[Guide] God of War Ragnarok Difficulty Levels Explained - Choosing Best The Difficulty For You

26 Jun 2023

5. Give Me Story

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Give Me Story is intended for players who wish to put their primary attention on the narrative, with combat becoming much more straightforward when this option is chosen. It's an excellent option for individuals who are either new to the hack-and-slash genre or who are already aware of how difficult it is, as players should consider it to be a very easy mode.

How it works:

  • Enemies deal minimal damage and act with less aggression 
  • Enemies are stunned and damaged easily
  • Users have increased resistance to status effect 

Choose this difficulty if…

  • You favor a more calm and approachable gaming atmosphere.
  • The narrative aspects of the game are what you should pay the most attention to.
  • If you're unfamiliar with the God of War series, you might want to read the first book without facing any more difficulties.
  • Without the stress of challenging combat encounters, you want to explore the game's universe and lore.
  • You favor a more relaxed and less intense game environment.

4. Give Me Grace

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Give Me Grace is essentially God of War Ragnarok's soft setting. Although enemies are a little tougher than in Give Me Story mode, they should still be easy to defeat. Similar to Give Me Story mode, Give Me Grace lets players concentrate on the narrative while simultaneously giving them a taste of the game's combat.

How it works:

  • Enemies gain more Health
  • Numerous buffs to overall stats
  • Enemies have increased aggression and damage

Choose this difficulty if…

  • You want a game that is somewhat difficult and finds a balance between gameplay and narrative.
  • You like engaging in difficult combat situations, but you also want to take in the game's story.
  • You're familiar with the God of War series and seeking a fair test of your abilities without being overpowered.
  • You value a decent balance of battle and exploration, along with a degree of difficulty and room for strategic thought.


​3. Give Me Balance

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Give Me Balance, which is a God of War game's default difficulty setting, corresponds to the game's normal mode. Combat is harsh but nevertheless reasonably forgiving, including checkpoints in some boss battles to take into consideration difficulty spikes. Most players will likely find Give Me Balance to be the optimum difficulty setting.

How it Works:

  • Default

Choose this difficult if…

  • You want a well-rounded gaming experience that mixes difficult combat situations with interesting narrative.
  • You have a fair and smooth progression through the game's difficulties.
  • A gratifying level of difficulty is one that challenges your abilities without getting too challenging or overpowering.
  • You value a balance of puzzles, exploration, and combat with an emphasis on a dependable and fun experience.

2. Give Me No Mercy

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The game's hard mode, Give Me No Mercy, is advised for players with advanced combat abilities. Timing parries and blocks become far more crucial than in easier settings, and boss bouts no longer have checkpoints, so if a player runs out of health, they must start over from the beginning.

How it works:

  • Enemies have increased aggression, damage, and status effects
  • Most enemies gain +50 in health

Choose this difficulty if…

  • You seek out fighting situations that are really challenging and demanding.
  • You take pleasure in challenging, demanding gameplay that tests your limits.
  • You want to put your abilities and command of the game's mechanics to the test because you are an experienced player.
  • You are prepared to put forth time and effort necessary to overcome challenging obstacles and vanquish formidable opponents. 

1. Give Me God of War

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Give Me God of War is not for the faint of heart. Players should think of it as an ultra-hard mode, in which lightning-fast reflexes are required. Unlike the game's other difficulty settings, players will only be able to select Give Me God of War mode from the start of the game and will not be able to re-select it if they lower the difficulty setting midway through their playthrough. It's very much a mode for experts and one that most players will find a little too challenging.

How it Works:

  • Effects that enemies put on you last longer and come with additional penalties 
  • Enemies take less damage
  • Enemies are harder to apply status to.

Choose this difficulty if…

  • You want to put your fighting prowess and endurance to the absolute limit.
  • You appreciate challenges that are extremely difficult and are ready to be pushed to their absolute limits.
  • You are ready for the most difficult battles and encounters since you have a thorough understanding of the game rules.
  • You are prepared to put forth a lot of time and effort into completing the game's most difficult challenges and learning how to master it.

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