[Top 10] The Wolf Among Us Best Achievements and How To Get Them

Top Achievements is the Wolf Among Us
16 May 2020

Mirror mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest achievement of all?

Throughout the storyline of the Wolf Among Us, Bigby Wolf is faced with an assortment of challenges, as well as achievements that will be unlocked throughout the game. There are a total of 30 unmissable achievements, 5 related to unlocking the Book of Fables, and finally, the platinum trophy received for unlocking all achievements. 

In this article, I will address the top 10 achievements you will unlock throughout the game, as well as the ones that will lead you to the Book of Fables and the final achievement. Keep reading to find out which is the greatest of them all!

10. No Respect for the Dead

Body Image
Don't smoke, kids.

Bigby realizes from the photograph that the murderer is Crane which Bigby watches through the Magic Mirror before smashing it in anger.

How to get the achievement?

  • Complete episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors

Achievement Details

  • This achievement is unmissable

9. The Enchanted Land of New York City 

Body Image
Don't mess with Bigby.

This is is the conclusion to chapter 3. 

How to get this achievement?

  • Complete episode 3: A Crooked Mile

Achievement Details

  • This achievement is unmissable

8. And All Were Happy

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The Crooked Man taking aim.

This achievement is engaged by speaking to the Crooked Man.

How to get this achievement?

  • Complete episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing

Achievement Details

  • This achievement is unmissable

7. Happily Ever After

Body Image

Bigby vs. Beast

The ending point for chapter 4.

How to get this achievement?

  • Complete episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing

Achievement Details

  • This achievement is unmissable

6. Novice Librarian

Body Image
Grandma, what big eyes you have.

How to get this achievement?

  • Complete episode 1: Faith
  • Repeat play through the last chapter and make a different decision about ripping the monster’s arm off

Achievement Details

  • First achievement towards the Book of Fables

5. Apprentice Librarian

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Bigby, looking for a fight.

The next achievement towards the Book of Fables. You will be interrogating the Woodsman or Tweedledee, it doesn’t matter which, but you will be playing good/ bad cop.

How to get this achievement?

  • Complete episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors 
  • You will have to replay chapter 2
  • If you played good cop through the 1st playthrough, then play bad cop on the 2nd round or visa versa.

Achievement Details

  • 2nd achievement towards Book Fables

4. Journeyman Librarian

Body Image

The 3rd achievement towards the Book of Fables.

How to get this Achievement?

  • Complete episode 3: A Crooked Mile
  • In chapter 2, do not interrupt Snow. Go over to the offering table and examine the card on the left
  • At the end of chapter 3, you will get a choice of where to go to investigate in the next chapter.
  • Choose Crane's Apartment first. While you are there, investigate the headless horseman statue on the left side of the apartment by the lamp
  • Choose Tweedle Dee and Dum's office second. You should automatically get Flycatcher's entry after talking to him
  • You will have to replay chapter 5
  • The choice is about burning Auntie Greenleaf's tree or not. If you chose to burn it on your first playthrough, choose not to burn it on your second playthrough

Achievement Details

  • The 3rd achievement to unlock the Book of Fables

3. Master Librarian

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Bigby and Snow having a moment. 

The next achievement towards the Book of Fables. There are 3 missable books Donkeyskin Coat, Briar Rose, and Johann in this episode.

How to get this achievement?

  • Complete episode 4: In Sheep’s Clothing
  • At the end of chapter 2, you will have the choice of going to the Lucky Pawn Shop or the Butcher Shop. Choose the Lucky Pawn Shop first
  • You will get the Donkeyskin Coat, which Toad is trying to sell there
  • Examine the pincushion on the right glass display case there to unlock the Briar Rose
  • When you get to the Butcher Shop you will get Johann

Achievement Details

  • The 2nd to the last achievement towards the Book of Fables

2. Grand Master Librarian

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The final achievement to receive the Book of Fables. 

How to get this achievement?

  • In chapter 3, in Sheppard Metalworks you will examine the workbench, a conversation with Bloody Mary will pop up
  • The options are: "Cut the sh**.", "I'm talking to you!", "[Hit her]", "[silence]"
  • Choose either "Cut the sh**." or "I'm talking to you!"

Achievement Details

  • The last achievement towards the Book of Fables

1. Full Moon

Body Image
Looking for evidence

The final achievement to be unlocked. 

How to get this achievement?

  • Unlock all achievements in the Wolf Among Us

Achievement Details

  • The platinum trophy is acquired with this achievement
  • Well, that’s it! If you want to successfully unlock all of the achievements in the Wolf Among Us these are the 10 most essential. 

Enjoy exploring all areas of this captivating storyline!

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