[Top 10] UFC 4 Best Perks That Are Excellent

UFC 4 Best Perks
19 Sep 2023

Perks are key to levelling the playing field in EA’s UFC 4. They can help you evolve your character’s skill set in a lot of ways, ranging from speed to submission ability. And luckily for you, we’ve put together a guide to help you find the best ones and ensure you can keep your winning ways going! If you’re any good, that is.

10. Recharger

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Gassing out isn't fun.

Stamina is key to survival in a UFC match. This perk gives you additional stamina between rounds, allowing you to get some energy back and keep your beautiful handiwork going. Helpful when trying to avoid fatally gassing out.

Perk Details:

  • Recovers more health between rounds. 
  • Restore stamina
  • Restore health
  • Outlast opponent


9. Crazy Legs

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Nothing's cooler than kicking someone's head off, is it?

Roundhouse kicks are great finishing blows. And why not make them better? Upping the speed on a lethal kick boosts all your existing combinations and allows you to start landing finishing blows much more often. Not bad.

Perk Details:

  • Roundhouse and switch kicks are faster and more accurate.
  • Faster kicks
  • More power 
  • Higher accuracy


8. Marathoner

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Push that pace.

Another boon for your stamina, using Marathoner in your arsenal makes all your actions cost less energy. This is perfect for a well-rounded player, or a wrestle-heavy playstyle, allowing you to grind out your opponents. 

Perk Details:

  • Actions consume less stamina while moving.
  • Move in and out of danger easily
  • Boost your stamina
  • Survive to the later rounds


7. Crafty

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Make your opponent get ready to tap or snap.

This one helps all manner of jiu-jitsu styles. Improved submission defense is something every player would love to have, particularly with the game’s finicky submission system. 

Perk Details:

  • Improved submission defense in bottom positions.
  • Survive dangerous submissions
  • Outlast your opponent
  • Better ground defense


6. Wake Up Call

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If you're that bad that you can't avoid strikes, this is the one for you.

Recovery is a key part of the game, seeing how many matches turn into brawls very quickly. Having the edge in recovery will allow you to push just that bit further than your opponent and secure yourself a win. 

Perk Details:

  • Recover from stuns and knockdowns more quickly.
  • Recover faster
  • Higher health than your opponent
  • Get back up just one more time


5. Frontal Assault

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Straight up the middle, nice and easy.

Front kicks are snappy, effective strikes, and this perk makes them even faster. Nothing helps disrupt your opponent’s rhythm like a good, well-timed front kick. Side kicks fall into this category too, and they’re just as good for ruining an opponent’s mojo. 

Perk Details:

  • Front and side kicks are faster and more accurate.
  • Faster front kicks
  • Control distance 
  • Land powerful shots


4. Fast Hands

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Make sure you've got them hands.

Boxing exchanges can be deadly in UFC 4, and maximising your advantage in these scenarios is key. Having this perk gives you the edge in the pocket, making you faster and more powerful than the enemy. Not bad!

Perk Details:

  • Hooks, uppercuts and overhands are faster and more accurate.
  • Be faster than your opponent
  • Dictate boxing range
  • Boxing advantage


3. Taekwondo

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Do you want to fight like you're a rotor blade? This is the perk for you.

Spinning kicks are fight-enders. Amplifying their effectiveness will easily help you land more unorthodox techniques with more power and speed, making you a deadly whirlwind. What’s not to like?

Perk Details:

  • Spin kicks are faster and more accurate.
  • More power in unorthodox kicks
  • Speedier kicking game
  • Helps unpredictability


2. Higher Altitude 

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If you like being a heavy bag that punches back, this is for you.

In the later rounds, stamina is key. Getting the energy advantage in the last three rounds is key, and it will allow you to weather any early storm and come back with a vengeance later.

Perk Details:

  • Strikes consume less stamina during rounds 3, 4 and 5.
  • Higher stamina
  • Five-round cardio
  • Outlast your opponent


1. Predator

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Terrify your opponent. They might even rage quit.

This is essential for aggressive players. Faster movement going forward will allow you to close distance quickly, enabling quick combinations for brawlers and striking savants alike. If you like to play aggressively, this is the one for you.

Perk Details:

  • Faster movement when advancing or moving sideways. 
  • Close distance quickly
  • Unleash aggressive combos
  • Deadly combinations


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