[Top 10] Back 4 Blood Best Burn Cards

The Best Burn Cards to Use in Back 4 Blood.
07 Nov 2023

Hi there fellow cleaners, and welcome to my Top 10 Best Burn Cards for Back 4 Blood, whilst this game is no longer very popular, I have to say, it’s definitely good to have a feel for what the “modern-day” Left 4 Dead is like every now and again.

However, I know that it’s personal preference, but I am still a huge fan of this game and so without further ado, I bring you…

10) Slippery When Wet;

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Now, let's talk about the Slippery When Wet card. It's not just any card; it's like a get-out-of-jail-free card for Cleaners. This utility card falls under the Mobility affinity, and it brings some nifty moves to the party.

When you equip this bad boy, you get the Breakout ability, which lets you wriggle free when those pesky enemies grab you. But that's not all – it also gives your Breakout ability a quick cooldown reduction of 20%. Fancy, right?

Here's the lowdown:

  • Escape Artist: You're no longer the enemy's plaything. This card helps you break free from grabs and other immobilizing effects.
  • Grabby Enemies: It's like your secret weapon against foes that love to grab you, like Tallboys and Snitchers.
  • High Difficulty Play: If you're up for the challenge on higher difficulties, this card has your back.

Pro Tips:

  • Strategic Escape: Use Slippery When Wet when you're in a tight spot, outnumbered, or facing enemies with a strong grip.
  • Stay Cautious: While it helps you escape, it won't keep you from getting grabbed, so be smart and keep your distance.
  • Breakout Moves: Remember, you've got the Breakout ability – perfect for slipping out of grabs, stuns, and those pesky immobilizing effects.

To sum it up, the Slippery When Wet card is your escape plan when you're in a pinch. It's like your secret weapon against grabby enemies and an excellent addition when you're upping the challenge. So slip it in your deck and get ready to wriggle your way out of trouble!


9) Urgent Care

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Introducing the Urgent Care card – your personal healing genie, here to grant your wish for speedy patch-ups.

Why You'll Love Urgent Care:

  • Flash Healing: Urgent Care swoops in to shower you with a revitalizing 15 Health and Trauma, one time per level. Consider those battle wounds history!
  • Back in the Game: Got a horde waiting for you? No problem. Activate this card, and you'll be right back to kicking Ridden tail.
  • Survival Mode: When the going gets tough, Urgent Care keeps you in the fight, a game-changer on higher difficulty levels.

Pro Tips for Patching Up Like a Pro:

  • Safe Spotting: Find a cozy, zombie-free nook, like after clearing a room or post-horde showdown, before triggering Urgent Care.
  • Tactical Breather: If you're in the middle of a Ridden rumble, duck for cover and hit that card to recharge on the fly.
  • Full Recovery: Remember, it's not just health – Urgent Care takes care of your Trauma too, making it a full-body spa day for everyone.

In a nutshell, Urgent Care is your ticket to rapid recovery and getting back into the thick of the action. It's the ace up your sleeve, especially when the going gets rough. And hey, here's a fun twist – team up Urgent Care with the Combat Medic and Field Surgeon cards to whip up a support build that's nothing short of heroic. Get patched up, Cleaners, and let's show those Ridden who's boss!


8) Windfall

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Copper enthusiasts! Who's up for a coin-collecting adventure? It's time to meet the life of the party – the Windfall card! Get ready for a wild ride as we dive headfirst into the world of shiny loot and dazzling riches.

Here's Why Windfall Rules the Treasure Hunt:

  • Cash Galore: Windfall delivers a whopping 150 Copper to each and every Cleaner, once per level. That's right, folks, free money!
  • Shop 'Til You Drop: Dreaming of that epic Legendary Toolkit or that seriously awesome Legendary Assault Rifle? Windfall's got your back, helping you splurge on the goods.
  • Savings Squad: Whether you're a savvy spender or a Copper-saving champ, Windfall is your partner in crime.

Pro Tips for Raking in the Dough:

  • Start with a Bang: Launch Windfall right at the beginning of a new level to kick things off with a bang – and some extra bling!
  • Strategic Spending: Need to gear up for a rough patch? Spend that Windfall Copper on top-notch supplies from Supply Crates.
  • Piggy Bank Power: Saving up for something special? Don't forget to activate Windfall each level for your dose of financial goodness.

In a nutshell, Windfall is your Copper carnival – perfect for teams hungry for more moolah. It's the superstar on higher difficulties, where having pockets filled with Copper is a real game-changer. But here's the kicker – combine it with Money Grubbers and Team Effort cards, and you'll become the Copper-commanding champion. You'll have your team dancing with joy as they get everything they need to face the apocalypse in style. So, gear up, grab that Copper, and get ready to shine, Cleaners!


7) Quick Item Upgrade

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Get set for the Quick Item Upgrade card, your secret sauce for turning everyday utility items into supercharged tools of destruction! 

Why Quick Item Upgrade is Your New Best Friend:

  • Ultimate Utility Boost: Say goodbye to ordinary Tool Kits, Defibrillators, Razor Wires and Ammo Pouch Accessories. Quick Item Upgrade makes them extraordinary one level at a time.
  • Facing the Frenzy: When you're knee-deep in Ridden or up against an epic horde, this card turns your utility gear into superhero sidekicks.
  • Embrace the Challenge: Tackling higher difficulty levels? Quick Item Upgrade steps up your game, making it a breeze to outsmart even the toughest enemies.

Pro Tips for Unleashing Your Upgrades:

  • Power from the Get-Go: Activate Quick Item Upgrade at the start of a level to get your upgrade instantly. It's like having your own utility store!
  • Boss Battles Beware: Got a monstrous boss showdown or a horde bearing down on you? Quick Item Upgrade has your back, ready to supercharge your gear.
  • Choose Your Arsenal: Remember, the upgrade only affects the utility items you're carrying. So, plan your loadout for maximum impact.

In a nutshell, Quick Item Upgrade is your golden ticket to utility stardom. Whether you're going toe-to-toe with the meanest baddies, dealing with massive hordes, or braving higher difficulty settings, this card will be your loyal sidekick. And for those feeling adventurous, try pairing it with Combat Medic and Field Surgeon cards – you'll become the ultimate support legend, patching up your crew and fortifying defenses like a pro.


6) Extra Padding

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It's not your average Defense card – this one comes with a utility twist. So, what's the deal? Well, it's like a protective shield for your Trauma, and it can help you survive the wildest battles. 

Why Extra Padding is Your Survival Buddy:

  • Be a Tough Nut to Crack: Extra Padding gives you a sweet +20% Trauma Resistance. That means you can take a real beating and still keep on fighting.
  • Brave the Storm: When things get crazy, especially on those higher difficulty levels, Extra Padding's got your back. It's your secret weapon to stay in the game when the going gets tough.
  • Go Berserk with Confidence: If you're the type who loves to charge into the action, Extra Padding's like your insurance policy. It's your buffer against damage when you play aggressively.

Pro Tips for Surviving in Style:

  • Suit Up Early: Activate Extra Padding right at the beginning of the run or just before a major boss level. You'll instantly feel the difference.
  • No One-Shot Wonders: Keep in mind, Extra Padding won't save you from a one-hit takedown, so don't go picking fights you can't win.
  • Mix and Match: Want to take things up a notch? Pair Extra Padding with cards like Tough as Nails and Unbreakable. You'll be an unstoppable force, the team's guardian angel in the direst of situations.

So, there you have it, – Extra Padding is your ticket to survival, especially when the chaos is at its peak. It's tailor-made for those nail-biting, high-difficulty showdowns and for Cleaners who love charging into the action. If you're feeling creative, don't hesitate to combine it with Tough as Nails and Unbreakable to become the ultimate tank, standing tall and fierce against the Ridden hordes. Time to show those monstrosities what true resilience looks like!


5) Group Hug

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This Defense card is not just a lifesaver; it's your ticket to extra lives with a dash of utility. Ready to dive into the action? Let's roll!

Why the Group Hug Card Rocks:

  • Double the Lives: The Group Hug card is your personal extra life dispenser. Each of your team members gets an extra shot at glory. It's like insurance for your in-game adventures!
  • Fearless Fighters, Rejoice: If you're the kind of Cleaner who craves intense battles, the Group Hug card is your sidekick, ready to bail you out when things get wild.
  • Ace for Higher Difficulties: On those nail-biting high-difficulty levels, it's your secret weapon. You're in for a wild ride, and this card's got your back.

Pro Tips to Level Up Your Game:

  • Timing is Everything: Trigger the Group Hug card right at the start of a level or just before a major showdown. It's like your superhero cape when things get hairy.
  • One Shot Per Level: Remember, this card is a once-per-level deal. So make sure you choose the perfect moment to unleash its power.
  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Combine it with cards like Tough as Nails and Unbreakable for an unbeatable squad.

Here's the scoop, the Group Hug card is your golden ticket to a second shot at victory in those pulse-pounding missions. It's perfect for adrenaline junkies who love diving headfirst into the action. But the fun doesn't stop there! Get creative by pairing it with the Combat Medic and Field Surgeon cards to become the ultimate team supporter. Heal your pals, give them extra resilience, and hand out those precious extra lives.


4) Hazard Suit

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Are you ready for a blazing good time? The Hazard Suit Burn Card is here to turn you into a human fireproof tank! Get ready for some explosive fun as we dive into the burning details.

What You Get:

Fireproof Attire: With the Hazard Suit on, you're not just ready to face the heat – you're inviting it to dinner! Enjoy a sizzling 20% resistance to fire attacks. 

Acid Dodger: Acid baths? No problem! The Hazard Suit grants you 20% acid resistance, so those nasty pools of goo won't slow you down. 

Explosion-proof: Explosions are great in action movies, but not on you. Enjoy 20% resistance to explosive damage and become the action hero you were meant to be. 

When to Bust Out the Hazard Suit:

  • Barbecue Party: It's a fiery fiesta out there. Equip the Hazard Suit and show them who's boss!
  • Mutant Face-Off: Special Ridden like Exploders and Tallboys think they can outsmart you with environmental attacks? Not anymore!
  • Environmental Escape: When the level is a hazardous minefield of fire and acid, the Hazard Suit will have you strolling through like a walk in the park.

Top Tactics for Hazard Suit Mastery:

  • Team Talk: Let your crew know when you're wearing the Hazard Suit so they can plan around your fiery awesomeness.
  • Combo Play: Pair the Hazard Suit with other cool cards like Tough as Nails and EMT Bag for ultimate survival skills.
  • Save It for the Wow Moments: The Hazard Suit is your ace up your sleeve. Use it wisely, like when you're in the middle of a firestorm or a crazy environmental hazard.


3) Medical Supply Scavenger

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Tired of rummaging through empty cabinets for bandages when a Tallboy is hot on your heels? Say goodbye to health item scarcity with the incredible Medical Supply Scavenger Burn Card! Let's dive into how this card can turn the tide in your favor and keep your team in tip-top shape.

Get Ready for a Health Bonanza: Here's What You Get:

  • Medkit Mania: Activate the Medical Supply Scavenger Burn Card, and watch the magic happen. You'll find a whopping 50% more medical goodies scattered throughout the level. That means extra bandages, medkits, and trauma kits to make sure you and your team stay in the fight! 
  • Healthy Hustle: Never again worry about running out of healing supplies when things get hairy. The Medical Supply Scavenger Burn Card ensures you're well-prepared for whatever the Ridden throw at you.

When to Unleash the Healing Havoc:

  • Extreme Difficulty Mode: When the going gets tough, and the tough need more healing supplies, this card will be your salvation.
  • Supporting the Healing Team: If your squad's strategy hinges on healing and staying alive, this card is a must-have.
  • Epic Adventures: For those marathon levels that seem to go on forever, rest easy knowing the Medical Supply Scavenger Burn Card has your back.

Pro Tips for Maximizing Medical Supply Scavenger:

  • Team Chat is Your Friend: Coordinate with your teammates and give them a heads-up when you're wielding the Medical Supply Scavenger Burn Card.
  • Combo Mastery: Consider pairing this card with others like Tough as Nails and EMT Bag for an unstoppable healing combo.
  • Strategic Deployment: Save the Medical Supply Scavenger Burn Card for those nail-biting moments when you're swarmed by hordes of enemies or face off against relentless Ridden Mutants or Specials.
  • Share the Love (and Healing): Even if you're not the team's designated medic, be a hero by sharing any extra health items you find with your wounded comrades.

The Medical Supply Scavenger Burn Card is your ticket to victory. Whether you're up against swarms of foes or trying to survive the most grueling challenges, this card ensures you'll have a surplus of healing resources. So, get ready to heal up, outlast the chaos, and conquer even the most relentless missions with this essential card in your toolkit!


2) Legendary Weapon

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Introducing the Legendary Weapon Burn Card, your key to epic in-game weapons. Activate it, and you'll find a legendary weapon that can change the game. It's a thrilling gamble – you might score big or not, but when you do, it's pure mayhem.

Legendary Arsenal: What's Inside:

Random Legendary Weapon: Activate the card, and boom – you're wielding a legendary weapon with game-changing abilities.

The Legendary Gamble: Expert Insight:

  • Roll the Dice: It's a gamble; the legendary weapon you get is up to fate.
  • Legendary Impact: When luck's on your side, that weapon can turn your team into an unstoppable force.

When to Unleash Legendary Mayhem:

  • Epic Challenges: Use it for boss fights or tough levels.
  • Achievements: Boost your chances in challenges.
  • Legendary Shenanigans: Experiment with crazy legendary weapon abilities.

Pro Tips for Legendary Success:

  • Team Talk: Keep your squad in the loop.
  • Amped Up Arsenal: Pair with other power-boosting cards.
  • Save for the Epic Moments: Don't waste it on routine battles.

The Legendary Weapon Burn Card is your ticket to legendary adventures. Get creative, and think about all the ways you can deploy your legendary power to give your team the upper hand.


1) Hell Can Wait

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Buckle up, because the numero uno on our list is none other than the pulse-pounding "Hell Can Wait" Burn Card! Get ready for some heart-pounding action as this card throws you an exhilarating lifeline in the midst of chaos, making those higher difficulty levels a thrill ride you won't forget.

Supercharge Your Survival: What It Packs

  • Extra Continue: Hell Can Wait delivers a bonus lifeline to your team, giving you another shot at conquering the odds.
  • Sizzling Strategies: Expert Insights
  • Epic Challenges: Designed for the nail-biting high difficulty levels where survival is an art.
  • One-Shot Wonder: You've got just one chance per level, so use it wisely for maximum impact.

When to Unleash the Heat:

  • Last Stand: Crucial for those jaw-dropping difficult missions.
  • Challenge Accepted: The ultimate tool for those who dare to tread where others fear.
  • Unleash the Beast: Perfect for high-energy, damage-dealing teams on a rampage.
  • Team Salvation: When your crew is on the brink, this card swoops in to save the day.

Strategies to Stoke the Fire:

  • Team Rallying Cry: Keep your squad in the loop when you're about to drop Hell Can Wait.
  • Survival Dream Team: Combine it with other life-saving cards like Tough as Nails and EMT Bag.
  • Epic Deployment: Reserve it for those epic moments when you face hordes or ferocious Ridden mutants.

So, what are you waiting for? Jump in, activate Hell Can Wait, and unleash your team's unbreakable spirit. The thrill of victory beckons!


I'm genuinely grateful for you taking this journey with me into the exciting realm of Burn Cards.

Your support and curiosity means the world to me, and it's readers like you who make this adventure all the more special.

I'm excited to continue exploring new horizons and facing the Ridden together in the future.

Thanks for being a part of this fantastic community!



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