[Top 10] Hogwarts Legacy Best Side Quests

05 May 2023

10. The Unicorn Quest

The Unicorn Quest, as the name may suggest, is about rescuing a unicorn. As a student at Hogwarts, it’s part of their role to take care of and protect magical beasts, and the unicorn is one of them. The unicorn can be put into the vivarium, which lets you harvest unicorn hair, which can be used to upgrade your gear.

It’s a pretty straight-forward quest, but if you want an easy way to have a guaranteed way of getting a unicorn and harvesting their unicorn hairs, which are essential to getting stronger, then this is the quest for you.

This is a quick, straight-forward, simple, and easy quest!


9. The Man Behind the Moons

"The Man Behind the Moons" is from a man called Gladwin Moon who is greatly afraid of Demiguise Statues which are hidden everything in Hogwarts. Starting his quest grants you access to Alohamora, a lock-opening spell.

This quest is a pretty long one and requires exploration throughout all of Hogwarts. As you hunt Demiguise Statues, the level of your Alohamora will increase as you hit the key milestones. Eventually, once you collect them all, no door lock will be able to keep you out!

The quest requires a lot of exploration, so it’s best to do this when you have a lot of Floo Flames unlocked, or the broom, so you can get to the different areas in the game swiftly and easily.


8. The Plight Of The House-Elf

The Plight of the House-Elf is a quest from Deek, your companion and friend who resides in the Room of Requirement and helps you customize it to your liking. You are tasked with looking for his friend, Tobbs.

The quest features a boss fight with an Acromantula and a deeper understanding of the racial conflicts found in the world of Harry Potter. It’s definitely a good quest to dive into if you want to know more about this magical world (and the boss fight is actually pretty fun!).

Acromantula is one of the strongest creatures in Harry Potter, so it’ll be a tough fight. Prepare yourself with strong equipment and potions, because you might need them!


7. Phoenix Rising

The Phoenix Rising quest will allow you to tame one of the rarest beasts in Harry Potter—that’s right, a phoenix! The Phoenix is a unique tamable beast that gives you Phoenix feathers, a vital component for upgrading your equipment.

This quest gives you the opportunity to marvel at the magnificence of a phoenix! Akin to Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series, you can have your own Phoenix!

This isn’t a difficult quest, so it’s best to do it as soon as it becomes available so you can harvest as many phoenix feathers as possible. The game has a harvesting system that is time-gated every 30 minutes, so the earlier you tame the beast, the more feathers you’ll be able to gather!


6. Natsai Onai’s Questline – Harlow’s Last Stand

This is the last part of Natsai Onai’s character questline and finally brings closure to Harlow, whose name you may have heard over a dozen times by this point.

This is a straight-forward quest, but it always feels good to hunt down an evil-doer and do some crime-busting yourself, so this was a pretty enjoyable quest because it let you do just that!

There’s a somewhat difficult boss fight at the end of the quest, so it’d be best to prepare yourself. With enough preparation (potion-wise), this won’t be too difficult to handle!


5. Poppy Sweeting Questline – A Bird in the Hand

Poppy Sweeting’s questline is about animal preservation, and she gives you the opportunity to run into a lot of different beasts, ranging from dragons to centaurs. If you ever want to feel like a caretaker, her quest line is perfect.

A Bird in the Hand is about finding the Golden Snidgets, a rare thought to be extinct bird! This quest is definitely worth pursuing because it’s the only way to get a sighting of the bird in Hogwarts Legacy!

The quest itself is straight-forward; there are puzzles and simple fights, but nothing too out of the ordinary; it’s more of an exploratory experience than a difficult fight.


4. Flight Test Questline 

One of the most important side quests in Hogwarts Legacy is the Flight Test questline. The broom is arguably the most convenient form of mobility, as you can get on it mid-air to zoom away when you’re in danger or if you fall off a cliff!

The broom is fun to use; it’s fast and enjoyable to ride on as well. The races force you to master the broom as the time trails are pretty tight, but they’re fun and enjoyable, and they unlock new upgrades for the broom!

Some of the trails might be in difficult areas if you go to them as soon as each part unlocks; luckily, you can fly, so you can avoid combating enemies!


3. In the Shadow of the Study

Arguably the best quest chain in Hogwarts Legacy is the intro to the dark arts. This quest follows one of the secrets in Hogwarts, giving you an in-depth look at a hidden area under Hogwarts!

This quest gives you the opportunity to learn Cruxio, one of the forbidden curses and one of the best spells in the game. If you fancy being an evil mage or even if you just want to explore a hidden area, this quest offers both.

This is a puzzle-solving quest, so there isn’t a lot of combat; it’s mainly for the experience. It’s a well-designed and enjoyable quest!


2. In the Shadow of Time

In the Shadow of Time takes you deeper into the abyss of the Dark Arts. You follow Sebastian Sallow and his descent into the dark powers and experience the conflict between those who reject the dark arts and those who embrace them.

The quest shows a gradual change in tone and attitude with Sebastian as he dwells deeper into the dark arts. The morality of what’s right and wrong starts to blur for him, and these are great questions to think about. Most importantly, though, this quest grants you the opportunity to learn Imperio—another dark art! If you feel like mind-controlling your enemies, this is it.

The quest offers combat with some minor mobs, it’s really just a thought provoking quest and really well designed because you get to see character development and different perspectives!


1. In the Shadow of the Relic

In the Shadow of the Relic is the best side quest in the game. Not only does it show you the consequences of dark magic, but it also shows you the power of dark magic. Whether you should embrace it or reject it is up to you, but it’s really difficult to ignore the power of Dark Magic…

The quest features a boss fight, an unexpected turn of events, and a revelation. While the quest ends open-ended, leaving you to wonder what happens next for Sebastian, the most important part of the quest is that you get the opportunity to learn Avada Kedavra, the killing spell! If you’ve ever felt like trolls are really difficult to take down, worry not; with the Killing Curse, you can zap them and they’ll be dead!

The fights are fun and not necessarily difficult, but it is a boss fight, so it would be wise to prepare potions and upgrade equipment accordingly.


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