[Top 15] Portal 2 Best Mods Every Player Should Have

Portal 2, best Portal 2 mods, top 15
21 Dec 2022

With thousands of mods still being made for Portal 2 it's not easy finding the best options available.

Released in April of 2011, Valve’s Portal 2 is one the most iconic puzzle games ever made. From the stellar voice acting, to the flawless controls, this thrilling, side-splitting puzzle-adventure is still inspiring its fans to create original content for it over ten years on! So, if the 8 hours runtime of lemon rants, deadly neurotoxin and a passive-aggressive potato battery simply isn’t enough for you, fear not! Here’s a breakdown of the best mods that the Portal community have to offer.


15: Memories

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Take a break from The Aperture Science facility in 'Memories'

Something of a unique entry on this list, ‘Memories’ is an episodic mod, meaning that it guides the player through chapters of a story that were released gradually. Each chapter is set in a drastically different environment compared to the cold, heartless setting of the Aperture facility. In this ambitious and fairly old mod, you can use your portal gun in a house, a forest, or even space (I can think of a certain corrupted core that would be excited by that one!). As random as these settings might sound, a story binds them together and leads to a satisfying, intriguing and all-new narrative for you to explore with Portal 2 mechanics.

Why is this mod so good?

  • Use your portal gun in new and refreshing environments.
  • Change your way of thinking for these newly designed types of puzzles.
  • Connect the dots from each chapter to fill in the mystery of this standalone adventure.

Check out this mod here: Memories 


14: Eidolon:

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Puzzle in a new, sleek and operational testing environment in 'Eidolon'

Getting stuck on 'Eidolon'? Here's the full walkthrough.

Another mod that plays on revamping the standard visual aesthetic and surroundings, ‘Eidolon’ subverts fan’s expectations by setting a host of new puzzles in a sleek, and operational facility. As Portal 2 is mostly set in dystopian ruins with nature running its course through the facility, it’s so exciting to have some challenging portal puzzles set in a perfect and prime setting. ‘Eidolon’ goes above and beyond in creating an ultramodern, futuristic testing facility for players. The first Portal game was set in a much more ideal and clean Aperture Centre, however, ‘Eidolon’ hasn’t simply mirrored what’s already been done, the developers have created something new, based loosely off of the source material.

Why is this mod so good?

  • Epic, immersive and original worlds have been built for new and innovative portal puzzles.
  • A unique and evolving original soundtrack provides the perfect accompaniment as you solve each stage.
  • New mechanics that shake up the flow and thought processes of the puzzles.

Check out this mod here: Eidolon


13: Robot Pride: 


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Get more destructive co-op fun with Atlas and P-body in 'Robot Pride'

This mod attempts to use a co-op play style to flesh out and expand some of the story laid out in Portal 1 and 2. Play with a friend as either Atlas or P-Body as a part of the reborn Robot Pride Initiative (initially postponed by a trigger-happy GLaDOS and her infamous deadly neurotoxin gas). As it says on the mod’s summary page, “GLaDOS did some searching and found all these chambers just lying around. She decided to put them to good use, and the Robot Pride Initiative was back up on its feet. Not for the understanding of wishy-washy "feelings," but for science.”
  Why is this mod so good?
  • Play more co-op puzzle content with friends.
  • Stages are more challenging than the base game co-op content.
  • Atlas and P-Body are embedded more into the story and narrative gaps are filled in thanks to the background of this mod.

  Check out this mod here: Robot Pride


12: Colours: 

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Explore the stunning visual aesthetics of 'Colours'

Focussed less on story and more on being visually and sensorially interesting, ‘Colours’ is a thoughtfully put-together collection of four co-op stages. Different mechanics and obstacles feature in each stage based on its colouring and theme. For example, the red stage features deadly lasers, because why not? Voice acting and witty writing for the dialogue helps this mod to really feel like an extension of the Portal games. The comedy is perfect for you and a friend to laugh together as well as figure out exactly what it is you need to do.

Why is this mod so good?

  • Newly recorded, comedic voice lines written specifically for this mod.
  • Challenging and visually varied co-op puzzles and levels.
  • New and refreshing environments compared to the typical Aperture facility.

Check out this mod here: Colours


11: Confinement: 

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Co-operate with a seperated partner in 'Confinement'

Another fantastic co-op mod, this time with a major twist in gameplay. Confinement gets its name from the fact that although you very much need to work with a friend, you are always kept separate. Each player (either Atlas or P-Body) has control of only either the blue or the orange portal. By taking turns (something that always goes well between friends) you must figure out how to progress each level with the constraints given to you both. Each player can only do so much to progress in the levels before they have to give up control to their friend by locking themselves in a sectioned-off room. The other player now has to see what they can do with their share of the portal controls. An excellent way to shake up the puzzle style found in the other games.

Why is this mod so good?

  • Cooperate with a friend across 51 separate stages!
  • Completely change your typical Portal way of thinking with these unique gameplay restrictions.
  • A new way to play with friends that requires even more communication than before.

Check out this mod here: Confinement


10: Wake Up 

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Explore a new story set in the Portal universe with 'Wake Up'

‘Wake Up’ is an entirely new Portal story where you play as a test subject in a familiar situation. Suki wakes up to find herself in a ruined test area and is instructed by the supposed voice of the Aperture Science Emergency Leaving System. The (supposedly) helpful voice claims that making your way through these 19 tests is the quickest way out of the facility. What may seem like a basic revamping of Portal 2 actually ends up revealing itself to be an interesting and poignant Portal tale in and of itself. It also features cake!

Why is this mod so good?

  • Play through a new, independent Portal story as the new character, Suki.
  • 19 new tests to puzzle your way out of.
  • Features new lines of dialogue from an alternative Aperture character that guides you through each test.

Check out this mod here: Wake Up


9: Dilapidation: 

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Explore an even more decrepit Aperture Science facility in the 'Dilapidation' mod

‘Dilapidation’ is another episodic mod with 6 whole chapters to the entire plot. The surroundings of these new puzzles start off pretty rough and only get worse as the mod progresses, hence the title. Unlike ‘Eidolon’, ‘Dilapidation’ is very much in the classic overgrown Portal 2 style of the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre. In a lot of ways, this mod goes back to basics with some good old fashioned portal testing. Around 3 hours of some excellently designed puzzles is simply what to expect for this polished, ‘PC Gamer Mod of the Week’ winner.

Why is this mod so good?

  • Explore a satisfying story that matches the tone of the originals.
  • This mod runs on a solid concept that expands on the franchise.
  • Award-winning mod, guaranteeing excellent gameplay.
  Check out this mod here: Dilapidation

8: Portal: Alive and Kicking:

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Experience the first Portal game in the more advance engine of Portal 2 in this much-loved mod

Check out this mod here: Portal: Alive and Kicking


7: Above Aperture: 

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Discover the surface of the iconic facility in 'Above Aperture'


6: Reconstruction: 

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Watch the facilty rebuild as you test in this 'Dilapidation' sequel

5: Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative

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Test with an entirely new Aperture tool in this incredible mod

Check out this trailer for 'Aperture Tag'

This priced mod (around $5) much like the base game, involves solving puzzles in Aperture Science, with a unique gun that shoots blue and orange projectiles, however this mod is much more unique than that might sound. Rather than portals, this ingenious mod utilises an entirely new device: The Paint Gun. Gels were introduced in Portal 2 and provide a totally new angle and mechanic to consider on top of your portals. The two gels featured in this mod are the blue repulsion gel which acts like a trampoline on any surface it touches, and the orange propulsion gel which allows players to travel across affected surfaces at wild speeds. Combining these two liquids made for some fantastic moments in Portal 2, but an entire mod dedicated to these crazy gels is just a perfect recipe for fun. 

Why is this mod so good?

  • Scrapping the portals altogether for a new tool that allows high speeds and higher jumps is endless, re-playable fun.
  • Entirely new puzzles and tests have been made from scratch to work with the new paint gun device, meaning that the stages are unlike any puzzle from either Portal game.
  • Encourages creative and alternative solutions to the stages, something that is very rare with the base games.
  • 27 new stages to play in total.
Check out this mod here: Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative

4: Portal Reloaded:

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Work not with two, but three portals in this fantastic, conceptual mod


3: Gelocity:

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Speed through various timerial courses and get the highscore in this dangerously fun mod, 'Gelocity'


2: Portal Stories: Mel

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Go back to where it all began in 'Portal Stories: Mel'

 Check out this extensive and professional level trailer for this immersive and wonderful mod

In this original, standalone story, you play as German Olympian (turned test subject), Mel. Taking place between the first Portal instalment and its sequel, Mel is told by the near-familiar voice of Cave Johnson (here voiced by the mod’s composer, Harry Callaghan rather than J.K. Simmons) that she’ll be ‘volunteering’ to test the ‘Short Term Relaxation Vault’. As is the typical Aperture way, the operation malfunctions and Mel wakes up decades in the future to a decrepit, yet much more recognisable Aperture Science facility. With the help of some new characters and the accompaniment of new music, your task is to navigate across 22 original levels and portal your way out of the facility. Use your trusty portal gun, unpredictable gels and your essential long-fall boots to unravel the mysteries of the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre. 

Why is This Mod So Good?

  • 6-10 hours of more portal puzzles, story and exploration.
  • Initially set in the 50s, you can now experience the notorious Aperture Science, Inc in its most operational ‘golden’ days and explore what was previously only ever hinted at in Portal 1 and 2.
  • Fill in the gaps of the Portal story as you act out what could’ve happened in the days before Chell’s reawakening.
  • Challenge yourself with a heightened difficulty of portal-based madness!
  • This mod enriches the Aperture Science world even more, with over 350 newly recorded in-game voice-lines, new areas and new characters.
  • All original soundtrack from composer, animator and YouTuber, Harry Callaghan (Harry101UK)
  ‘Portal Stories: Mel’ is not compatible with macOS Catalina or above. Check out this mod here: Portal Stories: Mel

1: Thinking With Time Machine: 

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This mod requires you to expand your way of solving portal puzzle by bringing time travel into the mix

Here is the English trailer for the 'Thinking With Time Machine' mod 

This final entry features a new mechanic that is so innovative, I bet Valve are kicking themselves that they didn’t think of it first. Thinking With Time Machine provides a Portal play style that brings co-op players and single-players together. With the help of a patented Aperture time machine, Chell can now be her own puzzling partner (sorry Atlas and P-Body). By activating the time machine, your short-term actions begin to be recorded and by using it again when you’re ready, you will summon another Chell that carries out what you just did, this time alongside your current self. You can most likely already imagine what kind of opportunities this could open up. This mod could certainly do with being a little longer, however just the fact that someone thought of this and made it into a reality is impressive enough. 

Why is this mod so good?

  • Ground-breaking feature of echoing back your own actions to help your future self.
  • Very interesting story on top of the brand new mechanic.
  • Excellent graphics and sound design.
  • Solid execution of the new technology into the world of Portal.

Check out this mod here: Thinking with Time Machine

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