[Top 5] Gwent Best Monster Decks

Gwent Best Monster Decks
23 Jul 2020

Since this Faction is a recommended starter, it has its quirks. And with this article you’ll get a bit of everything these beasties have to offer. Time for the monsters to overrun the humans and non-humans, let us get started.

5. The Crones

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The Crones and their infinite wisdom make for terrifying opponents.

This for those interested in a good use of the Crones majesty. This deck is great for control. Meaning reactive to and disruption of opponent’s strategies to bring about their win conditions. 

Good things about this deck: 

  • Lots of removal potential, meaning ability to clear out strong enemy units. 
  • Able to have extra boosts to play to create a stronger unit in late game. 
  • And has quite the ability to answer most situations. 


  • Magic Lamp 
  • Renew 
  • Vigo’s Muzzle 
  • Royal Decree 
  • Yghern 
  • Naglfar 
  • Ozzrel 
  • Whispess: Tribute 
  • Adda: Striga 
  • Whispess 
  • Brewess 
  • Weavess 
  • Queen of the Night 
  • Lacerate 
  • Parasite 
  • Bomb Heaver 
  • Drowner 
  • Endrega Larva x2 
  • Natural Selection x2 
  • Endrega Warrior x2 
  • Endrega Eggs x2 
  • Wild Hunt Warrior 

4. Wild Hunt Devotion

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One Auberon was ruthless enough, how about two?

The wild hunt, seeking new worlds to dominate. Bringing these units to your monsters will give you many ways to increase the hunts potential. A deck with high value units and ways to out boost your adversaries. 

Good things about this deck: 

  • Many veil units, keeping themselves from being poisoned or bled out. 
  • Frost, damaging enemy units while boosting and playing your own from the deck. 
  • Lots of high value units/tall units. 


  • Magic Lamp 
  • Auberon King 
  • Ard Gaeth 
  • Eredin Bréacc Glas 
  • Naglfar 
  • Imlerith’s Wrath 
  • Golyat 
  • Nithral 
  • Winter Queen 
  • Caranthir Ar-Feiniel 
  • Adda: Striga 
  • The Beast 
  • The Apiarian Phantom 
  • Parasite 
  • Red Riders 
  • Wild Hunt Bruiser x2 
  • Naglfar’s Taskmaster 
  • Wild Hunt Hound x2 
  • Wild Hunt Rider x2 
  • Naglfar’s Crew x2 
  • Aen Elle Conqueror x2 

3. [TLG]Deathwish Midrange

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As Dettlaff takes the field many of the units have grown quite strong.

These units are hungry for conquest and each other. The plays you can get with these units is flexible against most factions. Able to effect enemy strategies, breaking their game plan and win condition. 

Good things about this deck: 

  • Comes with bleed units and attacking units, which aid in weakening adversaries. 
  • A very well-rounded midrange deck, it allows bullying of the opponent while building points. 
  • Long games are quite viable through the many Devotion and Thrive allies. 


  • Tactical Advantage 
  • Auberon King 
  • Yghern 
  • Dettlaff: Higher Vampire 
  • Naglfar 
  • Miruna 
  • Ozzrel 
  • Golyat 
  • Winter Queen 
  • Adda: Striga 
  • The Beast 
  • The Apiarian Phantom 
  • Werecat 
  • Parasite 
  • Red Riders x2 
  • Naglfar’s Taskmaster 
  • Drowner 
  • Endrega Larva x2 
  • Aen Elle Conqueror x2 
  • Plumard x2 
  • Bruxa x2 

2. Keltullis’s Shadow

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Keltullis will burn away the field with the greater numbers.

Monsters that are more than willing to devour everything and burn away the weak. A great deck for beating back your opponent’s plays. And it doubles that power by minimizing allies on the field by Devouring each other. 

Good things about this deck: 

  • Push rounds even on a pass when the main card, Keltullis is played. 
  • Many answers to enemy plays to have them play out as you need them to. 
  • Having fewer units is actually viable. 


  • Tactical Advantage 
  • Keltullis 
  • Oneiromancy 
  • Yghern 
  • Cave Trolls 
  • Matta Hu’uri 
  • Ozzrel 
  • Imlerith’s Wrath 
  • Caranthir Ar-Feiniel 
  • Pugo Boom-Breaker 
  • The Beast 
  • The Apiarian Phantom 
  • Penitent 
  • Parasite 
  • Slyzard 
  • Barghest x2 
  • Naglfar’s Taskmaster 
  • Strays of Spalla 
  • Endrega Larva 
  • Thaw x2 
  • Pact x2 
  • Endrega Warrior 
  • Bruxa 

1. Fruits of Etheral

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Demons take the field, as larva become demons.

One fruit giving birth to an army of demons. Gives the leader ability, Fruits of Ysgith, its due since leader abilities can be under powered. A fun deck and one with incredibly insane plays. 

Good things about this deck: 

  • Able to punish tall, high powered units. 
  • And incredible in long rounds. 
  • A very active row fill deck. 


  • Magic Lamp 
  • Haunt 
  • Oneiromancy 
  • Yghern 
  • Dettlaff: Higher Vampire 
  • Geralt: Igni 
  • Ethereal 
  • Ozzrel 
  • Golyat 
  • Caranthir Ar-Feiniel 
  • The Beast 
  • Barghest x2 
  • Naglfar’s Taskmaster 
  • Endrega Larva x2 
  • Noonwraith x2 
  • Endrega Warrior x2 
  • Foglet x2 
  • Nightwraith x2 
  • Bruxa x2

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