[Top 5] Plants vs. Zombies Best Strategies That Are Excellent

zombie games, plants, setup, plants vs. zombies
11 Jan 2022

Using a strategy is very important when playing Plants vs. Zombies. Keep reading to find out what the best strategies are!

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is a very strategic game and without proper planning, you will be doomed, that is for sure! It is quite essential to be aware of tips and tricks that will help you to create strong strategies to win the ultimate battle. It’s a good thing you found me because I am going to be introducing some of these vital strategies to you. Consider yourself lucky. 


5. Promotions

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 allows you to upgrade and promote your characters. This is a great strategy to use in the game because promoted characters will enable you to make great progress in the game. Promoted characters will also give you the upper hand against your opponents, letting you rank up easily. 

How can you promote characters? Let me explain:

  • You should level up a character up to level 10. 
  • Next, go to their bobbleheads and click “Promote”. Your character is now promoted.

Promotions allow you to upgrade your characters so that they are stronger, faster, and more potent. This is one of the best strategies to use when fighting the ultimate battle. 


4. Money, money, money!

A very important strategy to use in this game is collecting massive amounts of coins. Luckily for you, there are several ways to collect coins! With coins, you are able to purchase sticker packs at the Sticker Shop. With this, you can unlock characters, consumables, and customizations that will all serve your benefit. 

Let me tell you how to get your hands on these shiny guys:

  • Complete quests in order to receive stars. This will allow you to open chests that contain massive amounts of coins.
  • Play in OPS modes so that your coins can be multiplied by 1.5 or 2.
  • Promote your characters.
  • Complete Story Quests. 

Collecting coins is a vital strategy that will upgrade the quality of your gameplay in no time!


3. It’s all about character

There are several characters to choose from in this game. Most plants are variants of original plants and they come with many upgrades and abilities. One of the most important strategies in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is choosing your characters wisely. 

Here is a list of my favorite characters that you should try out if you want to be a champion too:

  • The Plasma Pea
  • The Fire Chomper
  • The Future Cactus
  • The Torchwood
  • The Electro Pea
  • The Nec’Rose

There are many other characters that will be extremely vital to your gameplay. Therefore, it is an important strategy to get to know your characters and choose them wisely when playing. This is a strategy that most people overlook. You can upgrade and promote your characters as you like but it is very important to know which characters are important enough to be upgraded. 


2. The Soothing Scientist

One of the most underrated strategies in Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is the use of The Scientist. This character is seen as the healer of the team. It is very important to have this character as a hidden tool in your gameplay.

What is the exact role of The Scientist, you ask? Let me tell you:

  • The Scientist creates a Healing Base where his teammates can benefit from his abilities and be revived. 
  • This character is also beneficial to your gameplay because he can cause damage to opponents within close range.

This character is used as a strategy to completely shift the dynamic of your gameplay and upgrade the performance of the rest of your characters. Give it a shot. You won’t be sorry!


1. Stickers are your friend

Just as beneficial as coins are to your overall gameplay, so are stickers. They are used for various purchases in the sticker shop and they are essential to you if you are planning on being anywhere near successful in this game. 

What are stickers used for?

  • Stickers contain minions that have the ability to help you out in Garden OPS or Graveyard OPS. 
  • You can also buy costumes for your characters with stickers. This is my favorite reason for buying stickers in the first place…
  • Although the costumes look pretty cool, they also offer upgrades that are personal to each character. 

There are many other benefits that stickers bring to the table. Stickers are one of the best strategies you can use to up your game. See for yourself if you don’t believe me!


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