[Top 10] Best High School Horror Comics

[Top 10] Best High School Horror Comics
23 May 2021

If you've ever gone through high school, you know there were times when it was horrible, to say the least.

However, you probably had it better than the kids in these comics who have to deal with horrors beyond the pale. That is, excpet for one, who's the source of horror himself. If you're looking for a read that'll make your high school experience seem less terrible than it was, I highly recommend these comics where you'll get to watch characters go through much worse.

10. Bedtime Games

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This comic provides horror with plenty of color.

Bedtime Games follow friends Avery, Owen, and Jamie as they go on an adventure before starting their senior year of highschool. Unfortunately  for them, the tunnel under their school they’ve decided to explore is home to a great evil. There’s more to this series than a malicious monster though, believe it or not. One of it’s stand-out points is its deep character drama that really makes you feel for the characters as you follow their story.

You'll like Bedtime Games…

  • You like character driven comics
  • You like Stephen King esque stories
  • You like relatable, realistic characters

9. Miskatonic High

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Though it's a horror series, the authors of this series were determined to keep it fun.

This series is centered around five students in their school’s Community Service Club who find themselves involved with cosmic horrors. However, the monsters aren’t the only horror these students have to deal with. High school is a trial of its own, and it's a trial on par with evil supernatural entities. This comic provides a fun take on horror and is a wonderfully entertaining read.

You’ll like Miskatonic High if… 

  • You like Lovecraftian monsters
  • You like varied casts
  • You like single-issue stories

8. Witch Creek Road

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This webcomic and its many plots will keep you hooked as you wait to find out what's next.

A group of highschool seniors were on a camping trip, but they just so happened to take a wrong turn and run into three demons. They try to escape, and while some of them do, not all of them make it. The students who are safe aren’t safe forever, and circumstances lead to the survivors learning how to use magic so they can fight back against the demons. The many plots in this survival horror comic and its sexy, carnivorous demons make it a thrilling adventure.

You’ll like Witch Creek Road if…

  • You prefer digital comics
  • You like stories with multiple plot lines
  • You like horror comics with dark art

7. Wytches

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The witches in this series are monsters that you don't want to cross.

In this series, the Rook family--Sailer, her father Charlie, and her mother Lucy--takes center stage. They have recently moved to a remote town for a fresh start after having to deal with traumatizing incidents. However, their new town hides a dark secret and as fresh meat in her new school, Sailor is easy prey.

You’ll like Wytches if… 

  • You like stories about witches
  • You like stories that deal with heavy emotional issues
  • You like intelligent horror

6. Anya’s Ghost

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Though the art style is cartoonish, this comic's plot is anything but childlike.

Anya is not a popular girl, and when a ghost wants to befriend her, though she was initially hesitant, she decides it can’t be all that bad. Yet after a party gone wrong and the discovery of a startling truth, Anya’s ghost companion begins to become dangerous. Anya’s Ghost is a powerful coming of age tale with relevant themes that has a horror twist to make an already interesting story captivating.

You’ll like Anya’s Ghost if… 

  • You like stories discussing immigrant struggles and social issues
  • You like comics with cartoon style art
  • You like stories involving murders

5. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

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If you're looking for a story about witches with Satanic themes, this comic is it.

Sabrina is a half-witch and when her 16th birthday rolls around she’s given the choice to become a full witch or live life as a mortal. Unfortunately for her, a figure from her family’s past has found their way to the present and is looking for revenge. This popular series was the inspiration for the TV series, so if you enjoyed that then you should definitely check the comic out! However, if you’re looking for a lighthearted tale this is not the read for you.

You’ll like The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina if…

  • You like comics with gore
  • You like comics featuring the occult
  • You like stories set in the 1960s

4. Something is Killing the Children

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This comic is a fun read for those looking for solid takes on common troupes.

Archer's Peak is plagued by something that’s taking children, and the few that do return come back with stories of terrifying creatures. Enter Erica Slaughter, a monster killer and the town’s last hope. This comic takes its time to build a bleak atmosphere and uses elements like gore sparingly but effectively. It’s worth a read for all those who don’t mind a story with a slow start.

You’ll like Something is Killing the Children if… 

  • You like slowly built comics
  • You like strong female characters
  • You like gore

3. Afterlife with Archie

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If you've ever wanted to read about how a dead dog could lead to mass mayhem, pick this series up.

If you’re a fan of Archie Comics and horror, this series is the perfect mix for you. It’s a dark take on the normally light-hearted universe, and in this particular series zombies are afoot. You wouldn’t think this universe could get as dark as it does in this series, but it does and it does it well.

You’ll like Afterlife with Archie if… 

  • You like dark takes on fun works
  • You like zombies
  • You like comics with violence

2. My Friend Dahmer

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This comic provides a rare perspective that makes for interesting food for thought.

To the world Jeffrey Dahmer was a monster, but to Derf Backderf he was very much human. In this story of his, Backdorf shines light onto Dahmer’s past. Though he in no way excuses Dahmer’s crimes, Backdorf offers a glimpse into the world of his classmate that was plagued by torment. This story is a sad and disturbing one that illustrates the impact society can have on a person’s development.

You’ll like My Friend Dahmer if…

  • You’re interested in the stories of serial killers
  • You’re interested in criminal psychology
  • You like depressing stories

1. Locke & Key

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Each member of the Locke family struggles to cope with Mr. Locke's death in their own way.

After their father’s murder, the Lockes decide to move in with their father’s brother in their childhood home, the Keyhouse. However, when the youngest chances upon a certain key the family soon learns that there are secrets in the Keyhouse that weren’t meant to be unlocked. This is a horror comic that is sure to spook you whether it's with its twisted plot or spectacular artwork.

You’ll like Locke and Key if…

  • You like realistic characters
  • You like atmospheric, suspensefully horror
  • You like stories that deal with grief

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