Star Citizen Best Avengers - All Avenger Ships Ranked

Star Citizen all Avenger ships
15 Nov 2019

Any gamer looking to get started in Star Citizen really only needs to know about one ship, the Aegis Avenger.

It is almost unanimously agreed upon that the Aegis Avenger is the best ship for any newcomer to Star Citizen.

While other ships that come with the digital download for the game for less than $60, earning the Avenger will only take a short day’s worth of missions. It is an incredibly capable single-seater ship for any player, whether a newbie or a veteran of the game.

But earning an Avenger is not the whole challenge. You’ll need to know which model suits your playstyle.

This guide will tell you what each Avenger excels at, and which is the best for a beginner in the current state of the game, Alpha 3.7.

3. Aegis Avenger Stalker (Average)

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The Avenger Stalker is a sleek bounty hunter, pretty on the outside, even while carrying criminal scum on the inside.

The Avenger Stalker is the most popular variant of Avengers for bounty hunters. It is a civilian light fighter with a prisoner hold in the rear. A common patrol ship for the in-game intersystem police force, The Advocacy, The Stalker is one of the only ships currently available to players that can hold prisoners for transport.

What makes the Avenger Stalker Average:

  • Though the ability to hold prisoners is a useful one, prisons and FPS bounty hunting is not due in the game until 2020, thus rendering the model less useful than its counterparts.
  • The Stalker is the fastest Avenger available in terms of max speed. This means cruising around planets and moons will take just a bit shorter.
  • Despite the lack of bounty hunter gameplay available to this ship, it still has great combat capabilities in a dogfight.
  • The Stalker still features a bed that will allow you to logout and login without landing.
  • The Avenger Stalker is the only Avenger available with a starter pack, which means this ship is purchasable with the full Star Citizen game included.


  • 0 Standard Cargo Units (SCU)
  • 250 m/s SCM speed
  • 1,310 m/s max speed
  • Maximum crew: 1
  • Bed: Yes
  • S3 gimbaled ballistic repeater
  • S2(x2) gimbaled laser cannon
  • S2(x4) missiles
  • Shield: 4,680 HP (612 hp/s regeneration)
  • S1 power plant
  • S1(x2) cooler
  • S1(x2) shield generator

Best Loadout for the Avenger Stalker:

The Avenger Stalker features the exact same hardpoints as the other Avengers and will benefit from a very similar loadout. The best loadout for you will be highly dependent on what you are trying to accomplish. Since the Stalker is more focused on disabling ships to arrest or pacify the pilot or a crewmember, this loadout will be geared towards disabling ships, rather than destroying them. For additional more combative focused loadouts, see below, as each ship on this list can benefit from the same components and weapons.

  • Gimbaled DR Model XJ3 Distortion Repeater
  • (x2) Fixed SuckerPunch XL Distortion Cannon
  • (x4) Dominator II Missiles
  • (x2) Palisade Shields
  • LumaCore Power Plant
  • (x2) Ecoflow Coolers
  • Foxfire Quantum Travel Drive

How to get the Avenger Stalker:

  • Use your quantum drive to make the journey to New Deal at Lorville on planet Hurston. The ship price is 882,200 aUEC.
  • This ship is available for purchase on the game’s website for $60, standalone. This is also a method of supporting the development of the game.
  • This ship can also be purchased as part of a Star Citizen game package, which includes the full game. This package will cost $75.
  • Upgrade to this ship from another ship via the online store.

2. Aegis Avenger Warlock (Good)

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The EMP inside the Warlock is very valuable when taking on ships with large shields, just be careful where you use it.

The Avenger Warlock is a light fighter with E-war capabilities. The Warlock sacrifices all of its cargo space for a large EMP device that can shut down the electronic systems of any ship in range. This means no cargo hauling, as this ship is almost exclusively used for bounty hunting and combat missions, as well as special ops.

What makes the Avenger Warlock Good:

  • EMP capabilities give you a massive upper hand in the fight. You won’t need energy weapons to damage your opponent’s shields, which means you can go full ballistic.
  • The Warlock comes stock with energy cannons, in case you are going up against a foe with massive shield strength.
  • A lack of cargo space means there is no opportunity to make large cargo deliveries.
  • Compared to the Titan, the ship is more expensive than the value you get in the current state of the game.
  • This is the heaviest of the 3 Avenger variants.


  • 0 Standard Cargo Units (SCU)
  • 240 m/s SCM speed
  • 1,305 m/s max speed
  • Maximum crew: 1
  • Bed: Yes
  • S3 gimbaled ballistic repeater
  • S2(x2) gimbaled laser cannon
  • S2(x4) missiles
  • Shield: 4,680 HP (612 hp/s regeneration)
  • S1 power plant
  • S1(x2) cooler
  • S1(x2) shield generator

Best Loadout for the Avenger Warlock:

The Avenger Warlock features the exact same hardpoints as the other Avengers and will benefit from a very similar loadout. The best loadout for you will be highly dependent on what you are trying to accomplish, whether that be targeting ship parts or ship components to disable the ship, or destroying the ship entirely. Considering the warlock will find itself going up against larger ships due to its EMP capabilities, this loadout will be geared towards shield damage on slow-moving targets.

  • Gimbaled Mantis GT-220 Ballistic Repeater
  • (x2) Fixed SuckerPunch XL Distortion Cannon
  • Warlock EMP Device
  • (x4) Dominator II Missiles
  • (x2) Palisade Shields
  • LumaCore Power Plant
  • (x2) Ecoflow Coolers
  • Foxfire Quantum Travel Drive

How to get the Avenger Warlock:

  • Use your quantum drive to make the journey to New Deal at Lorville on planet Hurston. The ship price is 1,155,500 aUEC.
  • This ship is only available out-of-game during the yearly anniversary sale in late November and will be $85 in addition to the game. This is also a method of supporting the development of the game.

1. AEGIS Avenger Titan (Superior)

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The sleek Avenger Titan is a capable fighter, but the real advantage is the large cargo hold in the back.

The Avenger Titan is a nimble, spacious, combat-ready single-seater that has plenty of room for cargo as well. It is a small upgrade from either the Aurora or the Mustang starter ships, and is easy to earn through hard work in the game.

What makes the Avenger Titan Superior:

  • Cargo running is currently a very lucrative career option in Star Citizen given the right trade routes, and the Titan has the most cargo space of any Avenger model.
  • This is the fastest Avenger available.
  • You can completely ignore the cargo capabilities of this ship, and still use it as a dedicated dogfighter.
  • The Titan has the most powerful stock shields.
  • With a large cargo hold, you may be able to fit a space bike in the back.


  • 8 Standard Cargo Units (SCU)
  • 260 m/s SCM speed
  • 1,115 m/s max speed
  • Maximum crew: 1
  • Bed: Yes
  • S3 gimbaled ballistic repeater
  • S2(x2) gimbaled laser repeater
  • S2(x4) missile
  • Shield: 14,400 HP (270 hp/s regeneration)
  • S1 power plant
  • S1(x2) cooler
  • S1(x2) shield generator

Best Loadout for the Avenger Titan:

The Avenger Titan features the exact same hardpoints as the other Avengers and will benefit from a very similar loadout. The best loadout for you will be highly dependent on what you are trying to accomplish, whether that be targeting ship parts or ship components to disable the ship, or destroying the ship entirely. This is the best combat-focused loadout for the beginner pilot using balanced damage elements. Note, you will need to get in close to your target to take full advantage of the large scattergun up front.

  • Gimbaled NDB-30 Neutron Laser Repeater
  • (x2) Gimbaled Sledge II Ballistic Cannon
  • (x4) Dominator II Missiles
  • (x2) Palisade Shields
  • LumaCore Power Plant
  • (x2) Ecoflow Coolers
  • Foxfire Quantum Travel Drive

How to get the Avenger Titan:

  • Use your quantum drive to make the journey to New Deal at Lorville on planet Hurston. The ship price is 785,600 aUEC.
  • Use your quantum drive to make the journey to the Traveler rental shop at Area 18 on planet ArcCorp or Vantage Rentals at Lorville on planet Hurston. The rental price starts at 15,172 aUEC per day.
  • This ship is available for purchase on the game’s website for $50 in addition to the game. This is also a method of supporting the development of the game.
  • Upgrade to this ship from another ship via the online store.

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