[Top 5] Shadowverse Best Bloodcraft Decks

Shadowverse Best Bloodcraft Decks
24 Aug 2020

[Top 5] Shadowverse Best Bloodcraft Decks

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5. Frenzied Madness

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Like your primary Bloodcraft deck, Frenzied Madness still has cards that lower your leader’s defense until you reach Vengeance, enhancing other cards in your deck as well as your hand. This deck in particular really emphasizes the Vengeance aspect of Bloodcraft meaning that the balance between your amount of healing and damaging is off. There are at least four cards that will increase your HP in case of an emergency, and luckily most are not enhancement cards you would rather wait to play until a later turn. There are a good number of followers that could make up for this factor, making a win possible.

Deck Review 

  • Once this deck picks up speed, it’s at its most powerful. The gold card follower, Ravening Corruption, is only three play points and a huge asset to the deck. When you evolve this follower, it activates this leader effect; whenever you play a follower or a spell that allows you to draw a card, one damage is done to an enemy, whether it be the enemy leader or an opposing follower. This card works well in tandem with many low cost followers and spells in the deck that allow you to draw cards that activate the Corruption’s effect. This effect lasts for the entire match, meaning that the opposing leader and their followers will be taking damage each turn regardless if you attacked or not.
  • One of Frenzied Madnesses greatest strengths is how many of the cards are connected to each other. For example, unless you drew it originally or on your first turn, you can use the effects of the Corruption and other card drawing cards to put the Jourgmand in your hand. This card has the Last Words effect that gives your leader the ability to do three damage to each enemy on the field whenever you damage yourself. This especially useful since it helps you to reach Vengeance faster and also does widespread damage.
  • However, this deck's biggest weakness also resides in its ability to draw cards and do damage to yourself. Without at least one of the two power cards mentioned above, Madness has the ability to fall apart at a moment’s notice. And even if you have both in play, you have to be on your guard constantly. If you draw too many cards, you’ll run out and give your opponent their own victory. If you don’t keep track of the damage you’re doing to yourself, the same thing can happen. This deck needs constant attention, and if that isn’t your style, I would avoid it.

Deck Card List

  • Disciple of Lust x3
  • Lunatic Aether x3
  • Creeping Madness x1
  • Travelers’ Respite x3
  • Corrupted Bat x3
  • Leraje x3
  • Blood Pact x3
  • Spiderweb Imp x2
  • Hellblaze Demon x2
  • Rookie Succubus x2
  • Vampiric BloodBinder x2
  • Frenzied Werewolf x2
  • Ravening Corruption x2
  • Yuna, Vampire Seeker x3
  • Jormungand x2
  • Nacht x1
  • Moriana, Shadow Devil x1
  • Nightprowl Vampire x2

4. Bloodcraft C

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This deck is actually really similar to Frenzied Madness, except for the fact that it embraces the new card packs, Fortune's Hand, in a better way. Just like the deck above, C utilizes the Ravening Corruption and has similar cards such as the Corrupted Bat and the Vampiric BloodBinder. However, it emphasizes the Vengeance aspect of Bloodcraft more with Azael, the Depraved, which we’ll discuss more later. There are quite a few cards that can heal, but also have multiple uses. 

Deck Review 

  • The biggest advantage this deck has is Azael. Azael reduces your damage to ten so that Vengeance automatically activates while simultaneously making sure that your leader cannot take more than three damage at a time. This means that any cards that have Vengeance effects will automatically activate on your fourth turn, Azael’s play point cost. You can activate Azael’s effect on any turn after four or on four depending on what you choose. But choosing carefully is key.
  • There are many cards that help activate Vengeance by doing damage to your leader, even if you don’t have Azael in play. Cards such as Razory Claw, Vampiric BloodBinder, and Creeping Madness can easily get you there. This deck even has a touch of Natura in it so that cards can be drawn and the Ravening Corruption can be activated. Azael and the Corruption make a decent pair in battle, although not as strong as the Jormungand and the Ravening Corruption partnership. The fact that Three has a well balanced relationship between Fortunes Hand, Vengeance pinpointing, and Natura is what makes it better than Frenzied Madness.
  • However, this deck takes a bit to get used to due to Azael himself. Learning when to play him takes time; if you play him too soon, you can get defeated easily, and if you play him too late, the situation can be the same. It’s hard to believe, but one card has managed to uproot the whole deck. Secondly, while the Ravening Corruption is useful, it doesn’t have as much power as it does in the deck above, and waiting several turns for it can seem pointless. It also makes this deck seem pointlessly slow when most Bloodcraft decks are considered Aggro.

Deck Card List

  • Lucius, Vampire Slayer x1
  • Lunatic Aether x3
  • Creeping Madness x3
  • Corrupted Bat x3
  • Io, Enchanting Educator x3
  • Vampiric BloodBinder x3
  • Razory Claw x3
  • Garnet Waltz x3
  • Alchemical Confectioner x3
  • Illya, Queen of Night x1
  • Ravening Corruption x3
  • Resolve of the Fallen x1
  • Azael the Depraved x2
  • XXI, Zeloenea. The World x3
  • Burning Constriction x1
  • Nerea, Beast Empress x3

3. Garnet: Defiance

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Garnet: Defiance is one of the more recently built Bloodcraft decks, and is also one of the more uncommon Bloodcraft Machina decks. It specializes in more offensive techniques compared to reaching Vengeance, something uncommon as well. Despite this, it is still a rather fast deck, a Bloodcraft specialty. This means that even with Vengeance waiting in the wings for the majority of the time, you could still pull off a steady win. Reaching Vengeance in this type of situation simply serves as an added advantage.

Deck Review 

  • Machina is a type of deck that normally focuses on the destruction of other low cost Machina followers. Defiance is a deck whose heavy hitting cards, cards such as Techno Lord and Slayn, Steelwrought Vampire, rely on this effect. Therefore, one of Defiance’s greatest strengths is that this effect generally works out and is usually successful. Many of the Machina cards in the deck summon a few useful wards, Assembly Droids, or put powerful followers into your hand to use on the same turn or later. Why this is so important is because other decks like Swordcraft and Forestcraft have the ability to put many low cost followers on the field, making it hard to keep up. With the summoning effects and the card choosing, it’s easier to keep up. 
  • It’s very easy to do extensive damage without worrying too much about keeping up with your opponent, especially if you happen to go first. Cards such as Slayn, Steelwrought Vampire, and Destructive Succubus, help to make this possible. The only thing would be is that both cards have a higher play point cost, meaning that paying close attention is an absolute must when battling with this deck.
  • However, this deck’s biggest issue is that it’s easy to underestimate the importance of Vengeance. Just because you have extensive power in the form of Machina followers does not mean that Vengeance isn’t essential. Without it, Bloodcraft loses its purpose. And while there are more self damaging cards than ward, protection is lacking in general, as is healing. It isn’t the best casual deck, and if you want to play casually, you should look elsewhere.

Deck Card List

  • Kiss of Lust x3
  • Hellblaze Demon x3
  • Doublame, Duke and Dame x3
  • Mono, Garnet Rebel x2
  • Gearsnake Tamer x3
  • Blood Pact x3
  • Razory Claw x3
  • Furfur x3
  • Armored Bat x3
  • Unleash the Nightmare x3
  • Dark General x2
  • Metal-Blade Demon x3
  • Slayn, Steelwrought Vampire x2 
  • Technolord x1
  • Destructive Succubus x3

2. Crimson Flowerbed

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Crimson Flowerbed’s primary strength resides in its ability to help you reach Vengeance faster than the natural Bloodcraft speed, but also has a decent amount of cards that protect you from getting taken out by your opponent once you reach that status. Unlike the majority of the decks above, there are several cards that can consistently heal you throughout the match so that you have every opportunity to remain on the field despite potentially having low health. Crimson Flowerbed does especially well against Aggro decks such as Swordcraft decks and Forestcraft decks in general. It’s a good match of speed and defense for a Bloodcraft deck.

Deck Review 

  • Like what was said above, there are many cards that work as both an offensive and defensive follower. For example, if you’ve reached the Vengeance effect you desired but only have five HP left, the gold card, Flauros, is there to save the day. It can help you recover from that dangerous precipice, but still help you keep that Vengeance effect. The card Servant of Lust also has a similar effect, but it’s imperative that you watch out, as that card heals the enemy leader as well.
  • Crimson Flowerbed has plenty of low cost cards, cards that are key for the success of the legendary ward card Crimson Rose Queen. What makes Crimson Rose Queen so powerful is the fact that it turns any cards in your hand that are two play points or less into the spell Crimson Burst. This spell allows you to do three damage to an enemy and give you back two HP. If you end up having plenty of those in your hand and the enemy leader has already been dealt moderate damage, you can take them out right then and there. Crimson Rose Queen is definitely this deck’s biggest powerhouse.
  • However, Crimson Rose Queen can be a crutch for this deck. With it being a high powerhouse in terms of healing and damage, it can be hard waiting for it in general. Not only that, but there is only one of her card in the deck. If you aren’t quite used to playing with this deck, it can be easy to play these low cost cards at the wrong time. If you don’t have enough on the field, you can get severely damaged. If you don’t have enough in your hand, her presence is useless. This deck isn’t necessarily for casual or beginning players, making it this Crimson Flowebed’s primary weakness.

Deck Card List

  • Restless Perish x3
  • Disciple of Lust x3 
  • Bewitching Succubus x3
  • Alexandrite Demon x3
  • Vira, Knight Fanatix x2
  • Bloodthirsty Hamster x3
  • Servant of Lust x3
  • Blood Pact x3
  • Razory Claw x3
  • Valnareik, Omen of Last x2
  • Dark General x2
  • Narmaya, Ephemeral Blade x3
  • Flauros x3
  • Evil Eye Demon x3
  • Crimson Rose Queen x1

Top Bloodcraft Deck: Midnight Mistress

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The top Bloodcraft deck is one that is always recommended for every storyline or quest battle, and is also the most recently created. It relies heavily on drawing cards again, something that seems to be common in the more recently released Bloodcraft decks. Midnight Mistress is actually very similar to our deck four, but makes a more proper use of Illya and Azael. A deck with significant control over both card drawing, speed, and consistent attack is key and generally impressive in a Bloodcraft deck.

Deck Review

  • One of the most impressive aspects of Midnight Mistress is that it manages to keep control over Azael, the Depraved. Compared to deck four, Azael connects rather well with the other cards around it. Cradle of Dark Divinity with its healing effect helps to keep Azael’s Vengeance skill in check without it getting out of hand. That means you won’t be able to play Azael right away, but you would only have to wait three turns, not much time in this speedy deck.
  • Those of you interested in finishing your storyline with the right missions in mind, or interested in completing the new quests released, Midnight Mistress is the best way to go. It’s made out of the most recent strategies, the most recent card packs, and the most recent card types. Even in the online matches, it works perfectly if you’re interested in buying a prebuilt deck. It’s definitely worth the purchase.
  • The only thing that could be potentially off with this deck is the fact that there isn’t as much healing or defense in mind. However, the speed of the deck makes up for it with ease. If you’re especially interested in an offensive deck, or a potential Aggro deck, Midnight Mistress is the perfect Bloodcraft deck for you. Midnight Mistress is the top Bloodcraft deck in Shadowverse for sure.

Deck Card List

  • Lunatic Aether x3
  • Nightmare, Dreameater x3
  • Leraje x3
  • Corrupted Bat x3
  • Blood Pact x3
  • Razory Claw x3 
  • Entrancing Blow x3
  • Frenzied Werewolf x3
  • Illya, Queen of Night x1
  • Dark General x2
  • Azael, the Depraved x3
  • Sharanzaya, Masked Mayhem x3
  • Nightprowl Vampire x3
  • Yuzuki, Righteous Demon x2
  • Cradle of Dark Divinity x2

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