[Top 10] Neverwinter Best Companions - Who To Choose

09 Dec 2021

10. Owl

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An intelligent and majestic owl has allied with you. The owl is a quick-moving attacker. It also does a decent amount of damage. It works well with attacking small groups of enemies.

.What is Great About Owl: 

  • Hit Chance to reduce an enemy's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near. 
  • Can attack multiple targets
  • 6,000/10,000/15,000 Maximum Hit Points
  • +300/500/750 Combined Rating
  • +1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Awareness

Pick the Owl if: 

  • A fast attacker
  • Range class

How to Get Owl: The Owl is a companion that can be purchased from the Zen Market or obtained randomly as a reward from any queued content.

9. Spined Devil

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The spined devil has an AoE main attack but it's slow to start. However, once it does get started it's a fast attacker and has a decent damage output. It is best used for large mobs if its AoE attack hits them first.

What is Great About Spined Devil: 
  • AoE main attack
  • Hit Chance to increase your critical strike by up to 7.5% 
  • your companion's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near. 
  • +300/500/750 Combined Rating
  • 10% chance, on Encounter use, to release a hail of spines at up to 6 foes within 15' for Magnitude 30/50/75 magnitude damage

Pick the Spined Devil if: 

  • Need an AoE support

How to Get the Spined Devil: This can be obtained from The Blood War Lockbox or as a random reward from any queued content.


8. Wayward Wizard

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One of the most prevalent companions is the Wayward Wizard. A traveling wizard hired to provide magical assistance in battle. The wizard is a wonderful partner to have in a fight because he can deal damage and lockdown foes on the battlefield. It has the incredible capacity to slow down foes. It also has a decent damage output. Ranged classes like rogues and clerics benefit the most from this companion. It can deal with a big number of foes due to its AoE. Especially in a dungeon, this can be handy.

What is Great About Wayward Wizard:
  • High output of damage 
  • Slow ability 
  • Hit Chance to increase your deflect by up to 7.5% and your companion's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near.
  • +0.03%/0.25%/0.75%/1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Defense
  • +0.03%/0.25%/0.75%/1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Critical Severity
  • +5/50/150/300/500/750 Combined Rating

Pick Wayward Wizard if:

  • Playing DPS class
  • Want consistent damage

How to Get Wayward Wizard: 

This companion can be purchased at the grand emporium vendor for 2 gold, Firemane Companion Pack, the Firemane Lockbox, or can be randomly obtained from any queued content.


7. Regis 

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Regis will appear to be avoiding a fight by lagging behind with a piece of loot you forgot to acquire... only to appear at the most inopportune moment. Regis has a powerful AoE attack as soon as you summon him. The damage output is exceptional. It can be used in both dungeons and regular encounters.

What is Great About the Regis:
  • Good output of damage 
  • Hit Chance to increase your deflect by up to 7.5% and your companion's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near.
  • +1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Deflect Chance.
  • +1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Deflect Severity.
  • +300/500/750 Combined Rating

Pick the Regis if: 

  • Need a dungeon companion 
  • Perfect for DPS classes

How to Get Regis: The Regis is a companion that can be purchased from the Zen Market as part of the Companions of the Hall Bundle or as a limited-time separate purchase.


6. Cold Iron Warrior

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A soldier devoted to fighting the Fey and foiling their plans in the mortal realm. This companion's AoE spinning strike is very powerful. In addition, it has a higher damage rating against Fey. Because this companion gets close to foes, it is great for range classes.

What is Great About the Cold Iron Warrior: 
  • Great damage output 
  • At uncommon ranking, it gets 0.75% damage versus Fey creature and +50 Combined Rating
  • Chance on hit to increase your power by up to 7.5% and your companion's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near.

Pick the Cold Iron Warrior if:

  • You are a ranged class
  • Need tank support
  • AoE Support

How to Get Cold Iron Warrior: it can only be obtained randomly through queued content. 


5. Honey Badger 

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Tank classes should use this companion the most. It performs admirably in single-target combat. It deals incredible damage to single targets, but as its health drops to half or less, its damage output plummets. During boss fights, he is viable as long as he keeps a steady eye on the boss.

What is Great About the Honey Badger: 
  • Excellent damage output 
  • Damage taken is reduced by 3%/5%/7.5% when your HP is below 20%.
  • +300/500/750 Combined Rating

Pick the Honey Badger if: 

  • Tank class
  • Boss fights

How to Get the Honey Badger: This companion can be purchased from the Zen Market or obtained randomly as a reward from any queued content.


4. Githyanki 

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A battle-tested Githyanki who is eager to fight alongside you. DPS classes should use this companion the most. Its spinning assault deals a lot of damage and kills in a short amount of time. It can also hold its own in dungeons.

What is Great About the Githyanki: 
  • Great spinning AoE attack 
  • 1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Stamina Regeneration
  • +1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Power
  • +300/500/750 Combined Rating

Pick the Githyanki if: 

  • DPS class 
  • Doing dungeons 
  • Need AoE Support 

How to Get the Githyanki: This companion can only be obtained from the Zen Market as part of the Gith Race Pack.


3. Pseudodragon

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Pseudodragons are amusing and perceptive companions. In battle, pseudodragons like to lurk in the undergrowth and strike with their deadly tail at their prey. For single-target combat, this companion is ideal. They also have an attack where they poison their opponent. In dungeons and some boss encounters, this companion is useful.

What is Great About the Pseudodragon: 
  • Poison attack
  • Overtime damage 
  • +300/500/750 Combined Rating
  • 10% chance on using an At-Will power to restore 3%/5%/7.5% of Max Stamina
  • High output of damage to single target 
 Pick the Pseudodragon if: 
  • Want poison damage
  • High crit damage 
 How to Get the Pseudodragon: They can be purchased from the Dragon Scale Merchant, or obtained from the Dark Forest Lockbox, from the Redeemed Epic Companion Pack, from the Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack, or randomly from any queue.

2. Mystagogue

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A magic-user who uses the power of frost to dispatch his foes and command the flow of combat. This companion is better than the wayward wizard. It has a slow attack that affects all enemies. Its AoE damage output is higher. It is also a decent DPS companion for mobs, but tank classes could give it a try as well. 

 What is Great About the Mystagogue: 
  • High output of damage 
  • Slow ability 
  • +0.25%/0.75%/1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Critical Severity
  • +50/150/300/500/750 Combined Rating
  • +0.25%/0.75%/1.5%/2.5%/3.75% Combat Advantage
 Pick the Mystagogue if: 
  • Want to slow enemies 
  • DPS or tank class 
  • AoE Support 
 How to Get the Mystagogue: He can be obtained through Promotional Item Giveaway Codes or obtained randomly in any queued content.

1. Succubus/Incubus  

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The succubus has a way of charming your enemies. As soon as you summon the succubus she places an AoE kiss attack on foes. This companion also has a fast time to kill. 

 What is Great About the Succubus: 
  • Puts debuff on enemies
  • Large AoE area
  • Best for large groups and dungeons
  • Deadly Kiss additionally reduces enemy outgoing damage for a brief duration.
  • +300/500/750 Combined Rating
  • 10% chance, on Encounter use, to Daze your foe for 3 seconds. This effect may occur once every 10 seconds.
 Pick the Succubus/Incubus if: 
  • Ranged classes
  • Want to debuff enemies
  • Want high damage output from a companion 
 How to Get the Succubus/ Incubus: obtained from the Fiendish Charmer Pack which is found in The Descent Lockbox. It can also be obtained as a random reward from any queued content.


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