planes from different tiers. I will try my best to explain how to play them properly, whether they’re fast or slow, maneuvrable and why you should unlock them. Enough with the intro, let’s start with our first plane:

5. Rasmussen's P-36A Hawk

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Not bad for a tier I.

The armaments do enough damage to strike down another fighter but you shouldn’t use them against bombers - they won’t do that much damage. On the other hand, this plane climbs up altitude pretty well and it should be used for diving, acquiring+shooting down a target, and climbing up the altitude once more - also known as boom and zoom tactics. Head-on engagements are deadly for your plane, but the turn rate is pretty good. Overall, an okay plane for this tier!

Why this plane is dope:

  • Maneuverability is above-average, although you might struggle against Japanese planes
  • Decent climb rate, good for BnZ

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4. XP-55

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This guy again…

This plane was always bullied in school for looking rather odd but in reality, he’s a hidden gem. While diving, he can easily reach 0,75 mach, which is around 250 meters per second. Its wings are strong enough to withstand speeds up to 900 KM/H, which makes this plane excellent for Boom and Zoom tactics. When it comes to armaments:

  • x2 20mm cannons - very hard-hitting, pose a serious threat to fighter planes and bombers
  • x2 12.7mm machine guns, effective against lighter planes

Although this plane may sound nice and dandy, dogfighting can be pretty hard with this plane - armor is average at best and head-on engagements are very hard to pull off. With enough experience though, you’ll be a serious threat on the battlefield!

Why this plane is dope:

  • Looks very unique, although some may consider this plane a little inbred
  • Armaments are located in the nose, aiming becomes a whole lot easier
  • Climb rate and dive speed is off the charts

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3. P-61A-1

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A badass-looking plane!

This guy is pretty big, thus being in the epicenter of action is a bad idea. You could, on the other hand, look for some bombers to hunt - your armaments are pretty powerful, and you’re equipped with x4 20mm cannons that can easily annihilate other fighters or at least seriously damage them. Although if you’re up against rather maneuvrable planes, it is advisable to stay away from them. If you find yourself in a situation where you’re being shot at by some plane, position yourself in a way that will allow your defensive gunners to fend off the attackers. A fun plane!

Why this plane is awesome:

  • Wings can be partially destroyed and still be able to fly
  • Armaments are very strong, and can easily destroy bombers
  • Great climb rate

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2. A-10A Thunderbolt II

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You may be disappointed by the speed of this aircraft but this plane is not meant for dogfighting - it’s a killing machine when it comes to annihilating ground targets. It’s equipped with a massive payload that consists of bombs up to 2000 pounds, tens of Hydra&AGM-65B rockets, and missiles. There are plenty of countermeasures(flares, etc) and despite the heavy payload, you still retain a surprisingly great maneuvrability. Keep in mind that you’re slow - you make an easy target to bully, thus sticking close to your teammates is key. You pick this plane if you wanna play the objective!

Why this plane is awesome:

  • Perfectly suited for attacking ground targets
  • Decent maneuverability, despite the payload
  • The payload is massive and can do plenty of damage to ground targets before going back to the base

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1. F-5C

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A jet that can reach an okay speed of 1460 KM/H, it’s also pretty slim and small, which makes it hard to target. It’s also hard as hell to get bored with this fella, as you can try different loadout combinations in your games. The main offensive armaments are good enough to get the job done and can easily out-turn other opponents. There are plenty of countermeasures as well, which can keep you long alive to destroy some enemy planes. Great for air battles, not so great for attacking ground targets - in that case, stick to A-10s!

Why this plane is awesome:

  • Decent armaments can easily destroy enemy jets
  • Small size of the plane makes it hard for enemies to shoot you down
  • Versatile in terms of weapon loadouts

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