One Shot Best Endings - All Endings Explained

One Shot Best Endings - All Endings Explained
21 Aug 2023

Here are the Endings of the game ranked from worst to best (general opinion)


#4 Quitting the game (Not available in steam version)

This ending is only available in the original version of the game and is not available in the current steam version. Upon opening the game after quitting, the player is greeted with a dark title screen with a shattered lightbulb. Niko is not seen and only the scarf and hat remains. When “start” is selected the player is introduced into the starting room, except now it's dark and empty. When attempting to close the game, a pop up appears saying “You killed Niko”

This is considered to be the worst ending in the game with heavy implications.

How to get:

On the original version, simply just exit the game and re-open it.


#3 Return the Sun

This is one of the two main outcomes that a player would experience towards the end of the first run of Oneshot. It involves a choice that the player has to make at the end of the playthrough where there are two options to choose from.


In this ending, Niko agrees with the player and accepts whatever happens. They place the lightbulb in the spire and this scene is followed by the end credits of the game in white background. Images of the residents of the world are shown. Unfortunately, Niko does not return to their home world.

This ending is masterfully done and does an amazing job at evoking deep emotions from most players. The ending is sad and bittersweet, and is sure to stick in your mind long after the game is finished. This along with the hidden hints and secrets scattered throughout the player’s journey gives an incentive for the player to come back and attempt an additional playthrough, in order to find out if it is possible to get a happier alternate ending (Which is entirely possible). 

How to get:

Towards the end of the game at the top of the tower, choose the option “Return the Sun”


#2 Return home

This is one of the two main outcomes that a player would experience towards the end of the first run of Oneshot. It involves a choice that the player has to make at the end of the playthrough where there are two options to choose from.


If the player chooses to return home, the screen goes black and there is a shattering sound effect, implying that the lightbulb has broken. Then the player would have a short conversation with the main character Niko, where Niko comments that they can see a light at the end of the tunnel and that they can hear their mother calling. Niko then bids goodbye to the player before walking off the screen.

The credits would roll, but with white text and black background, showing that the world has gone dark.

This ending is the opposite to the previous ending, and feels a lot more different. The dark and empty backgrounds from the credits feel haunting and almost creepy. Despite all this, some players are left with a sense of satisfaction knowing that the main character is in a better place, while others are left feeling horrified and guilty. This ending is very thought-provoking, with the morally gray choice really making the event stick in your mind for quite some time.

How to get:

Towards the end of the game at the top of the tower, choose the option “Return Home”


#1 Solstice Ending

This is the true ending of the game that can only be unlocked after you finish at least one playthrough.


In this ending the player and Niko confront the entity and reasons with them with the help of the glowing journal. It is discovered that the Entity, (or “World Machine” which is the true name) has been tamed and has the ability to fix the world, recovering the original ending where  both Niko AND the world is saved.

This ending really ties the game together in a neat little bow. It serves as a very emotional and memorable conclusion to the whole game and is easily the best ending. 

How to get:

1. Finish one playthrough

2. Make sure the system clock says it’s March 27th or later. Shouldn’t be an issue

3. Open the Oneshot folder in Documents/Mygames/Oneshot just like you did to run Clover.exe to get through The Tower.

4. Open Clover.exe while Oneshot is running in the background. There will be some instructions.

5. Delete “save file” in the same folder.

6. Finally, you need to proceed to the Refuge/City region and find the big locked door with Nixie Tubes.

7. The door will require a password, and direct you to “DOCUMENTS”, aka, your My Documents Folder. Here there are image files with hints for the password.

8. Now you can sleep in the bed inside the room to restart the game once more but with the potential to reach the extra ending.

9. In the next playthrough, look for the visions.

10. In the Barrens you can enter a cave with Silver. Walk to the right and you will activate a scene.

11. When the Strange Journey starts glowing, walk to the little lone Clover on the floor and use the journal in the Inventory.

12. A minecart will appear. If you continue along the minecart path, you are permanently stuck on this solstice ending and can no longer return to the “normal” game

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