[Top 3] TFT Best Sona Builds That Are Powerful

Best Sona Builds in TFT
17 Jan 2024

Sona, our greatest DJ, is back at TFT, sending chords to take out her enemies with her deadly notes.

Sona’s chords don’t only deal damage to enemies; they also provide her allies with a huge attack speed bonus.

In this article, we will mention the combos to place Sona in, her best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with your lethal melodies.

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Art is something everyone can share.

Sona is a great pick as she shares the Demacia trait, which makes her support the Demacia king by providing attack speed and dealing some good damage from the backlines.

Sona’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing her on your team.


Best Sona builds in TFT Set 9

Sona’s stats:

  • Cost: 3 Gold
  • Health: 700 / 1260 / 2268
  • Mana: 40 / 90
  • Armor: 25
  • MR: 25
  • Ability Power: 100
  • DPS: 26 / 47 / 84
  • Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
  • Atk Spd: 0.65
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: 4


Sona’s traits:

1. Demacia

Your strongest Demacians become Elite and equip a random Radiant item each combat. Elites grant Armor and Magic Resist to themselves and adjacent allies, but this does not stack.

  • 3 1 Elite, +5 Armor, +5 Magic Resist
  • 5 2 Elites, +30 Armor, +30 Magic Resist
  • 7 4 Elites, +50 Armor, +50 Magic Resist
  • 9 6 Elites, +100 Armor, +100 Magic Resist

2. Multicaster

Multicasters cast their Ability multiple times. Bonus casts have 66% reduced effectiveness.

  • 2 1 extra cast
  • 4 2 extra casts


Sona’s ability

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Send a wave of sound at the largest clump of enemies and deal magic damage to enemies hit. Allies hit by the wave gain Attack Speed for 5 seconds.

  • Damage: 105% / 155% / 255%
  • Attack Speed: 35% / 40 / 45%


Carousel priority:

These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:

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Sona’s best items

1. Archangel's Staff

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Grant 20 bonus Ability Power.

Combat start: Grant 10 Ability Power every 5 seconds.

2. Morellonomicon

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Grants 10 bonus Ability Power. Magic or true damage from the holder's Ability 10% Burns and 30% Wounds enemies for the 10 seconds.

3. Spear of Shojin

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Grant 15 bonus Ability Power. Every 3rd Attack restores 20 additional mana.


Best comps for Sona


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  • 3 Yordle
  • 3 Strategiest
  • 4 Multicast
  • 3 Demacia

This comp is based on the magic and multicasting traits, and it uses champions with low costs.

This is a slow reroll to level 8 with a strong economy to make sure you win your game and get your low-tier champions to level 3.

Best group to build this:

1. Teemo will do most of the damage because he has the yordle trait and the multicasting trait, which lets him throw two mushrooms instead of one.

2. Poppy is a good choice for the front lines because she is like both Demacia and Yordle.

3. Kled is the third yordle while taking damage on the front lines.

4. Jarvan IV will be the third Demacia member, and he will stun enemies.

5. As a demacia and multicasting member, Sona will do a lot of damage from the backlines.

6. Vel'Koz is the third member with multiple abilities who will do good damage from the back lines.

7. Taliyah is the fourth member of a multicasting group to hit targets twice.

8. A lot of damage will be done to Swain in the front lines.


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  • 2 Multicast
  • 4 Juggernaut
  • 3 Demacia
  • 2 Strategist

This comp is based on the fact that Garen is both a tank and a great damage provider in the front lines.

To get the best results, you must get Garen to level 3.

Best group to build this:

1. As a Demacia and Juggernaut member, Garen is a great damage provider and tank in the front lines.

2. As a behemoth, Darius will do a lot of damage and take a lot more.

3. As the third powerhouse, Warwick will be a great tank in the front line.

4. Your 4th monster will be Nasus.

5. Jarvan will add to both the Demacia and tactician traits, which makes him a great pick.

6. Sona is the third member of Demacia. She is a "multicast" member, which means she can use her skill twice.

7. Teemo is your team's second planner and second multicast member, so he fits in well.


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  • 7 Demacia
  • 1 Darkin’
  • 2 Bastion
  • 2 Sorcerer
  • 2 Juggernaut

This competition is based on Aatrox having a Demacia badge and Garen and Lux getting extra things as Demacians.

This is a fast reroll to level 8 with a strong economy to make sure you get the winners you need to go to a higher level.

Best group to build this:

1. In the early rounds, Garen will be your main damage dealer because he can deal a lot of damage with the Demacia trait and take a lot of damage with the Juggernaut trait.

2. Lux will be your second damage dealer because, as a Demacian, she will have a crown and share the magician trait with you.

3. Sona is a great choice because she will use her Demacia trait early on, deal damage, and help her team, especially Garen and Aatrox, fight faster.

4. Aatrox and the Darkin are great choices in the late game, but you need to put a Demacia symbol on him to get the best results.

5. Jarvan will have the same ability to stop enemies as Demacia.

6. Galio will take damage in the front lines because he has the Demacia trait.

7. Taric is a great choice because he will have the traits of both a bastion and a magician.

8. Poppy is a great pick early on because she has both the Bastion and Demacia traits and is also a great tank in the early game.

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