[Top 15] MTG Most Expensive Red Cards

Magic the Gathering
07 Aug 2021

Magic the Gathering definitely has some extremely expensive cards, and in this article, we’ll be going over the 15 most expensive red cards of Magic’s history

15. Dong Zhou, the Tyrant

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What’s Great About Dong Zhou the Tyrant:

  • Combined with a flicker effect, this card has the potential to do a lot of damage to your opponents
  • This is the one and only printing of this card, leading to its high price

  Value: 149$

14. Tibalt the Chaotic

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What's Great About Tibalt the Chaotic:

  • This card actually isn't legal in many formats, but because it's such a fun card and it was only printed once it’s become quite sought after for people looking to play a game without regular rules enforcement such as a cube draft

Value: 150$

13. Gravity Sphere
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What’s Great About Gravity Sphere:

  • Is a fantastic way to really cripple certain decks
  • Its high price is caused by a combination of it being a very good card and it only being printed in two very old sets

Value: 162$


12. Storm World

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What’s Great About Storm World:

  • This card is a great option for the multiple Rakdos discard decks that are currently in both Standard and Commander
  • The popularity of this card as well as it only being printed in two old sets have caused its high value

Value: 168$


11. Two-Headed Giant of Foriys

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What’s Great About Two-Headed Giant of Foriys:

  • This is really just one of those cards that isn't particularly good by today’s standards and is valuable just by virtue of being from the first-ever magic set and only being printed once

Value: 169$

10. Season’s Beatings

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What’s Great About Season's Beatings:

  • This is from the first UN set that Magic did, meaning that while it isn’t legal in most formats it is a very fun card for any sort of cube or casual event between friends
  • This card got to be quite pricey because it’s a very efficient card in that format and it was only printed in one set over a decade ago
  Value: 187$

9. Yuan Shao, the Indecisive

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What’s Great About Yuan Shao:

  • This is really just one of those cards that isn’t particularly good by today’s standards and is valuable just by virtue of being from the Magic set that introduced legendary creatures to the game
  Value: 229$

8. Falling Star

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What’s Great About Falling Star:

  • It’s the only card legal in official formats to have such a weird and crazy effect
  • This card got very valuable by virtue of having an effect that no other card has and by only being printed once
  Value: 239$

7. Aladdin

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What’s Great About Aladdin:

  • Has an effect that no other card has, which is being able to steal artifacts in red and do it multiple times with a single card
  • Its great effect and low printing have lead to its high price

  Value: 244$

6. Raging River

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What’s Great About Raging River:

  • This is one of those old and weird cards with a super unique effect that wasn’t printed very much

  Value: 339$

5. Wheel of Fortune

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What’s Great About Wheel of Fortune:

  • This is a case of a card being valuable by being both old and sought after. Wheels are absolutely iconic in Magic, they can find a home in just about any deck. This was the very first wheel ever printed, leading to its very high value
  Value: 407$

4. Warrior’s Oath

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What’s Great About Warrior’s Oath:

  • This card was printed in a time where “end your turn” effects didn’t exist. But now that things like Obeka and Sundial of the Infinite have been printed, this card has essentially become a two mana extra turn in formats like Commander which made this card very sought after
  Value: 418$

3. Ali From Cairo

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What’s Great About Ali From Cairo:

  • This card has an effect that is abusable in formats like Commander, combining it with something like Bolas’ Citadel to just churn through your deck is extremely good. That and it only being printed once has made it quite pricey
  Value: 791$

2. Ma Chao, Western Warrior

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What’s Great About Ma Chao, Western Warrior:

  • This is really just one of those cards that isn’t particularly good by today’s standards and is valuable just by virtue of being from the Magic set that introduced legendary creatures to the game
  Value: 800$

1. Zodiac Dragon

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What’s Great About Zodiac Dragon:

  • This card really isn’t too good in many formats, but it was printed in the Portal Three Kingdoms set that did not release in America which makes it extremely valuable in the United States
  Value: 900$

Magic definitely has some extremely valuable cards of all different types of colors and I hope this list informed you of the most expensive red ones

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