[Top 10] Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Best Companions

Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord Best Companions
27 May 2020

In its current state, Bannerlord doesn’t have a fully implemented companion system. This means that companions will be randomly generated for each game rather than having named companions with unique backstories. Taleworlds has said they intend to expand on this system in the near future, but that doesn’t mean there aren't’ companions that aren’t clearly better than others in the game right now. Each randomly generated character gets a title attached to their name (the accursed, the lucky, the horsethief, etc) and it’s through these titles that we can assess how good each individual companion is. So without further ado, here is my list for the top ten companions available in the game right now. 

How to get them?

As with all companions in Bannerlord at the point of this article’s writing; all companions can be found spread across the taverns of Calradia’s many cities. Open your encyclopedia “N” by default, and go to the “Hero's” tab. Once there, click the “Wanderer” filter, and you will see all the companions in your campaign. From there, click one and it will tell you where they were last seen; go to the tavern there and recruit them. 

10. Bloodaxe

Character’s with this suffix added to their name are exceptional warriors, making them a good addition to your party as early on as possible to balance out your low-level soldiers. 

What’s great about “Bloodaxe” companions?

  • Strong combat skills, with 200 points  in two-handed, 170 in polearm, and 150 in one-handed. 
  • Comes with a 30 points in tactics
  • Has 110 points in Athletics, allowing them to cover ground on foot at high speed. 

9. The Smith

Companions with the “Smith” suffix in their name will boost your ability to craft weapons at the blacksmiths in each city. This is good for the sake of creativity with your weapons, but also in allowing you a good way of avoiding putting out huge amounts of money on your weapons.

What’s great about the “Smith” companions?

  • Starts with 70 points in smithing
  • They also start with 140 in two-handed, 110 in polearm, and 90 in one-handed, so they aren’t useless on the battlefield either

8. Of the Wastes

These companions are not only exceptional scouts, allowing your party to see further and track other parties more effectively, but they are also superb archers. 

What’s great about the “Of the Wastes” companions?

  • Starts with 140 in scouting
  • They also have 150 two-handed, 185 in bow, and 110 athletics 

7.The Engineer

This fine addition to any group of soldiers, the engineer will make your later game much easier when you start besieging cities and castles, as well as building upgrades to those towns faster. 

What’s great about the “Engineer” companions?

  • They start with 80 points in engineering
  • They also get 90 points in one-handed, and 120 in crossbow making them equally useful in the battle part of a siege as the building part

6. The Swift

These are very well rounded and useful companions, being very good at a lot of different skills. They are well suited for leadership roles.

What’s great about the “Swift” companions?

  • They start with 100 points in Roguery, 80 in Trade, and 80 in Steward
  • They also have 90 in two-handed and 135 in bow
  • They also have 70 in athletics, allowing them to be fairly fast on their feet on top of it all

5. The Bitterdraught

The “Bitterdraught” companion is a very useful companion to keep in your party. They have a particularly high charm skill as well as a reasonable medicine skill helping you to both avoid fights, and to make it through them with minimal losses. 

What’s great about the “Bitterdraught” companions?

  • They start out with 80 points in charm, 60 in medicine, 40 in trade, and 40 in steward
  • They also have 70 points in one-handed, 70 points in thrown, and 70 in athletics making them a reasonably balanced warrior

4. The Prince

This type of companion is the master of the underworld. They have a very high roguery skill, helping you when selling prisoners, paying out bribes, and raiding caravans and settlements. 

What’s great about the “Prince” companions?

  • They start out with 140 points in roguery
  • They also have 130 in one-handed, and 110 in throwing
  • With 110 athletics, they are a very fast unit on the battlefield

3. The Spicevendor

If you want an ideal governor of a city, head of a trade caravan, or just a solid wingman/woman in the market; it’s the “spicevendor” companion.

What’s great about the “Spicevendor” companion?

  • They start out with 100 points in trade, as well as 100 points in steward
  • They also have 120 points in one-handed and 140 in crossbow

2.The Scholar (Aserai)

There seems to be a little diversity with this one. “Scholars” from different nations seem to have slightly different stats, but for the purposes of this list we are looking at the Aserai “scholar”. The “scholar” from the Aserai nation is an exceptional healer that will prove invaluable to your team regardless of how leveled your soldiers are, or how good your strategies are.

What’s great about the “Scholar” companion?

  • Begins with 120 points in medicine
  • Also gets 100 points in one-handed, and 90 in both throwing and athletics making them indisputably a combat medic

1. The Golden

The “Golden” is an incredibly well-trained companion. With the stats they have they seem arguably better suited to be in charge than the player character for a good chunk of the game. These companions are ideally suited to lead their own parties rather than fight by your side. 

What’s great about the “Golden” companion?

They start with 100 points in tactics

  • They also have 190 points in polearm, and 180 in one-handed, and 150 in throwing
  • They also have 170 points in riding
  • No companion is better trained in any of the above-listed skills than the “Golden” companion
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