[Top 3] TFT Best Zac Builds That Are Powerful

Best Zac Builds in TFT
06 Jan 2024

The huge colored balloon is in TFT, Zac, not just being a tank or damage dealer, but he also has his known crowd control.

Zac bounces, dealing a fair amount of damage, healing a lot, and stunning enemies below.

In this article, we will mention the combos to place Zac in, his best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with a bounce.

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Beat up, or beat down? I'm flexible.

Zac is a great pick in late game as he shares the EDM trait, which grants you a selector to select which EDM you would want his skill to be more frequently used for.

Zac also shares the bruiser trait, which grants him more health to be a tough tank on the frontlines.

Zac’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome by placing him on your team.


Best Zac builds in TFT Set 10

Zac’s stats:

  • Cost: 4 Gold
  • Health: 1100 / 1980 / 3564
  • Mana: 60 / 130
  • Armor: 60
  • MR: 60
  • Ability Power: 100
  • DPS: 33 / 59 / 105
  • Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
  • Atk Spd: 0.65
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: 1


Zac’s traits:

1. EDM

Use the EDM selector item to choose an EDM champion and see the frequency for each.

At the selected champion's frequency, your EDM champions cast the selected Ability with modified effectiveness.

  • 2 80% effectiveness
  • 3 100% effectiveness
  • 4 110% effectiveness, -1 second
  • 5 125% effectiveness, -2 seconds

2. Bruiser

Your team gains 100 Health. Bruisers gain bonus max Health.

  • 2 20% max Health
  • 4 45% max Health
  • 6 90% max Health


Zac’s ability

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 Let's Bounce!

Bounce 3 times on nearby enemies. Each bounce deals magic damage, Stuns for 1 second, and heals Zac.

  • Headliner Effect: +200 Health, +15 Ability Power
  • Damage: 120% / 180% / 1200%
  • Heal: 100% / 140% / 800%


Carousel priority:

These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find below:

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Zac’s best items

1. Warmog’s Armor

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Grants 800 Health

2. Dragon’s Claw

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Every 2 seconds, regenerate 5% maximum Health.

3. Bramble Vest

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Gain 5% max Health.

Take 15% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 100 magic damage to all adjacent enemies.

Cooldown: 2 seconds


Best comps for Zac


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  • 5 EDM
  • 4 Mosher
  • 2 Bruiser
  • 2 Dazzler

Jax, who has the EDM characteristic and the support of all the Mosher champions, is the major draw in this compilation.

Jax and the others may reroll this combination to level 8 gradually, but only after they reach level 3 with careful preparation.

In this match, the best team is:

1. Jax, who has the mosher trait to speed up his attacks and omnivamp, is the main damage dealer on the front lines. The EDM serves as the main attraction.

2. Due to his shared mosher trait, which increases his attack speed and omnivamp, Gnar is a great front-line tank.

3. Because of his Tier 4 EDM status, Zed deals a lot of damage.

4. Sett is an incredibly potent tank on the front lines, with the mosher trait.

5. Poppy is a great Tier 4 with the Mosher trait.

6. Zac is another member of Tier 4 EDM.

7. Bard and Lux both have the Dazzler trait, which reduces the attacks of the enemies.

8. Lux is a great backline damage dealer who possesses the traits of both Dazzler and EDM.


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  • 5 EDM
  • 4 Crowd Diver
  • 2 Dazzler

This compilation focuses on Zed, the biggest name in the genre, and other EDM characteristics.

This is a fast reroll comp because most of the champions are pricey, and Zed, the main attraction, only becomes available after level 8.

The lineup for this game:

1. Zed is a prominent EDM artist and damage dealer. He is a stand-in assassin because he also has the crowd diver trait.

2. One is an exceptional damage dealer on the front lines since he will share the crowd diver trait.

3. Zac is an outstanding tank on the front lines because to his combination of great health and the EDM trait.

4. Katarina may cause a lot of damage when she shares the crowd diver at the beginning.

5. Qiyana is a tier 5 crowd diver that does a ton of damage to front-line opponents.

The third EDM to inflict significant harm on the front rows is Jax.

7. Lux is the EDM member in the back row. She does a lot of damage and uses the Dazzler trait to make the enemy's damage more moderate.

8. Twisted Fate is also a good pick because Lux will be used to do a lot of damage and trigger the Dazzler trait.


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  • 5 EDM
  • 1 Illbeats
  • 4 Bruiser
  • 2 Mosher
  • 2 Dazzler

Lux is the primary attraction in this compilation as the EDM headliner.

In order to start receiving Lux in the shop as the headliner, this is a quick reroll to at least level 6.

The best squad in this match:

1. Jax has the Mosher trait, which gives him increased attack speed and onivamp, making him an excellent choice for an EDM member.

2. Lux, the major damage dealer in this match and the EDM headliner, has the Dazzler trait, which lessens the damage done by opponents.

3. Sharing the Bruiser attribute, which gives him more health, and being a fantastic tank, Zac is the third EDM.

4. Zed, the fourth EDM, is a formidable damage dealer in the front lines.

5. With the ability to inflict decent damage and the Dazzler trait, which lessens incoming damage, Twisted Fate is a great choice for the backlines.

6. Gragas, a tier 2 bruiser, gains a lot more health to be an excellent tank on the front lines alongside the other bruisers.

7. With two essential features in common, Sett is a perfect fit for the front lines: the Mosher trait, which gives him increased attack speed and omnivamp, and the Bruiser trait, which gives him more health to be a tank.

8. Illaoi is the tier 5 player in this group. She has the Bruiser trait, making her an excellent tank who can take a lot of damage. Illbeats is her special ability to spawn tentacles.

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