[Top 15] Hazbin Hotel Best Moments

14 May 2024

After the release of the successful 2019 pilot, Hazbin Hotel is finally here in its fully realized form. From its whimsical plot and characters to the catchy musical numbers, it may be hard to pick which scenes were the most memorable. Well, look no further! This article is the perfect guide for longtime fans and newcomers alike to relive all the top 15 best moments of Hazbin Hotel, meticulously handpicked just for you!

1. The Story Of Hell - EP 1

Hazbin Hotel Backstory

In the opening scene of Hazbin Hotel, we are told the story of Heaven and Hell, and how Lucifer and Lillith were cast away for disrupting the order of the world. Even though Lucifer's dreams were shattered, Lillith thrived spreading her song to demonkind. But as power grew in Hell, the angels began annual exterminations to ensure that demons wouldn't rise against heaven.

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Lucifer's just a happy guy.

Seeing how Charlie, the heroine and Princess of Hell, is the narrator of this story, this introduction perfectly highlights her motivations. It also gives us world-building and sets up the premise of the show. As Lucifer and Lillith’s dreams live on through their daughter Charlie, her goal is to use her hotel as a peaceful alternative to the annual exterminations by rehabilitating sinners.

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Charlie, The Princess of Hell.


2. Sir Pentious Shows Remorse - EP2

Hazbin Hotel - It Starts With Sorry

When Sir Pentious is caught working for the Vees, Vox immediately cuts ties with him and tells him to die. With nothing more to lose, Pentious surrenders as Vaggie and Angel Dust corner him with their weapons drawn. Fortunately, he is spared by the merciful Charlie who extends her hand to him, leading into another musical number.

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Sinners can be sorry after all.

It Starts With Sorry may be one of the cheesier songs in the show, but in this scene, we finally see a sinner who regrets their actions. We all know Angel Dust became the first resident of the Hazbin Hotel, but one could argue that Sir Pentious is the hotel's first true sign of progress. While Angel uses the hotel as an escape and capitalizes on free rent, Sir Pentious is shown forgiveness and uses this second chance to redeem himself.

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One sinner at a time.


3. Carmilla's Secret - EP3

Carmilla Carmine, Zestial & Vaggie Full Song "Whatever It Takes" Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 3

Carmilla Carmine gathers the overlords of Hell for a meeting following the recent extermination. After a heated confrontation with Velvette over the mysterious death of an angel, we soon learn that Carmilla was the one behind the slaughter. She later confides in her friend Zestial and reveals her reasons for keeping the dirty deed a secret in her song Whatever It Takes.

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What a wholesome shot of Carmilla hugging her daughters.

Carmilla acts as a protector with bloodstained hands and keeps her secret to prevent a potential uprising. She doesn't want to lose her family, the ones she was killing for in the crossfire. Accompanied by Vaggie’s vocals as she sings of protecting Charlie and her dreams, we see that both Vaggie and Carmilla are willing to make big sacrifices for the ones they love.

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They're the fight for who you love type of character, no matter what.

4. Husk and Angel’s Bonding Moment - EP4

Angel Dust And Husk Full Video Song "Loser, Baby" With Prologue Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Episode 4

After Husk rescues Angel Dust from getting roofied and calls him out on his self-destructive behavior, Angel goes on to say that the fake persona Husk criticizes him for is how he copes with the abuse dealt to him by his boss, Valentino. While they don't share the same traumas, Husk can still relate to Angel’s hardships since he is a former overlord of Hell who gambled everything away and knows how it feels to be under someone else's control. Unlike the other residents of the Hazbin Hotel, Husk is better equipped to help Angel with his problems.

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You've got problems? Let's hear ‘em!

While Husk's lines in Loser, Baby might come off as insulting, he wants Angel to be true to himself and own his flaws. Charlie may have good intentions, but Husk is ultimately the one who can communicate with Angel on a deeper level. He's the perfect person for Angel to lean on in his troubling times.

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We're all losers, no big deal.


5. Lucifer's introduction - EP5


Lucifer and His Daughter Charlie Reunite | Hazbin Hotel | Prime Video

We first see Lucifer crafting rubber duckies, true to his playful nature when he suddenly receives a phone call from Charlie to which he is ecstatic. Due to their estranged relationship, Charlie rarely reaches out first, but Lucifer fumbles his way through the call as he struggles to connect with her. While Charlie wants to earn her dad's support in her vision, he is delighted just to be invited to her hotel.

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“Hey, b*tch!” Good job, Lucifer.

We all know that Lucifer is the fallen angel who later became the ruler of Hell. His name is known far and wide and he still holds some connections in Heaven. And yet as powerful as Lucifer is, he's also a big goofball.

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“Take that depression!” I wish it were that easy.


6. Charlie and Lucifer's Heart To Heart - EP5

More Than Anything Sing-Along | Hazbin Hotel | Prime Video

Charlie wants more than anything for her dad to understand her dreams of rehabilitating sinners and getting Heaven aboard her plan, but Lucifer shoots her down time and time again. It's not that Lucifer doesn't believe in Charlie, he simply wants to protect her from Heaven’s wrath. Lucifer doesn't want to see Charlie’s dreams get shattered by them like his were long ago. 

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They're on the same page now! Isn't that great?

Desperate to reach each other, Charlie and Lucifer lay their feelings bare in their duet More Than Anything. We see that Lucifer and Charlie are more alike than we think. Charlie was inspired by her father and Lucifer has been looking out for her all along. The two finally reconnect in this heartwarming scene that's sure to bring you a smile.

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Like father, like daughter.


7. Cherri Bomb’s Explosive Entrance - EP6

Cherri Bomb Arrives At The Hotel

It's just another day in the Hazbin Hotel when suddenly a wall gets blown up by a bomb. The smoke clears, revealing the sinner Cherri Bomb who has come to visit her friend Angel Dust. Seeing how worn down Angel is from work, Cherri invites him to an invigorating night out on the town.

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What's up, nerds?

Fans may remember Cherri Bomb from the pilot episode and ADDICT music video, so it was a welcome treat to see her in the final show. Although, it would have been great if she had appeared much sooner. But as they say, better late than never.

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Cherri Bomb, get it?


8. Angel Stands Up To Valentino - EP6


Hazbin Hotel (S01E06): Angel Dust tells Valentino to F*** off

Angel tries to enjoy his night hanging out with friends, but he's been too busy looking after Nifty who can't stop running around the club. He becomes on edge after spotting Valentino but quickly rushes to grab Nifty when he sees her crawling in his direction. Angel doesn't let Valentino ruin his mood and tells him to back off, but Valentino is quick to remind Angel he owns his soul. Well aware of this, Angel clarifies that the terms of their contract are only limited on set and Angel is free to live however he wants outside of work.

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Here's Angel Dust sticking it to that mothman.

Throughout the night, Angel demonstrates signs of redemption as outlined by Heaven. One might believe that he's now worthy of making it into Heaven, but it's not as simple as it seems. In any case, you can see how much Angel has grown from self-deprecating to standing his ground.


9. Courtroom of Revelations - EP6

Charlie Goes to Court | Hazbin Hotel | Prime Video

Act selfless, don't steal, and stick it to the man—those were the three requirements laid out by the angel Adam for a soul to enter Heaven. And yet, when clear evidence of Angel Dust’s redeeming acts is presented to a jury of angels, they begin to ask why he hasn't ascended. Soon, it becomes apparent that nobody knows how a soul gets into Heaven. 

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What do you have to say about that, Sis!

This scene features the song You Didn't Know, a spiral of dark secrets coming to light. The prerequisites for entering Heaven are questioned, and the angels of the court learn of the exterminations that were kept secret by the head seraphim angel, Sera, and Charlie is horrified to hear that her girlfriend is an exorcist angel. The rules aren't so black and white, but Charlie has bigger problems now that Adam has decided to bring the fight right to the Hazbin Hotel's doorstep on the next extermination.

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Local princesses make a scene in a heavenly courtroom.

10. Charlie Flips Off Susan - EP7


Charlie Giving Susan The Bird

Seeking all the help she can get, Charlie attempts to get the residents of Cannibal Town on her side in the fight against the invading angels. Charlie struggles through her speech and the stubborn onlooker Susan who's constantly booing doesn't make it any easier for her. As a result, let's just say Charlie's speech doesn't end very well.

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Given its setting in literal Hell, Hazbin Hotel is a show full of swearing and adult content. Although it's rare, it's no surprise when the Princess of Hell spits out her share of profanities. But hearing a warmhearted soul like Charlie suddenly snap and angrily curse at an old lady holds more impact compared to most instances on the show, not to mention, it's just hilarious.


11. Fighting For Love - EP7

Out For Love - Carmilla Carmine Song

While Charlie is out in Cannibal Town, Vaggie pays a visit to Carmilla in hopes of enlisting her help against the angels. Before Carmilla is convinced, she teaches Vaggie how to beat the angels, pointing out the flaws in Vaggie’s fighting style and revealing the exorcists’ weakness to their angelic weapons. Vaggie and Carmilla face off leading into Carmilla’s second song, Out For Love.

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Show me what you've got!

Carmilla states that Vaggie won't stand a chance if she's only motivated by vengeance. Instead, Vaggie learns to harness the strength in her heart. And in a captivating scene, Vaggie’s broken wings are restored.

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Well, would ya look at that!


12. Rosie Gives Charlie Advice - EP7

Rosie being an Auntie-Therapist in THIS scene

Taking a break from the stage, Rosie sits down with Charlie to get her feelings off her chest. Charlie isn't on edge just because of the angels, she's still weighed down by the fact that Vaggie is an exorcist angel. Rosie helps Charlie to acknowledge Vaggie’s flaws, but more importantly, reflect on what Charlie can take away from Vaggie's actions throughout their relationship.

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Aunt Rosie is the best thing ever.

This scene is sweet because Rosie doesn't judge Charlie's issues and offers a healthy solution to her problems. And so, Charlie returns to the stage with newfound confidence and wins over the cannibals with her song Ready For This. Later on, Charlie and Vaggie reconcile with each other.

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Onward to the feast!


13. Battle For The Hazbin Hotel - EP8


Lucifer Morningstar Fights Adam | Hazbin Hotel | Prime Video

Extermination day has finally come and the angels begin their descent into Hell. Now that Charlie and her troops are ready to take a stand, the last episode of season one is filled with fast-paced action and high stakes. With so much happening in the conflict, it's hard to single out the best moment from the episode. 

But it is worth mentioning that we get to see Charlie utilizing her demonic powers which doesn't happen very often. Vaggie goes toe to toe with Lute, the exorcist who had slashed Vaggie's left eye and wings. Plus we get an awesome fight between Lucifer and Adam.

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The ultimate battle is finally here!

14. Sir Pentious’ Sacrifice & Redemption - EP8


Lucifer Morningstar Fights Adam | Hazbin Hotel | Prime Video

During the battle against the angels, Sir Pentious notices an opening to strike Adam in the sky. Before Pentious makes his way to his airship, he courageously confesses his love to Cherri Bomb and leaves her with a kiss. Now in the airship, Sir Pentious prepares to fire his death ray, but nothing comes of it as Adam blasts Pentious right out of the sky. In the blink of an eye, all traces of Sir Pentious and his egg minions are gone.

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Look at those sparks fly!

Everyone was devastated by the loss of Sir Pentious, but he died a winner. No one would’ve ever guessed that Pentious would respawn at the seraphim's gates, thus earning himself a spot in Heaven. Now that Sir Pentious is the first known sinner to have been redeemed, one can only wonder what this means for Heaven and the future of the Hazbin Hotel.

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“Fire!” What a trooper!

15. Finale - EP8

The Show Must Go On | Hazbin Hotel | Prime Video

Now that Adam is dead, the battle is over and the angels are forced to retreat. Charlie and her friends now have to pick up the pieces and rebuild, but they can't forget to pay their respects to Sir Pentious. Nothing can keep this crew down for long though as there's still more to come.

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The show must go on!

Now that the show’s over, there's still a handful of lingering mysteries. The Radio Demon, Alastor's seven-year absence and his deal with an unknown party, Sir Pentious’ status as a redeemed sinner, and the last-minute reveal of Charlie's mother, Lillith, lounging in Heaven… All of these new developments have us all wondering what's going to happen in the next season of Hazbin Hotel.

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I wonder what her deal's all about.


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